“Green Card” Movie Review

By Ruth on March 29, 2015 in movie, review

green card 3Synopsis: A man wanting to stay in the US enters into a marriage of convenience, but it turns into more than that.

Before I begin this review, let me say that this was the first Andie MacDowell movie I ever saw (although I had no idea who she was at the time). It has only been as I have discovered her work in Hallmark’s Cedar Cove that I have begun to explore her anew and make those connections. This movie made an indelible imprint on my mind when I watched it years ago, but it was only in the past month that I looked it up and watched it again with fresh eyes.

Additionally, I honestly have no real content advisory. I noticed that some people claimed this movie was full of profanity, but dear reader, that is not the case. This movie has such minimal profanity that it is barely worth mentioning. There are no bedroom scenes, and traditional values are even stressed within the storyline. It may be a bit too slow-moving for some children, but there is nothing inappropriate and may be enjoyed for family viewing.

green card 2For me, the casting on this film was positively stellar! Andie MacDowell plays the charming Bronte who is the almost polar opposite of the utterly lovable Georges portrayed by Gérard Depardieu.  I realize there are other actors in the film, but for the purposes of this review, I am concentrating on these two principals. Quite sincerely it is their chemistry and outstanding interaction that makes this film the delight that it is.

green card 5Evidently I founds that as I searched through Gérard’s other works, it looks as though I may have seen him in other works, but this is the only thing for which I remember him. And memorable he is too! I found him an absolute delight to watch as he appeared to be naive and not always “there,” but in truth his character knew more about life than Andie’s Bronte any day. His sense of comedic timing absolutely floored me at times, and it is his charmingly unconventional persona that makes this film work. He is quirky, but he is precisely enchanting. He is a true gentleman without being a stuffed shirt. And he always says what everyone else wouldn’t due to societal propriety. Any woman would be blessed to have a Georges in her life! Gérard’s acting is absolutely spot on and flawless.

green card 6

Together, he and Andie are so amusing to watch. Andie’s character is the total opposite of Georges, but that’s what things work so immensely well. They often say opposites attract, and this movie demonstrates just how a relationship like that can work.

green card 1Additionally, I love the fact that this movie holds to high moral standards. Lying and cheating is shown to not be the right way to handle things. Also, sleeping together before marriage is truly frowned upon. As a Christian, I love it when I see films where these high moral values are personified. Yes, part of the humor is that they are trying to subvert the law, but in so doing, the audience sees the wrongs and ridiculous nature of doing things the wrong way. Liars and cheaters never succeed.

green card 4For me, Andie is the entire reason I chose to watch this film again after so many years. Although the character of Georges is such a treat to watch, her character of Bronte is one with whom I can identify. Although I am not a gardener, botanist, nor outspoken environmentalist (I care about these things but they are not my passions), I can sense within the character of Bronte some of the same things I hold dear. Her character wants to have her life planned out in such a perfect way, and yet Georges enters her life and sets her free. I know that feeling oh too well in my own life as my world has expanded over the past few months.

Andie’s portrayal of this character is absolutely impeccable just like  in any of her other roles. Although I am still new to the world of Andie MacDowell filmography, I have seen a few, and the thing I can always count on with her portrayal of any character is that she is a natural. She fits any role into which they place her, and she puts her heart fully into the role. I would struggle seeing her play an evil role (probably because I know her such a charming, sweet, and vibrant lady), but I’m sure she could do that as well. No doubt she has the gift of being effortless in front of the camera no matter her role.

andie green cardThe other thing about Andie is that she never seems to age–or maybe I should say she just grows more beautiful with age. There are some individuals who can do just that, and she is one of them.  In addition to this, Andie’s smile–no matter the role–is one that can just light up a room. She bring such credibility to her role, and I can hardly wait to examine her entire repertoire of films! This is a journey I am glad I am beginning, and I look forward to seeing many more amazing performances from Andie in the future! And to think if I had never become a Cedar Cove fan, I may have overlooked this truly exquisite actress and her amazing career.

For more information, please check out the following site:



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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Chelsey April 24, 2015 Reply

    This movie is a classic. I’ll have to watch it again! Thanks for the reminder…

  2. Dana Andrakowicz April 20, 2015 Reply

    Loved it!

  3. Barb Stenby April 7, 2015 Reply

    This is my aunts favorite movie. It was good even though I’m not a fan of Depardieu

  4. Sandra Watts April 5, 2015 Reply

    I loved this movie. He is such a oaf in it and yet something so sexy about him. It’s like he grows on you. I have liked him every since I first saw it.

    • Author
      Ruth April 6, 2015 Reply

      I totally agree with you on that point Sandra. His character is fantastic!

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