August New Release Hop (Ends 8/31) WW

By Ruth on August 14, 2013 in blog hop, book, giveaway

August New Release Hop

Welcome to the August New Release Giveaway Hop that is being hosted by Book Twirps & Refracted Light Reviews.  This is the first time I have participated in this giveaway hop–I think they have one each month.  And I figured that I would join in!  After all, who doesn’t like to win free books and new ones!  I am going to be giving away a book that is being (or has been) released this month, and my giveaway is open worldwide as long as Book Depository, Fishpond, or Amazon ships to you.  As long as your book choice is $15 or under, you are good to go.  Need some inspiration?  Check out the following links:

And I am sure you can find many more links if you hunt for them.  But for now, make you sure you enter the rafflecopter below by 9 P.M. Pacific time on August 31, and then hop on for the chance to win more books!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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About the Author

RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Krizia Almiranez August 23, 2013 Reply

    I really don’t know 🙂 I have so many in mind that I can’t pick just one 😀 but any YA or chick lit book would do 😀

  2. Mariska August 22, 2013 Reply

    Either Between The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea or Gated 🙂

  3. Diana Dimovska August 22, 2013 Reply

    I would love to win Crown of Midnight or Asylum, thanks! 🙂

  4. Jolene A August 22, 2013 Reply

    I don’t know, my wishlist is insane 🙂 I would have to narrow it down

  5. Pam August 22, 2013 Reply

    I have so many books on my wish list…like you, I have no idea what releases this month.

  6. Ashfa August 22, 2013 Reply


  7. Ashleigh Swerdfeger August 21, 2013 Reply

    IDK- maybe Crown of Midnight or something?
    Ashleigh Swerdfeger recently posted…Vamps VS Zombies Giveaway Blog Hop LinkMy Profile

  8. Filia Oktarina August 21, 2013 Reply

    I choose Deception by C.J. Redwine.
    Thanks for giveaway 🙂

  9. Ileana A. August 21, 2013 Reply

    I want Origin by JLA!

  10. Dovile August 21, 2013 Reply

    probably Hover by Melissa West or some graphic novel

  11. Anna August 21, 2013 Reply

    I haven’t decided yet but I’m sure I will find something interesting. More power!

  12. andie August 20, 2013 Reply

    …maybe ASYLUM?

  13. Elizabeth August 20, 2013 Reply

    I’m not sure, since TBD has no way to search by chronological date (why?!) and I have a TBR list that’s too long! 🙂

  14. Say August 20, 2013 Reply

    The beginning of everything by Robyn Schneider.Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. Rebekah Gyger August 20, 2013 Reply

    At the moment, I can only think of one book that I know releases this month, but I am sure that there are others I would want more.

  16. Stephanie August 20, 2013 Reply

    Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout

  17. JennH August 20, 2013 Reply

    Origin by:Jennifer L. Armentrout! 😀

  18. Erika August 19, 2013 Reply

    I’d love to win Crown of Midnight! Thanks!

  19. Marilyn B. August 19, 2013 Reply

    I would get Asylum by Madeleine Roux. Thank you!

  20. Diah Didi August 19, 2013 Reply

    Thank you for participating and the giveaway. I’d choose Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout or The Liberator by Victoria Scott. ^^
    Diah Didi recently posted…August New Release Giveaway Hop (INT)My Profile

  21. Donna D August 19, 2013 Reply

    I’m not sure which book I would choose if I won — Mainly because there are so many I would like to have that it could be hard to pick just one. 🙂
    I rather think I would pick one from a cozy mystery list — Remnants of Murder by Elizabeth Lynn Casey; Cross-Stitch before Dying by Amanda Lee; Little Black Book of Murder by Nancy Martin; Cloche and Dagger by Jenn McKinlay; and there are a few others as well. These are all books in new-to-me series, but I think I’d like to start reading them.
    I might just need to put all the titles in a jar and then draw one out! 🙂

  22. erma H August 19, 2013 Reply

    I have no clue what to choose cause there are so many good ones.

  23. Kim-Anh Vu August 19, 2013 Reply

    I would choose Conjured by Sarah Beth Durst! Thanks for the giveaway =)

  24. Szappanbubi August 19, 2013 Reply

    I’d like the Burn (The Breathless Trilogy) by Maya Banks ,thanks!

  25. Ellisa August 19, 2013 Reply

    Hi! I think I’d choose Between The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea, since… since… OK, I honestly don’t know why. I know that gothic is a rather new genre for me, and they all say that the writing is atmospheric, and the plot, as well as the mysterious setting… I think I want to find what happens in this book myself 😉

    Thank you for the giveaway! Happy summer!

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