
Posts tagged with ‘health’

  • GungHo–Healthy Brain Boost For Women & Students Review

    By Ruth on February 25, 2014
    Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. It seems that energy drinks are so popular today.  I am a substitute teacher, and I generally see young people with an energy drink in hand whether morning or afternoon.  I am not terribly enamored with energy drinks, but I do drink my share of coffee.  As you probably know, […]
  • Ageless Derma Apple Stem Cell and Peptide Anti Wrinkle Cream

    By Ruth on February 23, 2014
    Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. Okay, I will turn forty in June, and I know that my skin is not doing too badly, but I want to keep it looking young and healthy.  No woman in today’s culture (or at least very few) like to look their age.  I figure I will do all that […]
  • ResVitále™ Collagen Renew Review

    By Ruth on February 18, 2014
    As I am now almost forty years old, I know that my skin is not as pliable nor even as clear as it once was.  I have tried every beauty product imaginable, and it seems that I still sometimes have acne and other blemishes on my face.  I don’t have many wrinkles, but I am beginning to notice small ones.  […]
  • Keep the Germs at Bay Giveaway (ends 3/3) U. S.

    By Ruth on February 18, 2014
    Welcome to the Keep the Germs at Bay Giveaway! Prize: Crane Germ Defense Cool & Warm Air Humidifier Sponsored by:  Crane Hosted by: Gloriously Green Gal & Savory Savings Co-hosted by: Bloggie Away, Monica’s Rants, Raves & Reviews, Dividing by Zero, Her 3 Little Thinkers, Joy Makin’ Mamas, Profit From Sweepstakes Giveaway & Review Blog , Mixed Nuts Mommy, and […]
  • Cedar Fort: “Skinny-licious” by Shauna Evans Book Tour/Review

    By Ruth on February 12, 2014
    Shauna Evans is proud to host a blog tour for her book, Skinny-licious from February 1–28. Eat yourself skinny! Registered nurse and award-winning cook Shauna Evans proves that you don’t need to give up your favorite foods in order to slim down. You can enjoy tasty recipes like Lime and Cilantro Shrimp Skewers, Stuffed Red Peppers, and Cherry Chocolate Cake, all while losing […]
  • Skinny Jane “Weight Loss and Nutrition for Women” Review

    By Ruth on February 10, 2014
    Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. So how many of you made a weight loss goal this year?  How many of you are still sticking to your resolutions?  It is always disconcerting when weight loss does not come for you no matter what you do!  It is hard work, and I should know.  I lost a […]
  • The Importance of Correct Workout Clothing

    By Ruth on February 4, 2014
    If you are like me, exercise was not always an important thing to me.  There was a time I was obese and never dreamed of going to the gym or being healthy.  Now I couldn’t imagine not working out!  In fact, if I skip too many days, my body lets me know. Once I began to regularly go to the […]
  • Six Screenings You Should Have Later in Life

    By Ruth on February 4, 2014
    According to the Population Division of the United Nations, researchers expect the number of seniors in the world to reach 21 percent by the year 2050. With this many people living further into old age, you want to make sure that you’re living comfortably. Taking care of your health and having proper health screenings will help you enter your golden years […]
  • This Day in History February 4, 2014

    By Ruth on February 4, 2014
    Not sure when this observance began, but on this date in 2014 (that’s today) we are celebrating World Cancer Day.  So  be sure to check out all the events that might be happening online and near you.  We can work together for a cure to this horrible disease! For more info: http://www.worldcancerday.org/ http://www.examiner.com/article/world-cancer-day-global-event-shines-spotlight-on-cancer-awareness http://cooks.ndtv.com/article/show/world-cancer-day-2014-foods-that-prevent-cancer-478762
  • Custom dietary supplements Mixturam.com Review

    By Ruth on February 3, 2014
    Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. Supplements have become a way of life for me, and I honestly do believe in the benefits of many of these supplements.  I almost can’t remember a time I did not take some kind of herbs and/or vitamins, so it just made sense to agree to a review of customized […]