Premier Virtual Author Book Tours: “Her Dear and Loving Husband” by Meridith Allard Author Interview

By Ruth on October 2, 2013 in blog tour, book, interview

Her Dear and Loving Husband CoverPublisher Copperfield Press (April 1, 2011)
Series: Loving Husband, #1 (trilogy)
Category: Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, Some Historical
Tour Date: September, 2013
ISBN: 9780615472607
Available in: Print & ebook,  268Pages

James Wentworth has a secret. He lives quietly in Salem, Massachusetts, making few ties with anyone. One night his private world is turned upside down when he meets Sarah Alexander, a dead ringer for his wife, Elizabeth. Though it has been years since Elizabeth’s death, James cannot move on.

Sarah also has a secret. She is haunted by nightmares about the Salem Witch Trials, and every night she is awakened by visions of hangings, being arrested, and dying in jail. Despite the obstacles of their secrets, James and Sarah fall in love. As James comes to terms with his feelings for Sarah, he must dodge accusations from a reporter desperate to prove that James is not who, or what, he seems to be. Soon James and Sarah piece their stories together and discover a mystery that may bind them in ways they never imagined. Will James make the ultimate sacrifice to protect Sarah and prevent a new hunt from bringing hysteria to Salem again?

Part historical fiction, part romance, part paranormal fantasy, Her Dear and Loving Husband is a story for anyone who believes that true love never dies.

Praise for Her Dear and Loving Husband:

“I thought the story was great. I did not want to put the book down. With all the twists and characters the book keeps you gripped to the edge of your seat. With a bit of romance mixed it makes a wonderful read. Reading about the witch trails added a mystical touch. Charles Dickens and Jane Austen even made their way into the read. This is a book I will re-read again and again”– Babs Book Bistro Website

“The historical facts regarding the Salem witch hunts, trials and executions served as the backbone for this interesting paranormal romance and i loved how author Meredith Allard wove her magic around them.  I also loved how the author’s use of modern English seamlessly flowed into 17th century speech when her characters Sarah and James relived their dreams and memories respectively. Magic, romance, mystery and suspense make Her Dear and Loving Husband a great read for me!”– aobibliophile Website

“With strong gothic flavor, this beautifully structured story captures the intensity and frenetic activity of the late 1600’s and the Salem Witch Inquisitions and trials. Graphic scenes and sequences are brilliantly depicted in small segments throughout the modern-day story. I enjoyed the tale and especially the secondary characters who sometimes provided levity during an otherwise often harrowing chronicle. This is a wonderfully spooky love story that is painstakingly researched and eloquently penned.– Laurie Jenkins, Laurie’s Paranormal Thoughts 

“If you like a bit of history, some paranormal goodness and a downright good story, look no further than Her Dear and Loving Husband for your next read.  Sarah’s past life is really what makes the story. I love the way Meredith brings her former life to us through the dreams/nightmares she has. She really brings her former life to life well.
I also love the modern day witches in the story. Jennifer and Olivia really help Sarah to find her true self. There’s a lot going on in this book, but everything is tied together nicely and the story is super enjoyable. There are so many books with vampires out there now, this is definitely one that is well worth reading. It is the first book in the “Her Loving Husband” series and once you read it you will want the next book immediately.”– Andrea Guy, A Chick Who Reads Website

“First of all, I loved this book! The “love conquers all things, including time” theme was absolutely delish for my locked in a closest hopeless romantic inside. And personally, my favorite character really was James. He is a wonderful combination of modern and traditional. He loves Sarah and Elizabeth, both for their individuality, their uniqueness. And he is willing to sacrifice everything to protect Sarah. How sexy is that? 
Sarah was a great character. She is a strong woman who has kept secrets for years, living a life that just hasn’t felt completely right. After moving, she begins to feel everything falling right into place; her life feels right when she is with James. 
I loved the development of not only the characters, but also the crisis. Can’t give too much away, but you can bet your next book that you will be on the edge of your seat wondering if all is going to turn out okay. Overall, this is an amazing book, and I really look forward to reading more by Ms. Allard. Highly recommend!”– Cana Elene, The Place of Reads Website

Meridith Allard AuthorAbout Meredith Allard:

Meredith Allard has taught creative writing and writing historical fiction workshops at Learning Tree University, UNLV, and the Las Vegas Writers Conference. Her short fiction and articles have appeared in journals such as The Paumanok Review, Wild Mind, Moondance, Muse Apprentice Guild, The Maxwell Digest, CarbLite, Writer’s Weekly, and ViewsHound. She is the author of the Loving Husband Trilogy, Victory Garden, Woman of Stones, and My Brother’s Battle (Copperfield Press). She lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. Visit Meredith online at

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Interview With My Devotional Thoughts

(Okay, I realize that I am supposed to have a review, but because I am in the process of reading and not quite done, I am posting the interview today. )


1. When did you first realize you wanted to be an author?

I first thought of myself as a writer when I was 12 and I was asked to write our 6th grade graduation play. In truth, I was probably only asked because I had the neatest handwriting in the class, but I felt like a writer. In subsequent years, I had teachers who used my writing as examples for the class, and that added to my feeling that I was a writer. I knew that writing was in my future, and I tried out journalism and screenwriting but neither felt right. Finally, I found my way to writing novels and I knew I found my home.


2.  What is your work schedule like when you are writing?

I have a day job so I get home around 3 p.m. Then I write for a few hours in the evening, usually three or four hours a day, a little more on Saturdays. I take Sundays off.

3.  Do you have any interesting writing quirks?

Actually, I don’t. I must be a pretty boring writer. I sit at my desk with my computer, some music on in the background. I have varied tastes in music, and I listen to everything from classical to Paul McCartney to Josh Groban to Green Day. There’s usually a cat or two nearby. Other than that, I sit and write. And I daydream a lot.

4.  What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

If I’m not writing something I’m probably reading something. If I’m not writing or reading, I’m probably cooking, scrapbooking, taking a dance class at the gym, listening to music, going to the movies, or watching my favorite television shows (which right now are Breaking Bad and Downton Abbey).

5.  What kind of research do you do for your novels?

I write a lot of historical fiction, so I spend a lot of time researching the history before I start writing. I start out searching the Internet for general information about my topic.Then after the Internet searches I visit my local library at UNLV and check out as many books as I can carry. After I take as many notes as I can, then I start writing the first draft, incorporating the research where it fits into the fictional story. When I can, I like to travel to the places I’m writing about. It helps me describe the setting.

6.  If you could have dinner with three people living or dead, who would you choose and why?

Charles Dickens—He’s my favorite writer.

Oprah Winfrey and Maya Angelou—They’re two of my personal heroes.

7.  What writers/books have most influenced you?

Charles Dickens. I do what I do (write novels) because of the influence he’s had on me as a writer. I read David Copperfield and Great Expectations in college, and I thought, “That’s what I want to do. I want to write novels that are worlds unto themselves.” I get a lot from Dickens—the way I structure my stories, my tongue-in-cheek sense of humor, (my use of parentheses), and I get my social sensibilities from him. My novels aren’t meant to be social commentaries the way Dickens’ novels were, but I love it when readers find deeper meanings in my books. I think of my stories as layered. If readers want to read the books for the entertainment, then the entertainment is there. If they want to look deeper, there are layers that can be peeled back and pondered.

Follow the entire tour, and read my review and enter a giveaway for the book!



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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Meredith Allard October 3, 2013 Reply

    Thank you for taking part in the tour. I had fun answering the interview questions!

  2. Teddy Rose October 3, 2013 Reply

    Thanks for taking part in the tour and hosting Meredith. We are looking forward to reading your review.

  3. Teddy Rose October 3, 2013 Reply

    Thanks for taking part in the tour and hosting Meredith. I’m looking forward to reading your review.

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