Verna Cole Mitchell is a refreshing breath of air in the world of poetry. It is evident that she can write about any topic from English to cats to family life to the Bible. Her language and description are so beautiful, and many of her poems affected me emotionally. The woman even wrote a poem about Edgar Allen Poe’s writings! None of the poems appear contrived, and I couldn’t help but smile throughout the book. She does have a fantastic sense of humor.
The best thing about this book of poetry is that the author is a Christian, and she does not make apologies nor excuses for her beliefs. Even in her lighter poems, you can see her faith in an organic way. She never forces her faith on the reader–it’s just there. I highly recommend this book of poetry to everyone. You are sure to find some poems that will touch you deeply.
I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not financially compensated, and all opinions are 100 percent mine.