Goddess Fish: “Moving Violation” by Melanie Jackson Book Tour

By Ruth on March 24, 2015 in blog tour, book, giveaway, interview, promo


Moving Violation

by Melanie Jackson






Welcome to Hope Falls, home of the world’s smallest but smartest detective…


“Moving Violation” is the first book in author Melanie Jackson’s bestselling Chloe Boston Cozy Mystery Series. Within it’s covers we meet the diminutive sleuth Chloe Boston, a member of the Hope Falls Police Department who is stuck in parking enforcement because at 98 pounds, 5 foot nothing, she will never be able to pass the department’s physical entrance exam to become an officer.


In the first installment of this light-hearted cozy mystery series Chloe investigates the death of a local industrialist. Of course, her efforts are hampered by her lack of official status within the department. But there may be another way to achieve her goal of someday becoming a detective. With the aid of her dog, Blue, and her writer’s group, Chloe may just be able to solve Hope Fall’s recent homicide and by so doing impress the new chief of police.


The Chloe Boston cozy mysteries are light airy reads filled with plenty of quirky characters and fast moving plot elements. And the best part is that if you become hooked on the books, as I’m sure you will, there are 21 more of them in the series for you to enjoy.


Fourth Anniversary Illustrated Edition


The fourth anniversary rerelease of this classic series opener includes illustrations by author Lisa Cach as well as bonus material originally released separately under the title the “Chloe Boston Files”.


If you’re looking to spend a pleasant evening snuggled up in a chair by the fire reading a good book then you need look no further — this is the book for you.


Let’s stay in touch…







I ride a bike.


My bike is technically a tricycle, but it is not one of those cute scooters you see senior citizens tooling around in or the kind you rode when you were a kid. No, my bicycle has a third wheel on account of the massive sidecar bolted onto it. The extra appendage was constructed by my father out of another bike and a pile of scrap metal he had lying around in the back of his shop. I think that some of it was plumbing he tore out of the guest bathroom he never finished remodeling. Which may be partly why my mom left him.


Me? My name is Chloe Boston. I’m five foot tall and weigh in at a whopping ninety-eight pounds, sopping wet with my clothes on. I’ve been told that I’m nice to look at, and based on the reaction of most men I meet off the job I suppose it’s true. Maybe because I was an ugly duckling for so many years, I have a hard time believing this.


Regardless of my diminutive size and passable appearance, I’ve always valued the power of my brain above my limited brawn or fairness to the eye. In fact, it’s my brain and not my appearance that usually gets me into trouble and is at the center of the story I’m about to tell you.



AuthorPhoto_MovingViolationAUTHOR Bio and Links:



Melanie has been writing her entire life. In fact, one of her earliest fond memories is receiving an IBM Selectric typewriter for her birthday. After publishing romance novels (Scottish historical and paranormal) for New York based publisher Dorchester Publishing from 1999 to 2010, Melanie chose to begin self-publishing cozy mysteries. Since then she has released the Chloe Boston, Butterscotch Jones, Miss Henry, Wendover House, Kenneth Mayhew and Jane Blackthorn Mystery series.


Melanie Jackson is the award-winning author of more than one hundred novels and novellas published in various languages. She lives with her writer husband and her bossy cat in the Sonoma wine country. Besides gardening, she is involved with animal charities.


Interview for My Devotional Thoughts

1. When did you first realize you wanted to become a writer?

I was three and beginning to read and realized that the cover of my favorite book A Visit From St. Nicholas also said ‘by Clement C Moore’. As it dawned on me that the book had been written by someone—not simply appeared by magic like rain or flowers—I knew I wanted to be one of those people who wrote books.

2. When you are writing, what is your work schedule like?

At the beginning stages of a book when the muse has been burning the midnight oil and I awake with material in my head, I sit down to write first thing. Once the first heat of the book has passed I usually manage breakfast before sitting down at the computer. Writing in mainly something I do in the morning when energy is high. Afternoons are reserved for editing or marketing or social media.

3. What kinds of research (if any) did you do for this book?

One would think that with Moving Violation being about a meter maid who wants to be a detective that the research would involve things related to law enforcement—and it did to the degree that I talked to some of the local deputies in the small town where we were living. But mostly it involved figuring out the routes of the local meter maids and using them as blueprint in my mind for Chloe’s route and the timing of her day. Most of the other research involved facts about Washington State—differences in laws (during the course of the series marijuana was legalize as a for instance) and also what sorts of plants and animals live there. These are small details that doesn’t appear a great deal in the story, but I like to know my background environment, to have a complete map of it before beginning a series.

Moving Violation was my first cozy mystery and the book was actually written as a test to see if the series would fly. Could the life of a meter maid be sufficiently interesting to readers? And it turns out that it was. At reader request, we ended up making it available in audio and print as well as e-format, and now also in Spanish. It is a bit of risk but we shall see if the life of a small town meter-maid in Hope Falls, Washington will resonate with other cultures.

4. In your spare time, what do you like to do?

My main enthusiasm is gardening—indoors and out. Right now I am growing African violets from seed. I was shocked at how tiny the seeds are—like dust. And the plants are six months old and still well under an inch tall. I am not sure what I will do with twenty of the same plant, perhaps inflict them on the neighbors for Christmas.

Drought permitting, this year I would like to attempt growing pumpkins hydroponically. I believe that it can be done and with less water than in the ground where much of the moisture bleeds away or evaporates. But pumpkins are water hogs so we need to see what the water rationing situation is looking like before I decide to do this.

5. If you could have dinner with 3 people living or dead, who would you choose and why?

Alexandre Dumas—with him cooking the meal. The man was an amazing chef and gave tremendous dinner parties. He also had a lightning fast mind and was a warm and jolly host.

Ninon De L’enclos (seventeenth century feminists, writer and editor who ran the best literary salon in Paris).

Christopher Marlowe, because though I can see some of him through his writing and by the letters and testimonials left by friends (including Shakespeare), I would still like to know the man who could translate Greek verse so warmly and humanely and yet also do the cold-blooded work of a spy.

All of them had great political courage. They also shared the trait of knowing very early in life what they wanted and pursued their dreams with rare determination.

LOL—of course there is a problem with this guest list. We would have a terrible time understanding each other since my French is poor and while I can read Elizabethan English I don’t happen to use it much in conversation.

Amazon (Kindle)   http://www.amazon.com/Moving-Violation-Chloe-Boston-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B003YH9JKI


Smashwords (All Formats)   https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/20686


This book is on sale for only $0.99, as are the first books of Melanie’s most popular other series:


Moving Violation (Chloe Boston Cozy Mysteries 1)

Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Moving-Violation-Chloe-Boston-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B003YH9JKI

Nook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/moving-violation-melanie-jackson/1100544822


Due North (Butterscotch Jones Cozy Mysteries 1)

Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/North-Butterscotch-Jones-Mysteries-Book-ebook/dp/B004VMOANQ


Nook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/due-north-melanie-jackson/1102121596


Portrait of a Gossip (Miss Henry Cozy Mysteries 1)

Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Portrait-Gossip-Miss-Henry-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B007X6IL5A


The Secret Staircase (Wendover House Gothic Mysteries 1)

Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Staircase-Wendover-House-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B005V0K81A


Nook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-secret-staircase-melanie-jackson/1106609231


Contact information:


Email: mjjaxn@gmail.com

Website: melaniejackson.com

Facebook: facebook.com/authorMelanieJackson

Twitter: twitter.com/melaniejaxn


Melanie will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn host.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:


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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. sahadut April 28, 2015 Reply

    I like it.I want to know the inspiring story.
    sahadut recently posted…Tips and Tricks for Unclogging a ToiletMy Profile

  2. Emily Endrizzi March 27, 2015 Reply

    Sounds like a cute detective novel. I would love to read the rest of it!

  3. Sarah M March 27, 2015 Reply

    Oh, I’d also like to know what inspired the story!

  4. Linda Kish March 26, 2015 Reply

    I liked what I have read so far. Now, I’d like to read more.

  5. Jessica Snow March 26, 2015 Reply

    I wanted to let you know I absolutely love the cover and can’t wait to check this book out.
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  6. angela smith March 26, 2015 Reply

    the book sounds good.i enjoyed reading the blurb.sounds like my kind of book

  7. Melanie Jackson March 25, 2015 Reply

    I’m unplugging from the Matrix. I’ll check back in the morning to see if there are any late questions from the night owls. Thanks again for having me. Goodnight, buenas noches, bonne nuit….
    Melanie Jackson recently posted…Plant LayeringMy Profile

  8. Melanie Jackson March 25, 2015 Reply

    You are so right about meter maids being hated– and not shown much respect either. It is part of what makes writing the series fun.

    Da Vinci made it into one of my time travel books. He has always fascinated me. Again there would be a language problem, though I suppose if time travel dinner parties were figured out we would have the language problem licked too…

  9. Shannon March 25, 2015 Reply

    Thanks for the great pricing

  10. karin March 25, 2015 Reply

    this book looks interesting 🙂

  11. peggy clayton March 25, 2015 Reply

    Such a great sounding book and also a wonderful interview and author bios

  12. Sarah M March 25, 2015 Reply

    I love this interview with Melanie Jackson! She chose some interesting people to have dinner with. I always love that question, because it lets you get more of a glimpse into what the interviewee enjoys. My own list is Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Galileo, and Albert Einstein. If Tesla and Edison could keep their arguing to a minimum, it’d be a fascinating conversation with some of the more recent inquisitive minds. If you go waaaay back, I’d love to pick Ptolemy I Soter’s mind. He was the creator of the Library of Alexandria. I soooo want to know what exactly was in that library. Maybe talk to Euclid and Archimedes, too, as they used the facilities there for their own research.

    I love that the book’s main character is a meter maid. It’s something unique, and I bet a bunch of stories could easily come from that type of job. Meter maids are probably one of the most hated groups of officers out there, giving tickets when someone may just be unlucky and had their meter time run out or got hung up inside and violated a 15 minute rule or something. People get pretty cranky over that. Kind of makes me think of this police officer who ticketed a guy on Venice Beach’s bike path – https://youtu.be/jXI7170ahNI. He’s clearly being a jerk, but so is a meter maid who sees that time is almost up and wait there to ticket it as soon as the meter runs out. I bet Chloe is dying to become a detective with that kind of job. Sounds like a great character to follow! Looking forward to reading the book 🙂

  13. Thanks for hosting!

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