What a perfect romance for this holiday season! This is the kind of book that you can curl up with and enjoy in front of a roaring fire and have a Hot Chocolate (with peppermint Schnapps–read the book, you’ll understand why!). Imagine having your ex come back into your life during the holidays. That is exactly what happens for Charley, Cass, and Ella, Each one has their own story, and the ending just may surprise you. The ride is filled with humor and the true meaning of family.
There’s no way I couldn’t give this book high praise. After all, it has a Pacific Northwest setting! Add some great romance, a daughter’s wedding, a fire, and much more. This book was so refreshing in the overpopulated world of romance novels. It was an easy read, and there was practically nothing inappropriate. There was some profanity, but there were no bedrooms scenes. They were only implied. It was neat to see that everyone still went to church in spite of everything. No, it’s not a Christian romance, but it is an almost squeaky clean romance that will get you through the tumultuous holidays. Shelia Roberts is an author I would love to read again and again. Looking briefly through her other offerings, it looks like Christmas romances are her specialty. I only wish I had time to drop everything and read all of them!
My absolutely favorite part of the book comes right towards the end. It involves a dog and a cake, and that is all I can say. I found my heart melting as I read the outcome. It even caused me to sight with pleasure. Since I am a divorcee, I could somewhat relate to the characters in the book even though my situation is completely different. If you are looking for a book that you can enjoy this holiday season, this just may be it!
I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not financially compensated, and all opinions are 100 percent mine.

Pick up your copy of Merry Ex-Mas at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Merry-Ex-Mas-Life-Icicle-Falls/dp/0778313921/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1350144430&sr=8-1&keywords=merry+ex-mas