It is my pleasure to be among the first to feature the newest member of the cast of Nick Belial’s upcoming thriller/crime movie To Avenge. Let’s welcome Skye Stracke who will be playing Elizabeth Tate, the owner of a Philadelphia-based boutique Information Technology computer firm. I am honored that Skye and I were able to recently chat about the highlights of her career, which include her origins within what became a prestigious modeling career and how that has motivated her to pursue the dream of her heart–a career as an actress.
RH: Skye, so nice to chat with you today. Welcome to the cast of Nick Belial‘s To Avenge.
SS: Thank you, Ruth, I am quite honored to be here.
So I understand that you are originally from Australia.
Yes, that is correct.
When you were growing up, was performing something you always had wanted to do?
I would say that I’ve always had theater in my veins. My great-grandmother was in theater. She also played on the BBC in London. My mother was also involved in theater in Paris. So acting and performing have always been a part of me. My mother was always encouraged by my grandmother, who would sing a lot and do a lot of comedic poetry around the piano.
I’ve always loved the camera. And I say “the camera” because I was extremely shy as a kid. As far back as I can remember, my brother and I would make videos to send to our family in San Francisco. He was always the instrumentally talented one, and I was more the performer. When I was growing up, I would always go watch the talent shows. That was when I was in primary school from the ages of five to twelve. I would admire the other kids and how they could perform, but I was always too shy to get up there and do it.
Then finally I grew into my own a bit more around the age of eleven, which I hear is common amongst women. We started a band, and I was the lead singer. I performed a bit throughout high school until I was fourteen. That was when I got approached to model. And that is when things really took off for me. TV commercials were always my favorite part of modeling because they allowed me to act more and express myself. Whenever I did any kind of commercial, it was always my favorite because it was like acting.
When did you make the change from modeling to focusing more on acting?
When I was growing up, acting was always more of a fantasy. Because of that, I didn’t really pursue it.
While I was modeling in 2015, I started creating short films. I did one with Brian Hopson, Life Is Like This… which led to me getting my first award at a film festival.
To be quite honest, I didn’t allow enough time to pursue my acting career while working as a full-time model. I was really in love with the party scene. And one thing is for sure. If you don’t stop and ask yourself, “What really matters to me?” and “What’s really important to me?” you’re not going to excel on your dreams. So I had to stop and ask myself, “What do I really want for my future? What’s most important to me?” I chose health and happiness for my future.
Since around 2017, I’ve been pursuing acting more seriously. then at the beginning of this year, I began to go at it as hard and as intensely as I’m doing now. You know, it’s always been in my mind that you have to really work for it if you really want it. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a model turned actor, but that’s not the way I really want to be seen. I want to be seen more as a performer, an entertainer, and the actor that I am.
I understand where you’re coming from. I’ve talked with other actors who started out as models, and sometimes it can be difficult to make the change and be seen as a serious actor when you’ve had a background in modeling.
Exactly. I’m not trying to get my best angle or to even look how the modeling industry wants you to look by being seen as beautiful or appealing. I don’t want my outer layer to be my main purpose or selling point. Of course, personality is a big aspect of modeling as well. But in the acting world, there are so many more aspects to be aware of.
How did you get involved with To Avenge?
I found the opportunity to audition for Elizabeth Tate on Casting 360. I submitted my headshot there and about a week later, I heard back from Nick Belial asking if I was available to chat over the weekend. Whilst chatting with him, I learned more about the movie and more about myself. Then I was asked to send an audition tape by the following week, and of course, I complied and sent four tapes a day earlier than asked because I really wanted the part in the film. I connected with the story this movie tells. Nick shared with me that it had almost been a year that he had been auditioning for this role, and he had auditioned more than thirty actors for the role. Needless to say, I am really grateful to have landed this part.
Wow! I wasn’t aware of how long the process had taken for this role. What was it specifically that attracted you to this role? What do you like about Elizabeth Tate?
She’s a strong, successful entrepreneur, and I believe we need more women like that in film. And though she plays a position of authority, she treats all her co-workers with respect. I’m also very happy to see other women in the story that are smart and confident. I like the way they do not allow others to define them, and instead, they define themselves. I really love that. I actually have started my own company–my own business. It is a multi-level marketing business I started before coming back to New York in January. I think it’s so cool to play a woman in front of the camera who’s owning her own business since I have come to know and understand at least a little bit what it takes to do that because of my real life experience.

Skye Stracke photo shoot by Jannis Tsipoulanis (2011)
You’re busier than I thought, Skye. You’re acting and running a business! How does that work for you?
Well, with my business, it’s one of the things I can set down and pick back up when I can. I really am focusing on my acting, so my business is on hold for right now. But I’m not putting it on hold forever. The short version of my business is that it’s multi-level marketing. It’s something that will be there…I hate to say as a backup because I want acting to be the only plan. I really want to focus on acting.
I understand. You really can’t be a part-time actor and make a success of it. Now, have you worked with any of the other people who have been cast in the film so far?
Not yet. The entire cast looks really inspiring. I’m really looking forward to working with Taylor Hay especially. I read her story, and she is the very definition of a strong woman. I think we’ll have a lot in common, and working with like-minded people is definitely a pleasure.
As far as the message of the film, have you had to deal personally with any of the “Me Too”issues that are included in the film?
Actually, Ruth, I’m going to use our interview today as a “Me Too” opportunity. I’ve only shared this with close friends and family up to now. But since you’re asking, I am a survivor of rape. And let me add that it wasn’t with people in the industry. It was actually with someone who was close to me that I looked up to and trusted. I know the industry does have a bad reputation in this area, but that wasn’t my experience. Reading this story was like reading somewhat of a fantasy, at least in the way the situation at hand is dealt with–I don’t want to give away anything about the story of the film. I know that in the real world, vengeance is not something we should ever do. But the story of this movie is very cathartic for me. I mostly connected to the strength this movie represents as well as the powerful message it sends out. I’m just so happy to be a part of it.
Skye, I commend you for being brave enough to say all that, and I’m honored that you shared this. I can imagine the storyline must be deeply personal for you. My respect for you just went way off the charts.
Thank you, Ruth.
In addition to To Avenge, is there anything else upcoming that you can mention?
Yes, I’m a part of Mott Haven that is due to come out in January of next year, I believe. I had the pleasure of working with Robert Davi in this film, which has led me to another couple of roles for me. One is Paper Empire, written by my dear friend Robert Gillings, which I will start filming in December. And there are also a couple of other projects that I can’t mention just yet.
Will Mott Haven be a theatrical release?
It is an independent film that’s going to be released into the festival circuit. I’ve been talking with the writer, and he said they’re going through the final cuts right now. I just can’t wait to see it.
So you got to work with Robert Davi twice. First on Mott Haven and then on Paper Empire.
Yes, it’s really amazing.
I’m hoping that since Mott Haven is a little more high-profile that it might go through the festival circuit more quickly and maybe get into distribution a little quicker.
Yes, and the story is really great and is written by Mike Domino. He’s great, and it’s not the first movie I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of that he’s written. He wrote The Expediter, which I had a part in. Then he asked me if I wanted to be in this one, and I can tell you that the story of Mott Haven and the conflict you see is great.
Are you looking to do some writing of your own in the future?
I have thought about it. I haven’t actually started writing anything yet. But I might be interested in being able to tell my story, so it’s not out of the question. Maybe at some point, but I’m really focused on my acting career at the moment. I would like to make my own short films. I made a little demo the other week that my boyfriend actually wrote for me. You can see it on YouTube. It shows the wide range of my characters. It’s kind of an Orange Is the New Black concept. Many different characters in one. It’s fun being on the other side of things and doing the writing. Perhaps at one point, I’ll do that.
Skye, I hope one day you’re able to do some writing or collaborate with someone to tell your story. I think it would be very inspiring to other women. I already see you are very inspirational.
I do hope to eventually inspire people with my story. After all, I started out as a model and then got caught up in the party scene. Thankfully, I was able to come out of all that. If you let it, this kind of situation can swallow you whole or you can rise above it. I think you’re right that I can inspire people, and hearing you say it certainly motivates me to want to take the next step.
Well, I just appreciate that you were willing to share something so deeply personal, Skye. You would hope that society has evolved enough to no longer shame women who share such stories, but unfortunately…
…we still have a ways to go, yeah.
I want to thank you, Skye, for sharing with me today. We all look forward to seeing you in To Avenge along with all your upcoming works.
Thank you, Ruth, I’m very excited to get going on all these acting opportunities and share them with the world.
In multiple ways, Skye is a young woman who has witnessed both sides of the life because of the experiences she has had in modeling, acting, and real life as well. She has been an active participant within the more riotous side of the culture, and what she has gleaned from those moments has enabled and motivated her to become the healthy, driven woman she embodies now with goals and pursuits that keep her focused extensively on accomplishing the dreams that have burned within her soul since she was very young. While she has endured the brutal nightmare of being exploited by a person she trusted and respected, she has rebounded with tenacity and stamina that some women struggle to manifest. There is no doubt that her friends and family have supported her through her individual, virtual purgatory, and I am grateful to see her emerging with profound strength and resolve to inspire and encourage others in this sometimes dreary and portentous world of ours. Skye definitely impresses me with her ambitious, industrious attitude and singular commitment to doing whatever it takes to achieve her ultimate goal of becoming a bona fide actress. While we await the filming of To Avenge, I hope that everyone checks out the links below (Skye, To Avenge, and Nick Belial) and considers following any and all where applicable. In the wake of “Me Too,” it’s a blessing to behold a woman who is willing to not only share her story, but to use it as an impetus for enacting awareness and reform in this all too often indifferent society in which we live today.
1 Comment
I hope someday Skye can write her story and inspire many other victims of rape or sexual abuse. Inspire them by her brave story and how she overcame it; and how they can achieve anything they want too