Vancouver, B.C. is a place rich with talent, and Hallmark, as well as other networks, often draw from this incredible pool of industry professionals. Sometimes I feel as though I’m a bit of a broken record, but there truly is something special about the preponderance of people who live and work in this segment of the entertainment industry. One such person came to my attention a couple of years ago due to UP TV’s short-lived but absolutely delightful series, Date My Dad. Matty Finochio portrayed one of those characters you could not overlook, and that was when we had our very first interview. In spite of the fact that the powers that be chose not to greenlight that series for a second season, I have been fortunate enough to remain connected to many within that glittering cast of shining personas. Recently, Matty and I had the opportunity to catch up on what has been going on with him professionally since that show’s airing, and I am thrilled to share our chat with my readers today.
RH: So nice to chat with you again, Matty.
MF: Same here, Ruth. Always a pleasure.
It looks like you’ve been keeping busy. I know I sure have been.
Yeah, pretty busy. When was the last time we spoke?
It was right around the time of Date My Dad. It had just completed its run. At that time, we weren’t sure if it was gonna have a second season.
Oh, that’s right! Well, I guess now we know that there won’t be a second season, unfortunately.
I know! It would have been nice to have had some more episodes in that series.

With Cindy Busby
Yeah, but that’s the way it happens sometimes. Everybody’s not on the same page or on board with another season, and we move on. It was a fantastic experience. Actually, Barry Watson was up here in Vancouver filming something recently, and so I got a chance to have a couple dinners with him and catch up. He was filming a movie for Lifetime with the same producers as Date My Dad.
That’s cool. So now we have gotten to see you in some Hallmark projects over the past year or so. I wasn’t even expecting to see you in some of them. I remember you had a little part on Wedding Of Dreams.
Oh, that’s right! With Debbie Gibson!
Yeah! I was watching and then I was like, “Wait a minute! That’s Matty!”
Yeah, that was fun! I think that was last summer. Debbie is just so sweet. So down-to-earth and such a talent. Everybody on that project was fun, and the character I played was really fun too. I was kind of like a network executive guy. One of those flashy, tough guys. My character’s name was Charles Lambert.
I actually did a couple Hallmarks in a row. I was on an episode of Chesapeake Shores. And then there was Wedding Of Dreams. And then the last one I did was an Emma Fielding Mystery.
Yes, that one aired here earlier this year.
I noticed that. I was getting tagged on Twitter a lot when that one aired. Everyone seemed to like that mystery movie. Again, everyone was really sweet on that series.
We were all relieved that you weren’t the killer. We were all worried it might be you.
No, that’s right! Scott Thompson is a good guy. Now, I haven’t seen the rest of the series. Does the entire series take place in the same setting?
No, actually this was the first one that took place back at the university. The two prior took place out on an archaeological dig with her students and then in a fancy house where there was a basement of artifacts. This was the first one where we saw her in her role as a professor at the university.
Oh, that’s good to know. We actually shot that one on Vancouver Island in Victoria. It’s always fun working over there; it’s such a fantastic place. Victoria is such a quaint, little town. Have you been?
You know, I have been over to Victoria in the past, but it has been years and years ago. I haven’t been there recently. Now, Vancouver, I’ve been there three times in the past three years. And the last time I was there, the weather was surprisingly beautiful. I am used to it raining when I’m up there.
Oh, yeah, that’s nice when you get the beautiful weather up there.
I want to go back and visit Victoria again. When I was younger, we actually took the ferry up there that is no longer in service. It was a four-hour ferry ride up to Victoria. I believe it was the Princess Marguerite.
Oh, was that the one from Seattle that would go to downtown Victoria?
Yeah, that’s the one. I know it has been retired, but I remember that boat very well. It was such a beautiful trip.
I remember that it was a four-hour trip. Yeah, beautiful, old ship.
As far as your non-Hallmark works, I know you’ve been a part of the show Loudermilk.
Yes, Loudermilk on Audience Network. Have you seen any of the episodes?
I have not {though I have now} as of yet. It’s one of those ones I have to watch when no one else is around.
It’s not for everybody, but it’s very funny. It’s about a recovering alcoholic running an AA meeting downstairs in the church. So you have this band of hooligans in the church. You’ve got Peter Farrelly writing and directing it with Bobby Mort, who’s one of the writers on The Colbert Report. The writing is fantastic, and all the other actors are great. I was on seasons one and two, so I have an arc there. They recently got picked up for the third season. I’m waiting to see if my character comes back. In the show, my character leaves and joins the competing Wellness Center, so we’ll see if he comes back or not.
Lots of Vancouver talent in that series too.
Absolutely! Just about all the cast members have Vancouver roots. Viv Leacock is on that show too.
Yes, he is the reason I know about the show.
Such a good guy. I’ve known Viv for a while. Such a great actor too. We’re old pals. It’s always nice to get to work with him. In fact, we did another job years ago called Season’s Greetings.
Yes, I had seen that movie before, and I made it a point to see it again this past Christmas because I officially met the lead actor, Casey Manderson. And that movie is such a fun one!
Right! Super fun movie! Allan Harmon directed that. And Allan, Casey and myself did a pilot years ago called Wolf Canyon. And that’s where we all met. That was back in like 2009 or something like that.
And Allan Harmon has done some Hallmark stuff too.
Yes, he has been starting to do a lot of Hallmark.
I think he’s becoming pretty regular with the network.
He’s such a fantastic guy and a terrific director. He’s a real actor’s director. Nothing but love for the whole Harmon clan. Cynde is his wife and producing partner. Then you have Richard Harmon and Jessica Harmon, who are both actors. So that’s pretty cool.
I also did another Pup Star movie with Robert Vince. It’s a Universal kids movie, so that’s always fun.
Also since the last time we chatted, I did Once Upon A Time. I played Rapunzel’s husband, Marcus Tremaine.
So you got to be a part of Once Upon A Time before it ended.
Exactly what I thought too. It was nice coming back because I saw a lot of familiar faces. I had been on Once Upon A Time In Wonderland, which was a spinoff of Once. That was years ago, and I played one of the Tweedles. And getting to be a part of a big network show–ABC–is always fun. And when you do these kinds of big jobs with all these special effects, you sometimes feel like no acting is required. You’re a part of the show, you are put in your place, and then the magic just takes over. And absolutely fantastic locations as well.
Then you were in A.R.C.H.I.E. 2 as well.
Yes, absolutely! We shot that in Regina. I played Joko! Robin Dunne wrote and directed it and starred in it. And his wife, Farrah {Aviva}, was a part of it too. And A.R.C.H.I.E. was played by Michael J. Fox. It’s always fun to work out there in Regina in the summer. It’s a fantastic city.
I can imagine it would be. I believe that sometimes people are up there filming when it’s not so nice.
Yeah, I hear those stories here and there. You can either be there and it’s minus a hundred and fifty and it’s really cold {laughs}. Or sometimes in the summer, it can get really, really hot. Or just before the really hot season, the mosquitoes come out. It’s kind of hit or miss there. But it’s a beautiful town.
I also did an iZombie episode. That is for this final season of that show. So it’s still coming. And I was also on The Flash this past summer. It was season five, episode two.
Right now, I am doing a pilot. It’s on the Pop Network. They’re really doing a push for more content on this network because Schitt’s Creek is on that network, and before too long, it will be done. There’s a bunch of pilots coming up for that network. This pilot is called Ride Or Die. It’s a super fun show, very funny. It’s about a spin instructor, and there’s a murder that happens. And she is gonna solve the murder. It almost feels a bit like the formula Hallmark uses for their mysteries. Almost like Murder, She Wrote. But it’s funny, and it’s got some really touching moments. I think it’s going to be a fantastic show with great actors in it.
I play the husband of Glo. My character’s name is Harris, and Glo is played by NeNe Leakes, who is a Real Housewife Of Atlanta. Marley Shelton is the lead. You might know her from Rampage or Rise. Molly Sims and Jennifer Landon are in it, and it is directed by Zoe Cassavetes. Written by Matt McConkey. Hopefully, this series will make it because we had such a blast filming it.
So cool that this series came your way, Matty. When it’s pilot season, this is an actor’s dream.
Yes, it’s coming true, you know? Sometimes these pilots can be so elusive, and once in a while, you get one. And then, of course, you try not to put too much hope in them. You want to do your best and have fun, but it’s a pilot. You don’t want to get your hopes up. But every time you join one of these, you can’t help but get overly excited, especially with a script that’s fantastic. So fingers crossed that it gets picked up.
Well, best wishes on that, Matty. I hope it works out for you and the cast.
Oh, and by the way, I am also in the upcoming Hailey Dean Mysteries: Killer Sentence film that premieres this weekend, I believe.
Oh yes! Another Hallmark to look forward to!
So nice that I got to be a part of that film. Great people on there. Of course, Viv is on there. And Lauren Holly, Kellie Martin, Matthew MacCaull…I’m glad to be a part of such a fantastic group of people on these Hallmark films.
Absolutely! We’ll look forward to seeing you then on Sunday, Matty. One thing about you is that you are not typecast where Hallmark is concerned. You can play everything from the bad guy to the other guy to the network executive to the supporting cast member and everything else in between.
I won’t spoil Hailey Dean for you, but I promise, you want to tune in.
That we will, Matty. Thank you so much for your time today. Excited to see everything that’s happening for you.
And thank you for your support, Ruth, and for the support of the fans. I couldn’t do this without all of you.
I couldn’t be happier to promote such a humble, gifted, and engaging artist like Matty. Every time I interact with him, he always brings a buoyant and sometimes unconventional energy to the conversation, and I always come away with a huge smile on my face. I mean, after all, how could you not? Even during our interview, he was more interested in knowing my experience and thoughts and promoting the work of his peers as opposed to detailing the merits of his works and talents. While he consistently embeds his heart and soul into all of the projects in which he is cast, he never takes anything for granted and perpetually finds boundless positivity to take away from every film or TV show. I sometimes don’t know where he finds all his vivacity, but I guess when you love what you do for a living, it’s relatively effortless to find all the strength and endurance you need to weather any storm or difficulty of life or work.
I hope that everyone tunes into Hailey Dean Mysteries: Killer Sentence tomorrow night (May 19th) on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Network (still waiting for the latest installments to come to Canada) while keeping a sharp eye out for Matty’s character (I’m hoping he’s not the killer this time either, but then again, you never know!). Additionally, go ahead and click on all Matty’s links below and consider following him on social media if you are so inclined. With such a diverse career as Matty continues to enjoy, there is bound to be something that will appeal to every member of your family, and I can only hope that we will continue to see Matty on our TV screens for decades to come! Indeed, there is no one more deserving of all the success and joy he is currently experiencing, and I can hardly wait to see his next project, Hallmark or otherwise!