For several years now, Sodoku has indeed been the craze amongst gamers. Whether you play online, in a book, or even as a board game, this highly challenging game appears to be here to stay. In addition to the general fun and challenging nature of this game, some people even cite this game as helping to keep their brains active and possibly even delay the onset of memory issues, i.e., Alzheimer’s, dementia, etc.
If you are like me, you may not even know how to play this game. I think I’ve tried a few times, but I was never successful. The nice thing is that there is a lot of help out there so that you can be successful. In addition to this, there are several different levels from which to choose. You can find a tutorial to help you get started, or you can just jump on in.
If you do happen to play this game online, you also have the option of playing against people online. The possibilities are positively endless. You can even pick a specific sodoku game to play. I would invite you to look up this game if you have not done so. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised.