Interview With Actor Aaron Craven 

By Ruth on July 17, 2017 in Uncategorized

Sometime last year, I contacted Aaron Craven for my first interview with him, and in spite of his hectic schedule, he generously agreed to answer a few questions about his career, especially the Hallmark portions of it. Since that time, Aaron’s career has continued its skyward surge, and now he has a “classified top-secret” role in the ABC show that will premiere later this month, Somewhere Between. Recently, I had the opportunity to catch up with Aaron yet again, and being the gracious and benevolent man that he is, he took some additional time from his busy schedule to yet again answer a few more questions about his upcoming works and more.

RH: Since we last chatted, Hallmark audiences got to see you in The Convenient Groom. Your character was a bit unsavory but well-played and memorable.  How did that Hallmark experience compare with your other past experiences with the network? 

with David Sutcliffe

The Convenient Groom

AC: We shot over on Vancouver Island in a beautiful location, and I don’t get a chance to work over there much, so that was a treat.  The cast and crew were wonderful, as always.  Oh, and they dressed me in a great suit!

You got to do one episode of Aftermath last year. What was most memorable for you about that shoot?  

I got to play crazy.  Every actor loves playing crazy.  Also, working with director Leslie Hope – she’s an actor herself and an absolute gem to work with.

You also appeared in Travelers season one. What can you tell us about your character?  Any chance he may return for season two?  

I am returning for at least one episode in season two.  Ken is David’s boss at social services (David’s played by my pal Patrick Gilmore).  Ken’s a bit of a stuffed shirt and a bureaucrat, not much like me but fun to play.

Next up for you is the series Somewhere Between.  Is there anything you can tell us about your role?

It starts to air in late July on ABC {July 24th is the premiere date}.  I can’t really say much about the role, due to the show being a plot-twisting thriller.  Everyone should check it out; it’s a really compelling premise.

There are plenty of cast members who will be recognized by Hallmark.  What would you like to say to Hallmark audiences and/or non-sci fi viewers to convince them to give this series a try?  

 If you like thrillers, whodunits, that genre….you’ll enjoy Somewhere Between.  You never see what’s coming.

IMDB has Final Vision listed for you. What can you tell us about this upcoming work?

Final Vision is a movie produced by Investigation Discovery, a wing of the Discovery Network that has started to produce dramas based on true stories.  This one is about Jeffrey MacDonald, a US marine who was found guilty of murdering his family in the 1970’s.  It’s quite a fascinating story.  I play James Blackburn, the prosecuting attorney in the case.  Scott Foley from Scandal plays Jeffrey MacDonald and the rest of the cast is great.

What is your production company up to these days? Any works that we should keep an eye out for? 

My theatre company is next producing the Canadian premiere of a play called Smart People by Lydia Diamond.  It’s a very topical play about race in America, how even educated and affluent people can get caught up in their own biases and perceptions.  The play is wickedly funny and intelligent and has a great cast, including Rukiya Bernard (from Van Helsing), Olivia Cheng (Marco Polo), Kwesi Ameyaw (Legends of Tomorrow) and myself.

While I know you are typically a private person, you recently wrote an article about Alzheimer’s. What prompted that article? 

My mom suffers from Alzheimer’s and I’ve found the Canadian healthcare system totally unprepared for what will be a global health epidemic in coming years.  I imagine the American system isn’t any better.  I’ve become a public advocate and am attempting to raise awareness in the hopes of prompting change in the way we treat those with dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Any causes/charities you feel passionate about?  

Besides Alzheimer’s, I contribute to education outreach for recovering substance abusers and the poor. My home city Vancouver has a huge homeless population and drug abuse problem, and I’m trying to do my small part in turning the problem around.

Aaron is an actor that many may not know by name, but he is unmistakeable when appearing in a film or on TV (I’m sure the same is true for his stage appearances, but that is an experience that I have not yet had). His presence on screen is imposing, and he is often fleshing out a character who is complex, foreboding, and even villainous. While the Aaron Craven franchise proved to Hallmark audiences that he could play a genteel, vulnerable, emotional guy, most of his roles demonstrate the full range of his dramatic skills. I know that he is often a quiet individual when it comes to personal matters, but the fact that he stepped outside his comfort zone and shared about his mother is something that engendered a massive amount of respect within me for the caliber of person he is. All you have to do is visit his social media account, and you will be convinced of the strength of his convictions and the fact that he is not willing to sit idly by and permit perceived and concealed injustices to exist unchallenged and unnoticed.  I salute Aaron for his passion, zeal and drive for the things that matter the most to him, and I appreciate the fact that he channels his unbridled enthusiasm to follow his ambitions and convictions towards such positive outlets and ultimately a sharpening of his innate skills. 

Therefore, I would suggest that all my readers check out all of Aaron’s links below and follow him where applicable if you are so inclined. Additionally, please consider watching Somewhere Between beginning July 24th on ABC because not only will you be able to uncover the darkly shrouded mystery of Aaron’s character, but you will witness a virtual smorgasbord of Hallmark talent!


Mitch and Murray Productions




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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Sarah L July 17, 2017 Reply

    It’s neat that you get to chat with him.

    • Author
      Ruth July 17, 2017 Reply

      Thanks Sarah. He’s a very interesting guy.

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