Lisa and her family moved to Charlottesville, Virginia and lived there for 10 years until recently settling in Gainesville, Florida in January 2012. Coming back to Gainesville after a 20-year hiatus has been a wonderful experience for Lisa. The Little Boy Who Didn’t Say “Bless You” is her début children’s picture book. Lisa has also written a funny women’s “coffee-table” book called Jean Expressions as well as a feature-length screenplay. Look for more of her books in the near future!
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The Little Boy Who Didn’t Say “Bless You” by Lisa Katz
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
As far as children’s books go, this is definitely about par or above par for the course. The illustrations are delightful, and I would say most children could use a lesson in manners–especially in this day and age. This book is definitely meant for the very young, and it will probably have them smiling. I would have liked to have had the author share why it is polite to say “bless you” with a little more clarity and detail (even if it was just a note to the parents so they could share with their children). I also would have liked it if the author pointed out the appropriate way to implement this manner in school (I have seen too many abuses of this manner as a means for disruption). But I am possibly overanalyzing this book. It is pretty clear to say that if you have a little one, they will enjoy the book and learn a valuable lesson besides.
I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not financially compensated, and all opinions are 100 percent mine.