RC 9 Back To School Event

By Ruth on July 30, 2013 in host page

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. mackenzie huba August 3, 2013 Reply

    I would love to win the life without plastic set because am trying to be more eco friendly and use less plastic

  2. Christine C. August 3, 2013 Reply

    Maggie Bags for myself as I really want one and Simply Snacks for my boys who always need to have healthy snacks around

  3. katklaw777 August 3, 2013 Reply

    I want to win the air mattress because it would come in handy when my daughter has a sleepover…thanks!

  4. Ashley Leonard August 3, 2013 Reply

    I’ve been trying to win a soda stream forever

  5. Kaitlin August 3, 2013 Reply

    I want to win the air mattress to sleep on in our new place before we can buy a mattress and then keep for guests

  6. Rachel Beltz August 2, 2013 Reply

    The brown LUGZ would be awesome to win!! I need new shoes!

  7. Velvet Hubler August 2, 2013 Reply

    The Sodastream I would love to win because I think it would save us money than buying soda every week

  8. Jennifer August 2, 2013 Reply

    Epson printer because I don’t have one and I need one!

  9. Michelle S August 2, 2013 Reply

    I really want the 4-slice toaster! My current toaster is barely toasting anymore and I hate shopping for appliances.

  10. JanD August 1, 2013 Reply

    Would love to win any of the footwear prizes because I need to replace some shoes.

  11. Robert August 1, 2013 Reply

    the bean bag chair for my daughter to sit in and watch movies with us

  12. jeanette sheets August 1, 2013 Reply

    thebean bag chair for my kids to sit on

  13. jennifer wexler August 1, 2013 Reply

    i would love the maggie bag because it’s super cute

  14. Heather Freeman August 1, 2013 Reply

    I want to win the back rest as pictured for Majestic Home Goods because I have a lousy hard headboard.

  15. Angela Rhodes Ingles August 1, 2013 Reply

    I would be more than happy with any of the amazing prizes, but I’ve been wanting a SodaStream for some time now to start making my own natural sodas, so I would have to pick that!

  16. desiree August 1, 2013 Reply

    i need for bd family and 5 kids

  17. Emily Morelli August 1, 2013 Reply

    I’d like to win a Soda Stream for my friend who has been really wanting one and could use a little pick-me-up right now!

  18. Dee August 1, 2013 Reply

    I want the Crocs for rain boots really cute

  19. Janet August 1, 2013 Reply

    I want the printer because mine just broke.

  20. Linda Kish August 1, 2013 Reply

    I want to win the Maggie’s bag because I love the look of them.

  21. Yesenia August 1, 2013 Reply

    Would love an Epson printer because we could use one.

  22. doan b August 1, 2013 Reply

    Would love to win the bean bag chair for my grand daughter because she would absolutely love it!

  23. Kitty August 1, 2013 Reply

    I want to win the Life without plastic because it’d be great for storing food!

  24. katie August 1, 2013 Reply

    The maggie bag because its really cute

  25. Jennifer Mann August 1, 2013 Reply

    bean bag

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