Interview With Actress Samantha Ferris, “Gourmet Detective”

By Ruth on October 2, 2016 in Interview, movie, television

As one who squandered way too much of her life as a woman who rarely spoke her mind and tried to fit into every mold I was given, in recent years, I have grown to highly respect those women who are strong and assert themselves with no apologies to anyone. And it just so happens that Samantha Ferris is one of those actresses who portrays roles just like that. No matter where you see her whether on the SyFy channel or over on the Hallmark network, she plays those kind of stalwart women who emit the kind of aura that lets everyone know that “she is in charge.” Recently, this very busy lady agreed to answer a few questions about her career as well as the various roles she has been privileged to play.


RH: What inspired you to become an actress?  What kind of training have you had? 

SF: I have always been a bit of a performer. I have been a radio announcer for over twenty-five years, did TV stuff….but didn’t take the plunge into acting until I was twenty-eight. One day, I woke up at a low point in life: my dad had just died, I didn’t like my boyfriend, and hated my job. The realization came to me that life was short and that I should be chasing my dream job. That was acting. My life changed overnight. I quit my job, dumped my boyfriend, got head shots and a bartending job, and went in search of an agent. I never looked back. Formal training? None. You are either born for this or you aren’t. I was. I knew it was what I was meant to be doing.

It seems like so much of your work has been in the sci-fi genre. What have been some of your favorite roles in that genre? Why do they stand out?

I’ve had many great roles, but Ellen Harvelle on Supernatural has been my favourite character to play. What’s not to like? She’s a gun-toting, bar-owning broad. Not far from my own personality. She does everything fiercely and with great passion. I tend to get the “large and in charge” roles. My voice and personality are big and strong and lend themselves to the more ass-kicking roles.

wp-1473745953321.jpgI think your longest-running role in a series has been in The 4400. How did you get that role? What was that experience like in that show? 

I almost didn’t get the job on The 4400. It was close, but I wasn’t the first choice. Another actor (from LA) got the role, but was having a few challenges at the time and had to bow out of the role. I got the call the night before shooting….and I had twelve long pages of dialogue to learn. Nerve-wracking! But I went on to do two seasons of the show and had a great time doing it. The premise of the show was GREAT: over a couple of decades, 4400 people disappeared from earth, and then all came back in a ball of light, each with a “superpower” of sorts. The show revolved around these two agents tracking down these people and trying to make sense of their power and containing it. I played their boss. Cool stuff.

I think your first Hallmark movie was Let It Snow. What do you like about working for Hallmark? 

I have done a number of Hallmark movies. Hallmark has an upbeat and wholesome vibe to it. They don’t tend to go after the dark and depressing stuff, but more happy-ending shows. Nothing too heavy. It’s kinda refreshing compared to what you see on TV these days. Their shows always leave you with a positive feeling. And I always get to play the rather loud, boisterous woman. Lots of personality. Fun.

What drew you to the role of Captain Forsyth in The Gourmet Detective?  Had you worked previously with any of the main cast?

No, haven’t worked with them before, but they are a great bunch. Lots of love in that crew. Dylan {Neal}, Brooke {Burns}, Matt {Matthew Kevin Anderson} and Marc {Senior}. We have always had a lot of fun. No prima donnas, just lovely people. Not sure what the future holds, but crossing my fingers for a fourth installment! Forsyth is a comfortable pair of shoes for me. A role I know well. “Large and in charge,” right?

Samantha Ferris as Captain Forsyth

Samantha Ferris as Captain Forsyth

What is the on-set filming atmosphere of The Gourmet Detective like? What are your impressions of working with Dylan Neal and Brooke Burns?

Great. We shoot on Vancouver Island so it’s a much smaller community, and the crew is small. Brooke and Dylan are very gracious. There was always a warm and inviting vibe. Like family.

With the third Gourmet Detective film coming out October 9, what can we expect to see from your character and the story (without spoiling the story)?

Much of the same as the past two. I play the boss. The Captain. So my role pretty much stays the same….chasing those knuckleheads around and making sure they don’t get into too much trouble.

If there is a fourth Gourmet Detective,  what do you hope for your character and the story in the next installment? 

I’d love to see a more personal side of Captain Forsyth. She’s tough and no nonsense. All business. I’m not sure I see that changing. That is really what I’m there to deliver.

Do you have any other upcoming works that you can mention? 

I just finished a Hallmark movie called The Irresistible Blueberry Farm with Alison Sweeney and Shirley Jones. It premieres Sunday, October 2, on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Network. So make sure you tune in!

wp-1473745978419.jpgDo you have any plans to eventually write/direct/produce? 

Naw, in film and TV, I just want to be an actor, but I do want to write a book. Inspiration/motivation with a hint of spirituality. I’m a big fan of manifest destiny; I believe that we have control over our lives by what we say, think, and put out into the universe. Our thoughts and what we think about ourselves are very powerful. I’ve been reading that stuff for decades. One day I’d like to put it all down on paper. Help people realize their dreams.

You often play strong women who can take care of themselves. Some would argue that strong women cannot be all that feminine and that can be a “turn-off” to men. What would be your response to women who are concerned that their strength may be seen as too aggressive or not feminine? 

As my mother said, I “weed out the wimps”. Nobody looking for a quiet little wallflower comes anywhere near Sam Ferris. Lol. I give off a vibe of strength and independence. I am who I am. I am strong, gregarious, and powerful, and have NO problem finding friends and/or lovers who embrace that. If someone is turned off by who you are, screw ’em. Gotta be true to who you are. You can’t be what you think someone else wants you to be. You’ll be miserable. I know who I am and I make no apologies. Large and in charge, right?



Samantha did not disappoint in any of her responses, and it was such a joy to review her answers as she demonstrates that she knows exactly who she is, and she lives her life in such a way that she doesn’t explain herself to anyone. I cannot thank Hallmark enough for employing her in these boisterous roles that add a bit of levity and a lot of character to every film in which we are privileged to see her. Without Hallmark, I probably wouldn’t have been aware of her talent, and now I have begun to check out her other works as well which are equally entertaining. Personally speaking, I hope she does get that inspirational book written as I believe it would be no nonsense, plain and simple, and it would serve to aid other women in seeing that we do not have to fit into anyone’s concept of who we should be as women. Society, the media, and even those closest to us have no right to tell us how we should act in any situation, and by acquiescing, too many of us females have nearly lost our identity. I want to acknowledge Samantha for demonstrating just how bold and beautiful women can be and for modeling how we get to be the ones to choose what kind of women we are in this society no matter what anyone else maintains. Be sure that you watch Samantha on October 2nd in The Irresistible Blueberry Farm, and don’t forget to come back to the same network to watch Death Al Dente: A Gourmet Detective Mystery next week October 9th! How blessed we all are to be treated to two films starring this incomparable actress right here at the beginning of October! Oh, and be sure to follow Samantha at the links below as her words of simple, humorous and sometimes provocative wisdom are often the very jolt I need from time to time. Oh, and you can also keep up with her numerous works as well!





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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Maryann D. October 9, 2016 Reply

    I do think “What inspired you to become an actress?” is a terrific question to ask. This is a super interview.

    • Author
      Ruth October 9, 2016 Reply

      Maryann thank you. I don’t always ask the question the same way because sometimes that question throws people off, but I try to always ask similar questions

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