“Cedar Cove” Season 3 Premiere Review

By Ruth on July 16, 2015 in movie, review, television

If you are interested in reading my reviews on previous seasons of Cedar Cove, check out the links below:

Season 1

Season 2

In the dramatic return to Cedar Cove, Olivia and Jack take time apart after her devastating discovery of his relapse, leading them both on a painful search for forgiveness. A confident-and handsome-new District Attorney shows up in Olivia’s courtroom and makes a move for her attention, while Grace weighs a surprise proposal and a new job opportunity in the community, and Justine attempts to find happiness with Luke. And when the whole town comes together for a good cause, Jack will prove everyone deserves a second chance when he presents Olivia with a plan for moving forward.


For those who unfamiliar with my reviews, I can promise that I do my utmost to ensure that my reviews are spoiler-free. However, there are some things in my review that may reveal information of which you are unaware. I try to only reveal what has been shared via social media. But if you have not seen those posts, what I share here may “spoil” your viewing experience. Therefore, do not continue to read if you are concerned about spoilers.

My Review:

As I began to watch the premiere, I was so thrilled to discover that this episode began right where last season concluded. It was as if no time had passed. And so the fallout began. No spoilers here, but within the first five minutes, an abundance of questions from last season were answered. I applaud the writers for doing that. In fact, it was during those early minutes that an explosive event happened (I’m not going to say what that event is, but it did involve my favorite couple).

andie as olivia

Andie MacDowell as Judge Olivia Lockhart

Of course, Andie MacDowell has returned to her role of “the judge with heart.” As Olivia, we see her a bit more cautious regarding her relationship with Jack. She was wounded by his deception last season, and that is  reflected in her interactions with him. Notwithstanding, Andie brings all the warmth, wisdom, and gentle firmness to this role that she always has. Andie has so embraced this role that sometimes I cannot see her as any other character. I now have the honor of having “met” her through an interview Huffington Post Live did earlier this month (if you have not seen that interview, check it out here–I’m at the end), and I can say as a person that she is as sweet and pleasant as she appears.  There is no doubt that she adores playing the role of Olivia, and there could be no one better.  I look forward to seeing her character’s journey this season.

Julie Benson as Jeri Dylan Neal as Jack Griffith

Julia Benson as Jeri
Dylan Neal as Jack Griffith

Dylan Neal returns to play Jack, but he is indeed a broken man who has come to terms with his gaffe at the end of last season. He also has other concerns–his son Eric and his granddaughter Adele. I won’t tell you what happens with that story as it’s a major spoiler. But what I will say is that Dylan plays Jack exactly as he should. His character realizes he must “pull out all the steps” in order for Olivia to have her faith in him restored. Though embarrassed and worried, I think that is what it took for Jack to realize just how much Olivia means to him.  And I was delighted to see how the writers handled Jack’s drinking issue. Dylan, of course, is as dazzling as he always is. It is gratifying to see that his character’s cockiness towards the end of last season is gone, and all I can say is that I trust at the end of this season, Jack and Olivia will finally be together–that is my most sincere hope, but I have to admit that after seeing the premiere, a part of me is skeptical concerning their roseate future.


CEDAR COVE - In the dramatic return to Cedar Cove, Olivia and Jack take time apart after her devastating discovery of his relapse, leading them both on a painful search for forgiveness. A confident-and handsome-new District Attorney shows up in Olivia's courtroom and makes a move for her attention, while Grace weighs a surprise proposal and a new job opportunity in the community, and Justine attempts to find happiness with Luke. And when the whole town comes together for a good cause, Jack will prove everyone deserves a second chance when he presents Olivia with a plan for moving forward.  Photo: Colin Ferguson, Andie MacDowell  Credit: Copyright 2015 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

Colin Ferguson as Paul & Andie MacDowell as Olivia

New this season is the character of Paul, the incoming district attorney. He is played by Colin Ferguson, and I have to acknowledge I am not a fan of this character. Nothing against Colin, but after seeing the premiere, it’s clear that he could jeopardize the future of Jack and Olivia. And for that, I am not very optimistic. I realize that shows need conflict, and in the end, maybe Paul will be good for Jack and Olivia as it might make Jack move faster than he would have. As to Colin, since I have only seen him in one episode, I will reserve judgment on him for now.  I believe that it is always difficult for a new actor to come into an established show, but Andie has assured us that Colin is an accomplished actor and has added an impressive dimension to the show. So for now, I’ll take Andie’s word on that, and I’ll let you know more in the future as I get used to this new character.

barbara 1

Barbara Niven as Peggy Beldon & Bruce Boxleitner as Bob Beldon

I can’t tell you how ecstatic I am to see this couple return! And the story that Peggy and Bob have during this premiere is fraught with humor! I loved seeing Peggy and Moon work their magic, and poor Bob often got caught in the crossfire. You will see how Bob and Jack interact as a result of Jack’s slip (remember that Bob is Jack’s sponsor). And Peggy has bounced back after delivering her “slap heard around the world,” and her character is positively enchanting. I admire the way Barbara and Bruce interact, and I was so exhilarated that both had more screen time during the premiere. No one could play these parts with such prowess, warmth, and sweetness. And it goes without saying that these two are delightfully talented actors who can tackle any story line that comes their way and make it look effortless. I greatly anticipate seeing more of them throughout this season.

CEDAR COVE - In the dramatic return to Cedar Cove, Olivia and Jack take time apart after her devastating discovery of his relapse, leading them both on a painful search for forgiveness. A confident-and handsome-new District Attorney shows up in Olivia's courtroom and makes a move for her attention, while Grace weighs a surprise proposal and a new job opportunity in the community, and Justine attempts to find happiness with Luke. And when the whole town comes together for a good cause, Jack will prove everyone deserves a second chance when he presents Olivia with a plan for moving forward.  Photo: Jesse Hutch, Sarah Smyth  Credit: Copyright 2015 Crown Media United States, LLC/Photographer: Eike Schroter

Jesse Hutch as Luke & Sarah Smyth as Justine

This couple truly enticed me to fall in love with them during the premiere. I was always the one who rooted for Justine and Seth, and I was a very hard sell when it came to Luke. Don’t get me wrong–I had nothing against Jesse Hutch.  Goodness no, he was always stellar in his role. But I just didn’t know if his character and Justine should be together.  And last season was a particularly difficult one for Justine (even though Sarah Smyth was always a sweetheart). As I watched the premiere, I saw how well these characters connected on the screen.  Justine and Luke seem like they fit together like a glove, and I think I can even say I prefer Jesse and Sarah on-screen now. They have won me over, and I feel like the writers have finally got Justine headed in the right direction. It just seems like these two play their roles in exemplary fashion, and I can hardly wait to see what the future holds for them this season.

cindy busby (3)

Cindy Busby as Rebecca Jennings

I was quite pleased to see Cindy Busby reprise her role as Rebecca Jennings, and her character still has a lot to learn. Although Rebecca and Olivia have reached an understanding, there are some potential fireworks between her and Paul. I have to say that I like what the writers did with her character, and I am secretly hoping that somehow she and Paul get together (I’m probably way off target here, but one can dream, right?).  I was also delighted at the direction of the story line in relation to Justine–again no spoilers. You’ll soon see. What I can say is that Cindy plays her part with just as much passion as she did last season, but possibly those rough edges are starting to smooth a bit. I was glad to see that she had a heart, but I have a sense there will be some conflict coming her way this season. We shall see.

Rebecca Marshall as Alex

Rebecca Marshall as Alex

I was most enthusiastic to see what they did with Alex’s character. When Rebecca Marshall’s character showed up at Cliff’s ranch last season, I was not a happy camper. And the finale truly upset me, but I never doubted Cliff. Something had to happen with Alex, and this season, it definitely has. I couldn’t see past Alex’s behavior last season to develop any affinity for her, but this season, the writers were kind enough to give her a nice, juicy role. If you have seen the previews, you know that her character comes to work for Warren. What’s really ironic is that at the end of last season, those of us who are fiercely devoted to Cliff suggested that Alex and Warren should get together. And that is my sincere desire this season. I definitely prefer seeing Rebecca Marshall playing Alex in this fashion, and I think it has given her more of a chance to show off her acting skills and versatility. She is one I definitely anticipate watching this season.

Timothy Webber as Moon

Timothy Webber as Moon

And we can all breathe a sigh of relief since Timothy Webber is back as the beloved Moon. His part in the premiere is so much fun, and just wait until you see him with Peggy! How can you not like Moon? There is no doubt that he will continue to have an integral role in this community of Cedar Cove, and I will always find him a source of true wit and wisdom.

Brennan Elliott as Warren Saget

Brennan Elliott as Warren Saget

The character I found most intriguing in the premiere was this guy here–Warren Saget played by Brennan Elliott. Ever since season two, I have been a “#warrenite,” and Warren has been that bad guy whom you love to hate. I wasn’t sure what direction they would take his story this season, but someone smiled on him, and Warren was given a fantastic story line this season. And no doubt Brennan is up for this story line and definitely deserves it. Finally, we get some back story on Warren Saget, and we even begin to see what makes him tick. I was completely blown away by the incomparable way Brennan played Warren–I mean I always am, but he raised the bar during the premiere. Although I will always have a soft spot for Cliff (whom I’ll cover in a moment), I can’t help but admit that Warren just may steal the show this year. After all, Brennan is such a charismatic actor, and he brings such a depth to the character of Warren as no one else could, so it’s about time he gets a riveting storyline. I anticipate the remainder of Warren’s story this year, and no matter what you may think about Warren, I predict you just might like him this year.

teryl rothery season 3

Teryl Rothery as Grace Sherman

When it comes to Grace, she always holds a special place in my heart. In spite of any indecisiveness last season, I still adore this character and always will. And Teryl Rothery plays her as no other could. During the premiere, she is one busy lady, but I won’t tell you what happens lest I spoil it for you.  But she is a big part of the explosive first five minutes. Not only that, but Grace assumes more responsibilities this season–you’ll see what I mean when you see the premiere. No matter what, Teryl brings all the beauty, charm, wit, and grace to her role that she always does. I can hardly wait to see if her happy ending occurs this season.

Sebastian Spence as Cliff Harting & Teryl Rothery as Grace Sherman

Sebastian Spence as Cliff Harting & Teryl Rothery as Grace Sherman

Easily nicknamed as “Cedar Cove’s Sweethearts,” this is the couple who enthralls me more than anyone else on the show. Again, Teryl and Sebastian have such an amazing online chemistry and ease together that I never can get enough of this couple. You’ll notice this hashtag on twitter that my friend and I started #teamcliffandgrace, and all we can hope is that wedding bells come their way this year (I have heard that there is some fancy event that occurs later on this season–could it be?)  While I would have liked to have seen these two together more on the screen during the premiere, I am confident that as the season continues, my dreams will be satisfied.

Sebastian Spence as Cliff Harting

Sebastian Spence as Cliff Harting

Because I believe in always saving the best for last, I typically put Sebastian Spence at the end of any review where he is featured. Those of you who have any remote interest in my blog or social media accounts will know of my fierce devotion to my friend, and I always ask for his character to be featured more in any show or film where he appears. So of course, it was a bit of a let down to only see Cliff in about ten minutes of the premiere when so many others of my favorites had longer parts. But then I reminded myself that this was just the premiere, and I am sure he will have some more footage and sensational story lines in the upcoming weeks.

As to Cliff’s performance in the premiere, what can I say? Sebastian is a seasoned actor who always immerses himself fully in whatever role he does.  And it is incontestable that he has a special affinity for and connection with Cliff Harting.  He is the consummate professional in every scene he does, and I never doubt his credibility. In fact, I think he is so closely identified with this character in my heart that I sometimes forget he is acting. Cliff gets some magnificent footage in this premiere, and even though it is short, it is charming and masterful. No matter what character with whom he interacts, he is always the principled cowboy, and with Grace, he wears his heart on his sleeve. I can hardly wait to see more of Cliff’s story throughout the weeks to come, and as soon as you see the premiere, you’ll understand why I call the premiere explosive.

So don’t forget–tune in on Saturday, July 18th to the Hallmark channel, and you will see the most-anticipated premiere of the summer.

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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Cristal April 24, 2018 Reply

    I’m currently hooked on this show through a Dvd set. I just finished series 2, anticipating 3. I heard their was not a fourth Series. So for shame if Season 3 leaves us in suspense of 4 that may never take place.
    So I’ll have to read the book! I’m sure it’s a great read and can fill the void of the unfinished Movie Series.

  2. irena October 31, 2016 Reply

    In the book seth and Justine are married but in the show they broke up. I wanted them together.

    • Author
      Ruth October 31, 2016 Reply

      There were lots of problems with Cedar Cove unfortunately when it made its way to TV. I was like you, but I love Jesse Hutch, so for me, it was a great addition. I don’t know if the actor who played Seth was unable to continue on the show or what exactly happened.

  3. Cassidy ciazza morelli July 21, 2015 Reply

    Good for Jack!! Progress!

  4. denise low July 18, 2015 Reply

    I would like to see all the seasons. Thank you for the review.

  5. Kathy Helms July 17, 2015 Reply

    YOU MEAN COWBOY CLIFF IS ONLY ON 10 MINUTES OF THE 2 HOUR PREMIER? Was hoping for more! Hope he gets more screen time in the future.

    • Author
      Ruth July 17, 2015 Reply

      Yes I hope so too Kathy–I feel the same way of course.

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