“Against My Will” by Benjamin Berkley Book Review

By Ruth on October 15, 2012 in book, review

Publisher: Frederick Fell Publishers, Inc., September 1, 2012
Category: Fiction- Relationships, Abuse, Romance, Holocaust, Suspense
Tour Dates: October, 2012
Available in: Print and PDF, 247 pages

AGAINST MY WILL is the life-changing novel about Danielle, a victim of marital abuse, who finds the strength to leave her husband and pursue a career in law.

Danielle Landau knows she should feel lucky, but she can’t feel anything but dread. Not only did she pass the New York Bar, but she married the man her father says is just right for her and lives in a fashionable new loft in Queens. But the man who seems like the perfect catch is a perfect nightmare at home. Jacob tries to control her career, her daily routine, and even what she eats. He ignores her desires and belittles her every chance he gets. Soon, Danielle doesn’t recognize her husband or herself, and she struggles to find a way out.

Danielle tries to talk to her father but he dismisses her marital problems.  But she can confide in her Nana Rose, a Holocaust survivor who lost her entire family at the hands of the Nazis. Rose helped raise Danielle and her brother when their mother died when Danielle was only three.  Having faced death, Rose is Danielle’s source of security.  But while Danielle holds on to the fragile belief that her father’s prince charming will change, she is raped by her husband on the night of their one year wedding anniversary.

Now, Danielle has to escape.  And with the help of her beloved Nana, Danielle moves across the country and starts to rebuild her life. But will she be able to escape her past? And when one of her clients finds herself in the same terrible situation, will Danielle have the strength to help her?

As we follow Danielle on her journey of terror and recovery, we see her story intersect with the diary entries of her Nana as a young girl held captive in a concentration camp.  The entries begin with Rose waking up in a hospital after the liberation of the Mauthausen Concentration Camp.    Graphically she recounts the train ride to the camp and the emotional separation of her from her family upon arrival.    And the full weight of the family’s secrets becomes clear. This is a story of survival, self-discovery, justice, and ultimately, it’s about love.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So how do you rate a book that almost mirrors your life?  Okay, not really, but trust me, there are similarities–I will get to that.  Let’s get the “negatives” out of the way.  There is some profanity in the book, and the sex scenes are rather descriptive.  The profanity wasn’t too prevalent, and the sex scenes were necessary–due to the entire message of the book.  But do approach this book with the knowledge that this is an adult book.

The cover alone is hauntingly beautiful.  Even my students today found it pretty and commented on it.  And my response was that I agreed, but it was sad.  And it is.  I had no idea until I read this book that marital rape was even considered a crime.  I guess that is a piece of information that I will tuck away for a later time.

As I read about Danielle’s marriage, I understood.  It was hard to read.  I was married for ten years to a controlling husband, and I divorced him before he became violent.  Let me blunt here.  He raped me once, and I let it happen.  I remember it very clearly even to this date.  I submitted so that I could go see a movie–talk about feeling like a prostitute.  And I remained in the marriage for several years after that and even brought my beautiful daughter into the world.  I was glad that my ex was nicer than Jacob, but there were still enough similarities that portions of the book were rather emotionally charged for me.

This book is expertly written, and it is hard to believe that it is written by a man.  I am always amazed when men can create convincing female protagonists in books, and even in first person!  This is Benjamin Berkley’s first novel, but I hope it won’t be his last.  I think I need to look up his non-fiction based on this book alone.  It is clear that he is quite an expert on this topic.

I found it absolutely genius on the author’s part to tie a Holocaust survivor’s story to the current story of the book.  This added just the right amount of intrigue, and of course, the ending of the book is quite powerful in this “side story.”  I would have even liked this portion of the book to be developed in more detail.

I believe that any woman who feels they can handle the subject and content of this book should read this book.  I can also recommend it to men, too, as it is not some “chick book.”  Oh, and by the way, there is some romance in this book–for all those romance lovers out there!

I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.  I was not financially compensated, and all opinions are 100 percent mine.

View all my reviews


From as far back as he can remember Benjamin Berkley was always fascinated by law. Growing up in Long Beach, New York his daily schedule revolved around grainy black and white reruns of Perry Mason, who with the help of Della Street, solved the most complicated of crimes imaginable – wining cases for their all but convicted clients. So it was no surprise to his family and friends that upon High School graduation, young Ben Berkley chose law as his career path.

After years of intense study Benjamin Berkley earned his Juris Doctorate degree and has practiced law for over forty years, specializing in Estate Planning, Estate Administration, and Social Security Disability Appeals.

In addition to being admitted to the State Bar of California, he is also licensed to practice before the United States Supreme Court. He maintains his office in Fullerton.

Ben always enjoyed writing but never seemed to have the time to pen the book he wanted to write. His days were filled with building his law practice and spending time with his wife and two children. It wasn’t until Ben’s uncle became ill that he realized how important it was for him to write “MY WISHES, A PLANNING GUIDE FOR THE INEVITABLE.”

Since writing “My Wishes,” he has written three other self- help books: “The Complete Executor’s Guidebook, Winning Your Social Security Disability Case, and Before You Say I Do Again, A Buyer’s Beware Guide to Remarriage, as well as his first novel, “Against My Will,” which was published in 2012.

Ben’s second novel, “In Defense of Guilt,” scheduled to be released in the early fall of 2018, is the life changing novel about Lauren Hill, a driven defense attorney who has never lost a case. Representing a man accused of throwing his wife overboard on a cruise, chic, elegant and sophisticated Lauren begins to artfully present her case. But as Judge Howell morphs into God, (seen through Lauren’s eyes only) her life of infidelity, poor parenthood, and self-absorption is questioned by the Almighty as he charges Lauren with committing the seven deadly sins. But is this real or fantasy? Is Lauren on the edge of a nervous breakdown or is God presiding and ultimately deciding Lauren’s fate? “In Defense of Guilt” is a story of survival, self- discovery, justice, and ultimately about love.

Ben is also a contributing writer for the Huffington Post.








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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Teddy Rose October 17, 2012 Reply

    Thanks for taking part in the tour. I’m so glad you loved the book!

  2. Katherine Phillips October 17, 2012 Reply

    I would totally read this book. It sounds like it is going to be really good.

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