I remember a couple of years ago when I happened upon a lovely young lady whose positivity and enthusiasm was practically infectious. I reached out then to Kacey Fifield for an interview, and it was such a sweet moment that I was quite happy to share with my readers. Of course, Kacey has continued to become even more active in music and charity events, and recently I had the honor of updating that initial interview. How nice it is to know that Kacey has only become more engaging and inspiring!

Photo Credit: Luciana Nocks Photography
RH: When we last chatted, “Hear Me Out” had just come out as a music video. What was most memorable about shooting that video? What was the reaction from the fans and the critics to that video/song?
KF: It was an incredible, empowering experience overall, seeing my vision come to life. I’m humbled by the amount of support that video received. It was awarded by multiple film festivals, in various categories, including best new artist. It was even screened in the Chinese Theater as part of the Dances with Films festival! It was an amazing experience to film it and screen it, especially since it carries very powerful messages.
Since then, you have released several singles and videos. Please tell us about these songs/videos and what the story is behind each of these.
Since we last talked, I have released “Keep Summer Going”, “Porcelain Doll”, “Won’t Give Up” and most recently “Listen to The Silence”. All songs are available on ITunes, Apple, Google Play, Spotify and YouTube. All of these songs carry deeper meanings and are intended to make an impact on how we view the world and what’s important. Feel free to check out the videos on my YT channel, Kacey Fifield Variety.
I know that you have a passion for animal rights. Please tell us about your involvement in this cause and why it is so important to you.
I am vegetarian and I have two rescue cats, I have also volunteered for multiple animal rescues such as Muttshack and ZazzyCats. I started a club at my school that had a mission to save animals and I’ve raised hundreds of dollars worth of dog and cat food for my local no-kill animal shelter! I also have an Etsy shop and donate some proceeds to animal rescue groups. In addition, I am involved with the Youth Council for Farm Sanctuary. Animal rights are so important to me because animals are equally entitled to a good and happy life. We need to speak up for the voiceless and educate those who don’t understand the importance of life. There is way too much animal abuse going on in the world. And honestly, all the beings are equally important so we have to protect the ones who can’t stand up for themselves.
You also are an advocate for youth empowerment and kindness. Why is this so important to you, and how have you helped to promote awareness for these causes?

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I organized an event “Hear me Out – Kindness Matters” to promote both, youth empowerment and kindness. I had a lot of amazing support and my event was a big success. I have been co-hosting the radio show Hear Me Out with Kacey Fifield Hour on Teens of America Radio Network to spread the word as much as possible. Kindness is so important and even through small acts of kindness, we can make the world a better place. The younger generation will have the power soon, but we don’t need to wait. The time to make changes around us is now. We need to come together and step by step work on making things better for us and generations to come. Kindness is the key. We need to be kind to each other and all beings.
Please tell us about your school experience. How do you keep up with your studies in spite of your busy schedule?
School always comes first, so I pay attention in class and always turn my work in on time. I have been fortunate to participate in the gifted and talented program with accelerated courses. I am able to manage it all just fine.
Any other upcoming works you can tell us about?
My newest music video for my song “Listen to the Silence” just came out. I am super excited about this one so be sure to check it out. I am always working on new songs and acting projects. I have a few new videos coming for Kacey Fifield Variety on YouTube. Keep an eye out for those!
I understand that you write your own songs. Where do you get the inspiration for these songs? What is your process of actually writing them?
I get inspiration from the whole world around me and what’s going on with me or my friends. I try to write about important topics and combine them with fun, upbeat tunes. Songwriting is different for every song. Sometimes ideas come right away and I get a song very quickly, but sometimes it’s a longer process. I have to feel it and be in the mood.
You have a very strong following on social media. Many young people struggle with how to represent themselves online, but you continue to be a role model in that area. What is your advice to teens on social media to keep things positive and safe?
There are a couple of rules I follow. First, be yourself and true to who you are. Represent yourself with grace as the comments and posts stay online forever, even after you delete them. Also, don’t trust everything you read online and when in doubt, run it by your parents. Lastly, don’t get involved in drama and petty arguments. Keep things positive and treat others with respect.
Some teens don’t like to have their parents so involved in their lives, but your mom has been your biggest supporter and continues to be active in helping you personally and professionally. What is your advice to teens in regards to their relationship to their parents?
Don’t keep secrets from your parents. Of course, you need your privacy but your life shouldn’t be so separate from your parents. My mom is my best friend, and she’s helped me through so many things and taught me so much about life. Therefore be open to your parents’ advice and experiences. They want what’s best for you!
Where do you see yourself five years from now? Ten?
Hmmm…in five years, I will be finishing high school and looking forward to college! I would like to study filmmaking and business. In ten years, I will hopefully have founded an animal rescue and sanctuary.
What are the three most important pieces of advice you would like to give to young people?
Believe that you can make a difference, doing something small is better than doing nothing at all. Love what you do and do what you love. Education comes first and it’s super important!
Photo Credit: Luciana Nocks Photography
I cannot emphasize enough just how much this young lady impresses me. Not only does she write and sing these remarkably profound and dynamic songs, but her philosophy is one of the most positive I have ever encountered from an LA teenager. To her, the world is a thrilling adventure, and her role is to inject as much optimism and goodwill as possible into a world that might appear ominous, daunting, and demoralizing to others her age and beyond. Not only that, but she practices what she believes. Very few young people make the decision to become vegetarians because of their affection for animals, but Kacey has done just that. And that is only one of a multitude of examples I could use to illustrate her staunch loyalty to the causes which are most important to her. I greatly respect what Kacey and her mother represent, and I can hardly wait to see what the future holds for her. I encourage everyone to check out all of Kacey’s links below and follow her where applicable. If you are interested in a daily dose of sincere positivity, look no further than Kacey Fifield. She is one of the few who consistently counters the negativity which is present in the world today with profuse enthusiasm, delightful elation, and faithful compassion!
1 Comment
beautiful voice and song