Book Spotlight: “Gallagher’s Choice” by Mk McClintock Author Interview/Giveaway

By Ruth on September 5, 2013 in book, giveaway, interview

The Book


He finally had a family to call his own.

She now knew what it meant to risk it all.
Together they had a chance to find peace at last.

Eliza Gallagher is tough, resilient, and rides a horse like she was born in the saddle. All necessary qualities for someone who runs a cattle ranch.  She had more to avenge than any of them and she was counting on those skills to finally find the justice they all sought — until she realized it could cost her everything and everyone she loved

Ramsey Hunter finally knew what it was to have a family and what it took to keep that family together. He knew coming back wouldn’t be easy, but he never imagined what he would have to risk to keep it

Eliza got him home; now Ramsey has to do whatever it takes to save her life and help bring peace to Hawk’s Peak.
Print | Kindle | Nook | AllRomance
An Interview with MK
What are three things people may not know about you?

I’m the dictionary definition of an introvert, I’m likely

the palest outdoorsy person you’d ever meet, and I used to sing and ballroom

What is your
favorite scene in Gallagher’s Choice?

dear, my favorite scene is a spoiler! Of course I won’t share that, but there
are many scenes I love in this story. My favorite is at the end because it
encompasses everyone and everything important from the first three books.
There’s also a scene where Eliza must remain in bed for a time and you have a
chance to see just how stubborn she really is!

anything in your book based on real life experiences or purely all imagination?

Pure fiction! The setting is
quite real, though I spent a lot of time consulting nineteenth-century Montana
territorial maps. I didn’t fill the pages with history, but the how things
happened, and when they happened, are true. The only “real” part of the Gallagher
books, are the personalities of Ethan, Gabriel, and Ramsey, all of whom are
based in part on three wonderful friends.

Do you share any personality traits with Eliza Gallagher?

I do have more in common with Eliza
than with Brenna and Isabella from the first and second books respectively,
although, I did slip a bit of myself into each of the women. Eliza and I share
a fierce stubbornness and independence, and a strong loyalty to family. She is
rather a kindred spirit. 

Do you have to be alone or have quiet to

I must have quiet. Of course I mean quiet
from people. I always listen to music while I’m writing, be it classical,
Celtic, or something else soft that blocks out the rest of the world.

What do you think about when you are alone in your car?
If I’m not
singing along to music, I often have conversations with myself. I promise I’m
not crazy, but I am usually talking my way through scenes and dialogue for a

What type of hero do you like best?

Tall, dark,
handsome, and flawed.

you could be any character from literature, who would it be?

 Elizabeth Bennett, without

question. She got Mr. Darcy.

do you plan to read next?
Carla Kelly’s
Christmas Collection, Alaina Claiborne
(my first British Agent novel), and then I’ll be reading research material for
a few weeks while working on the second book.

What appeals to you
most about your chosen genre?

time period. I always believed I was born a century or two late. I enjoy the
research and delving into the lives of people past. I imagine myself walking
the land and seeing it as they would have done.

Favorite place?

Other than Montana?
Scottish Highlands.

Favorite smell?

Fresh air in autumn

Favorite dish?

Homemade deep-dish
pizza baked in cast iron.

Favorite color?

Green (except
pastel and neon)

Your best trait?

Your worst trait?


What do you have in store next for your readers?
I’m now working on
the next British Agent Novel, but there will be more Gallagher books in the

The Giveaways

Comment here, or at any one of the stops for a chance at the prizes. You may also enter the giveaways using the form below (recommended). 

Enter for a chance to win any one of the following prizes: 
$10 Amazon Gift Card (international)
Gallagher Series “Boxed” Set (e-book for Int. Print available for US)
Gift Trio: 2 horse picture frames and etched mountain scene/leaf coasters. (US addresses only)


  Meet the AuthorMK McClintock published her first novel, Gallagher’s Pride, in July 2012, and followed one month later with the release of her second book in the same series, Gallagher’s Hope. Her third novel, Alaina Claiborne, was published in January 2013. Gallagher’s Choice, the third book in her

Gallagher Series, was released in August 2013. She is now working on her next story.

McClintock dreams of a time when life was simpler, the land rougher, and the journey more rewarding. With her heart deeply rooted in the past and her mind always on adventure, she lives and writes in Montana.

McClintock is a member of Romance Writers of America, Montana Romance Writers, and Women Writing the West. 

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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. M. Ann Rohrer September 5, 2013 Reply

    Love the interview. Love MK. I laughed at her strength and weakness. She’s a lost cause. Hahaha. I recognize a kindred spirit.

    • MK McClintock September 5, 2013 Reply

      She was actually the toughest character I ever wrote, but I think it’s because I saw so much of myself in her and I’m such a private person. Thanks for visiting Ann!

  2. MK McClintock September 5, 2013 Reply

    Thank you so much for welcoming me to your blog today, Ruth! It’s always a pleasure to visit you.

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