Posts tagged with ‘review’

  • CM Book Tours: “Cross the Ocean” by Holly Bush Book Tour/Review

    By Ruth on November 11, 2013
    Cross The Ocean Book Tour Info Title: Cross The Ocean Author: Holly Bush Genre: Historical Romance Length: 258 pages approx   Synopsis:   1871 . . . The very proud Duke of Wexford was about to have his orderly world blown apart. At the age of twenty-four, Blake Sanders had wed a beautiful, dutiful wife and she had borne him three children. But now […]
  • SlingGRIP Review–Get a Grip on Your Phone!

    By Ruth on November 10, 2013
    Note:  I was sent a free product for review  purposes. So have you ever dropped your phone, your tablet, your e-reader, or even your mp3 player?  I think I have dropped all of those (except a tablet since I don’t own one).  Thankfully, my devices have never suffered significant damage.  I have done all sorts of things to protect them, […]
  • Wet & Forget Indoor Mold + Mildew Disinfectant Cleaner Review

    By Ruth on November 10, 2013
    Note:  I received a free product for review purposes. We live in the country, and we live in a mobile home.   We have one dog, thirteen cats, four goats, three adults, and one child.  We live in Washington state where it is normally pretty damp, and there is a lot of dirt around here.  Welcome to the country! Wet & […]
  • LaVender 100% Natural – Welcome ValuePack Review

    By Ruth on November 10, 2013
    Note:  I was sent free products for review  purposes. I am so happy to be working with this company again.  I got to review their natural deodorant this summer, and I knew that I would love this package.  I honestly had no idea just how much would be included!  Read on for all of my thoughts concerning this all-natural cosmetic […]
  • Beck Valley Books: “Both Sides” by Paul E. Stawski Book Review

    By Ruth on November 10, 2013
    Imagine if you were in a tragic accident – unable to move or speak but otherwise cognizant of everything around you. Imagine hearing doctors deciding your fate without you having a voice in the outcome. Alex is a 16-year-old girl who finds herself in that exact situation in Both Sides, a novel that begins when – while on a class […]
  • Captured Wishes Gift for New Baby Review

    By Ruth on November 7, 2013
    Note:  The company sent me a free product for review purposes. This gift is a gift of wishes. Think about that for a moment. No matter what the physical item you choose for a gift is, it’s really about wishes. This is a baby shower wishes gift, and it is the ultimate expression of love. It is a small glass vessel filled […]
  • Fou-Stick Review

    By Ruth on November 7, 2013
    Note:  I was sent a free product for review purposes. We have a medium-sized dog, and I am always looking for products to help her live a better and healthier life.  I was so glad to review the Fou-Stick.  I worked with this company some time back, and I know that they always put forth quality products that help my […]
  • “Abe Lincoln: Public Enemy No. 1” by Bill Walker & Brian Anthony Book Review

    By Ruth on November 7, 2013
    Read more about this book here. Abe Lincoln: Public Enemy No. 1 by Bill Walker My rating: 4 of 5 stars Let me begin by saying this is not my typical genre, and trying to explain the book to others is a rather difficult assignment. I was mesmerized for much of the book, and that in of itself is an […]
  • Mommy’s Bliss Kid’s Upset Tummy & Nausea Relief Review

    By Ruth on November 7, 2013
    Note:  I received free products for review purposes. Nausea, motion sickness, gas and bloating, indigestion, and stomachaches in general; no matter the age, stomach pains are difficult to cope with. Maybe you have had to take time out of a family vacation due to a child’s rumbly tummy. Perhaps your child has called home asking to leave early from school or a sleepover […]
  • “Qi Orthopedic Pillow” Review

    By Ruth on November 6, 2013
    I was sent a free product for review purposes. My mom spends a lot of time in our office in front of the computer.  She has back problems, and she has often complained.  She has used all kinds of pillows, but I was very excited to surrender this QiPillow to her for my review.   Okay, I used it, too, but […]