MANDISA is back with a NEW CD “OUT OF THE DARK”.
Story Behind The Album: com/watch?v=Df27myDpm1c
Acoustic Video for “Unfinished”: https://www. IQFpXcvFI0A
Purchase link: OutOfTheDark.all?IQid=flyby
Mandisa wrote her song “Overcomer” in 2013 to encourage her close friend Kisha, who was battling breast cancer. Mandisa really believed and prayed that God was going to heal her, but when Kisha went to be with Jesus in 2014, Mandisa’s foundation was shaken in a way she never expected. She fell into a deep pit of depression for close to 3 years, shutting out her friends, family and the rest of the world. Mandisa believes if she had kept going down that road she was on, she would not be here today… but God stepped in and lifted her out of that pit by using her close friends to communicate their love for her and God’s love for her. This album is Mandisa’s way of letting her fans into her story – it’s called ‘Out Of The Dark’ because that is exactly where God lifted her out of!
You can watch her talk openly about this on Good Morning America here: GMA/video/mandisa-opens- overcoming-depression-47020463
My Thoughts:
I have been a long-time supporter of Mandisa’s. I remember her way back when she was on American Idol, and Simon Cowell made that remark about her weight for which he later apologized. I remember how the homosexual community was up in arms about her remarks concerning them (she is a conservative Christian who is unapologetic about her views), and they sought to take her down. And eventually, they were a contributing force. But this girl did not stop.
I remember discovering her CD’s at the library some time later. And then I had the opportunity to attend a Women of Faith Conference, and guess who was there! I fell in love with her story, enjoyed her concert, and even bought both of her albums! I was all about Mandisa. She was one who could lift me up and really speak to me.
I hadn’t thought about her for a while until I heard about this new CD of hers coming out. I remember her sharing at that event how she had lost her weight, but to see her recent crisis of faith in which she had been thrust and how she came out of it was unbelievable! No doubt, God is not finished with her yet!
As to my thoughts, I absolutely loved every single track. Yes, the music is rather “rocky” at times, but Mandisa is one who “tells it like it is.” If you listen to the words of every song, you will know exactly where she is with the Lord. Yes, she questioned her faith, and let’s be honest, haven’t we all done that at some point? And she has come back with a powerful set of songs that will inspire you to a deeper walk with the King of kings and the Lord of lords!
One song has become my anthem. I am one whose mission has become so clear in the past couple of years. I never would have dreamed that God would have placed me in an area of ministry where I am constantly inspiring and encouraging those in the film and television community. It is an awesome responsibility, but one that God has ordained. And when Mandisa sang The One He Speaks Through, needless to say, I lost it. I was driving at the time, and I had to get a hold of myself lest I lost control out on the road. That song is the cry of my heart. I have learned to listen to the promptings of the Spirit of God in a way I never did before over the last year or two, and this is the song I could literally listen to on repeat and never grow tired of it.
Well, I have a very special surprise for all of you! If you live in the continental U.S., you can win a copy of this CD for yourself by entering the giveaway form below by May 29th at 9 P.M. Pacific time! Yes, you can, and I hope all of you do just that! But if you don’t want to wait, be sure to check out the links above to buy a copy of the CD today!
Best of Wishes and God bless!
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