Random Acts of Kindness Giveaway (Ends 12/31) WW

By Ruth on December 4, 2013 in giveaway

December 31st is Athena’s (of The Stuff of Sucess) birthday, and last year she did this “project” and would love to do it again this year. 

She decided to offer a $25 Amazon Gift Card for a giveaway.  This giveaway will be different than any other, so PLEASE – enter, and enter daily!  There is no sponsor – just me trying to make the world a better place.
From December 5th through December 31st, she has challenged us to do one – just one – random act of kindness for someone.  Your one and only daily entry is just to confirm completion of one Random Act of Kindness for the day!  
Yes, the impetus for this giveaway is her birthday.  But it is also the holiday season, and there are so many people who just want to feel appreciated, needed and acknowledged.  I am sure you see it every day – just like all of us do.  Here is your chance to do something about it.  
Remember the starfish?  I know this story.  The boy kept throwing the starfish into the ocean, and a man said that there were  too many to make any difference.  And as the boy threw the next starfish, he said that he just made a difference for that one.  Make a difference!
Lets make December 2013 a better time!  
(Ideas/Suggestions can be found below Giveaway Tool)
Just do some random act of kindness (big or small)
– Confirm your one and only entry for the day. There is no requirement to
anything. This is just a great way of trying to make
December 2013 a better place for people who need help! Please join all of us- the
more we share this the greater the impact. Can you imagine if even 10 people
make an effort to do a Random Act of Kindness, each day, for 26 days!? All the
lives we can touch? What about if 1000 people do it? If you think you can’t
make a difference ( and we absolutely all can) – this is your opportunity.
That’s it.  Just love your neighbor, people in need, friends etc… for one month, every single day!  We can make a difference – and a huge one if we all put our hearts in it!

Enter the Giveaway Tool every day!  


And lastly-for anyone who donates to The Stuff of Success (gift to:
athenanagel at ct dot metrocast dot net 

via PayPal) in the month of December – she will donate all of it to “Love 4 Laura” a K9 Rescue organization dedicated to saving the lives of dogs.  You can read about Laura here – https://www.facebook.com/love4laura .  

This cause is extremely important to her.  Please consider donating even the smallest amount when you prepare to purchase your next cup of coffee or soft drink.  Last year, she donated to a local food bank.  This year the “cause” she and her daughter have selected is Laura.  So far they have already sent a box of toys.  Next they wish to send them blankets so badly needed for the winter months.



Need some ideas?



Hold the door open for the person behind you.


Donate your old clothes to someone in need.  Your old is someone else’s new.


Write a positivereview about a local business or author.


Listen to someone – really LISTEN.


Donate blood.  One pint of blood can save up to three lives.


Volunteer at a hospital, homeless shelter, nursing home, etc


Help others. 


House warming gifts for new neighbors.


Share your umbrella with a stranger on a rainy day.


Check up on someone who looks lonely.


Let someone with only a few items cut you in line at the grocery store.


Give words of encouragement to someone about their dreams, no matter how big or small they are.


Help someone get your parking space in a crowded parking lot when you’re leaving.


Babysit for couples or single parents who don’t get out much so they can have some alone time.


Look for ways to save a few extra bucks a month and then donate that money.


Shop at local Salvation Army or Goodwill thrift stores.  The money you spend will help others.


Help someone get active. 


Spend a few clicks of your time at Free Rice.


Make a difference in the life of a child. Give them your time and undivided attention.  


If you shop online, make your purchase through Give Back America.


Pay for the person in line behind you.


Drop off your old eye glasses at your local LensCrafters or to your local Lions Club.


Create a care package and send it to an active duty military unit.


Create a box of Christmas cards and send it to Holiday Mail for Heroes (guidelines HERE)


Redirect gifts.  Instead of having people give you birthday and holiday gifts, ask them to donate gifts or money to a good cause.


The next time you see someone pulled over with a flat tire, or in need of assistance, stop and ask how you can help. 


Become a mentor or tutor to someone in need.


Help the Christmas shopper in front of you who needs that extra two or three cents to avoid breaking a 20-dollar bill


If you realize someone is sick, bring them some hot tea, soup, etc.


Put some change in an expired parking meter


Offer your seat to someone when there aren’t any left.


Listen to someone’s pain and help them through it.


Hug a friend and let them know how important they are.


Reduce, reuse and recycle.


Help an entrepreneur.


Bake and share – friends, colleagues, postman etc…


Leave a good book for someone else to read.


Participate in Freecycle.


Clean up litter in the area.


Send a nice letter or email to someone.


Leave positive notes in library books or other random places.


Donate pet food to a local shelter.


Compliment someone.


Donate prom dresses to local underprivileged youth.


Choose a cause and make a difference – save the whales, eliminate modern day slavery etc…


Teach someone a skill.


Instead of accepting payment for something – have them pay it forward.


Tip more than you normally would.


Be extra nice to customer service – especially if they seem stressed.


Say a prayer for someone in need.


Show respect to a soldier.




Spread the love
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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

1 Comment

  1. Anne Consolacion December 5, 2013 Reply

    This is a different and quite fulfilling giveaway. Thank you for spreading the kindness. 🙂

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