RC 9 Back To School Event

By Ruth on July 30, 2013 in host page

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Heather McCormick August 5, 2013 Reply

    Bean bag chair would be really popular here

  2. Julia August 5, 2013 Reply

    I really want to win the plastic free package. We are trying to get rid of plastic at our home.

  3. Kelly A. Tanner August 5, 2013 Reply

    I most want to win the Lugz for my son so that he has some nice back to school shoes. Thanks!

  4. DEMETRIA C August 5, 2013 Reply

    The Bean Bag Chair. My Daughter will love it.

  5. sandra August 5, 2013 Reply

    the sodastream because i love soda

  6. Dorothy Teel August 5, 2013 Reply

    I would love to win the bean bag chair for my granddaughters play room, love it..

  7. Mellissa Hanks August 5, 2013 Reply

    I would love the lugz or crocs :)because we always need shoes.

  8. wendi watson August 5, 2013 Reply

    would love the printer i do not have one! would be awesome for sports seasons

  9. Jessica Lodge August 5, 2013 Reply

    I’d like the Lugz shoes for my son who is just destroying his shoes.

  10. virgomomwriter August 4, 2013 Reply

    I’d like the Brylane bed–for guests–or the Epson printer–mine could go any day–or the Croc boot–need boots, love Crocs!

  11. Amy Otrosinka August 4, 2013 Reply

    I would like to win the Brylane Home prize because I love their products. I have always wanted a Soda Stream too.

  12. Seyma Shabbir August 4, 2013 Reply

    Lugz shoes, they have great styles!

  13. Diana Ward August 4, 2013 Reply

    I want to win the Soda Stream because my grandson and I have been wanting one but can’t fit it into the budget.

  14. Elizabeth Gentry August 4, 2013 Reply

    Printer / mine is shot – Bean Bag / I really need a comfy chair – Air Mattress / Wouldn’t it be awesome to camp in comfort with that baby?
    Elizabeth Gentry recently posted…New York City TripMy Profile

  15. Andrea Williams August 4, 2013 Reply

    I would love to win a Soda Stream for our family. We have wanted one for a long time.

  16. Jessica Wheeler August 4, 2013 Reply

    I’d love a soda stream to save my house some money

  17. Susan Broughton August 4, 2013 Reply

    I most want to win the soda Stream to try an save some money on sodas

  18. Mary Collins August 4, 2013 Reply

    I would especially love to win the Soda Stream to give to my mom. She is disabled with arthritis and has a very difficult time carrying heavy items, so the Soda Stream would help her by not have to purchase 2-liter Diet Cokes any more or have to keep up with all of the empty containers for recycling! Thanks for the opportunity to try to win one for her!! ;-D

  19. Vickhome August 4, 2013 Reply

    Love Brylane Home! Too many wants to list!

  20. JoBeth August 3, 2013 Reply

    I want to win the bean bag chair outlet or the Brylane home so my kids have somewhere to rest after a long day at school or the Simply snacks or the brothers all natural because I pack my kids lunch and that would make great healthy snacks and last the Epson printer because our printer just tore up and I have been printing everything from my sisters and the library including all my coupons I have missed so many good coupons. But I would be grateful and happy to win anything thank you so much for the opportunity

  21. Denise Taylor-Dennis August 3, 2013 Reply

    I would love to win some kids clothes from Cherokee Kids. My son is tough on clothes.
    Denise Taylor-Dennis recently posted…Giveaways I’m Entering August 3, 2013My Profile

  22. carolina ramos August 3, 2013 Reply

    I love the shoes

  23. carolina ramos August 3, 2013 Reply

    shoes lugz

  24. Joyce August 3, 2013 Reply

    I’d like to win the printer because I do not have a working one.
    Joyce recently posted…A Night at the BallparkMy Profile

  25. JFreeb August 3, 2013 Reply

    I like the Epson Printer I need a new printer

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