Goddess Fish: “My Name is Thank-You” by Kaizen Love Virtual Book Tour

By Ruth on October 7, 2014 in blog tour, book, giveaway, guest post, promo

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by Kaizen Love





My Name Is Thank-You allows us into the worlds of two very different thirteen-year-old girls. Each girl’s voice carries its own unique tone, as the girls beckon us to follow magically into their lives. One is a joyous story of hope against all odds, the search for acceptance, and the longing for unconditional love; the other a sad tale of unspeakable abuse, constant rejection, and an overwhelming sense of loneliness. Thank-You and Josephine create around us a world rich with emotion, one that will leave you inspired, breathless, and yearning for more words.


 MEDIA KIT My Name Is Thank-You Cover Revised (1)



“Everybody got a story. It don’t matter who you is or where you come from, as long as you got breath in yo body you got a story to tell. The more people start sharing they stories the faster we gonna learn to appreciate each other, and recognize how similar we all is. Every human bean is connected to the other, despite the color they was born wearing or the language they was born speaking.” (My Name Is Thank-You)



How to Sell Your Book Online

(Guest post by the author)

“How to sell your book online?” If you Google this topic you will find an endless amount of pages filled with blogs, websites, even books willing to break down the specifics of such a task. It is something that seems easy enough on the surface, until you publish your first novel, and then it hits you like a ton of bricks, “how do I sell my book to strangers on the internet when I am virtually an unknown author?”

This question has been plaguing my dreams, keeping me awake some nights, and has resulted in countless hours of research. I, like many indie authors don’t have a big budget; I would call it mediocre at best. Making the task of online marketing an even more difficult one. I am not saying that it is impossible; I am saying quite the opposite. With the right ingredients selling your book online is very, very possible.

First and foremost, you’ve got to get your name out there. When I say “there” I mean anywhere! Make flyers, business cards, a Facebook page, a Twitter account, an email address, a website, or a blog. Go on a book blog tour, blast your book on twitter, or hire a promo company to do it for you. If you are on Amazon, I would say give KDP a try.

You have also got to work hard at promoting yourself. Stay on top of your social media accounts, and make sure to engage with your audience. Also, you have got to get REVIEWS REVIEWS< and more REVIEWS! I would have never guessed how important these tidbits of feedback from fans were. They are priceless in our world. The more reviews you have (hopefully all good), the greater the likelihood you will have of someone taking a risk on you, and purchasing your novel. There are many ways to get these valuable reviews. I recommend checking out the Amazon Top Reviewers list. I would also recommend going to a website like the “Kindle Book Review” and looking for reviewers there. This is the part that I warn about paying for reviews, and also spamming for reviews. People don’t take kindly to that sort of behavior and you may even be penalized for it in the long run. I have witnessed authors get horrible reviews for begging for five star reviews, offering to pay for reviews, and even for sending the same emails over and over again. I know that this is a tough business, but if you value your life as an author and you truly believe in your work then the reviews and the fans will come. Which brings me to my last ingredient, PATIENCE!

Patience is the final key ingredient. Books are not written overnight, so how can they be marketed overnight? Yes, there are few who get lucky enough to be catapulted into the spotlight, but even those authors have put time and energy into their craft. Be patient, work hard, market smart, and write often.

Those are the only tips that I can offer as a new author myself. I share with you only what I have done and nothing more. My book was released mid-July and in the ten weeks that it has been available as an eBook, by utilizing these tools I have gotten 4,137 downloads. I know that I am not on any Best Seller’s lists (yet), but as a newbie, unknown author that is huge number of people who now know my name, and have my book. So I wish you luck, and much success!



MEDIA KIT Author PhotoAUTHOR Bio and Links:


Kaizen Love is an up and coming writer, spinning words into a beautiful web that should enrich the lives of all who read them. She has a positive and fresh take on life, and has mastered the art of storytelling. She grew up reading books by authors from every style, race, nationality, culture, and religious perspective; drawing inspiration from each one. Her greatest mission is to share love.


Amazon Link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LPLHQ3W

Website: http://kaizenlove.com


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kaizen-Love/1387506034846336?ref=hl


Twitter:  https://twitter.com/KaiZenLove


Kaizen Love will be awarding a $15 BN/Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:


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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Dorothy Boucher October 11, 2014 Reply

    Great advice, and yes if you want to make a name for yourself or get others to say Oh hey theirs Dorothy loll then you have got to want to do the foot work……… i know I have owned a few small business in my life time, wow I just said that out loud loo…. ok going to stop there … thanks for share @tisonlyme143

  2. Judy Cox October 9, 2014 Reply

    This really sounds like a very interesting read. My teenage daughter would also enjoy this.

  3. Marti Tabora October 9, 2014 Reply

    It was pretty interesting, I had no idea there was so much involved. Thank you.

  4. BookLady October 8, 2014 Reply

    What an interesting post on selling your book online! Writing a book really seems to be easier than marketing the book. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Rita Wray October 8, 2014 Reply

    I enjoyed the quest post.

  6. Mary Preston October 8, 2014 Reply

    Promotion must be time consuming.

  7. bn100 October 7, 2014 Reply

    Nice advice

  8. Kaizen Love October 7, 2014 Reply

    Thank you for hosting me today! And thank you Serena S…have an amazing evening!

  9. Serena S. October 7, 2014 Reply

    The book sounds like an interesting reading.

  10. Goddess Fish Promotions October 7, 2014 Reply

    Thank you for hosting

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