Blogging Challenge Day #30: “What makes you smile?”
Oh, there’s so much that makes me smile! So many, many things. Let me post a few pictures of what makes me smile. This is only the beginning! -
Blogging Challenge Day #29: “What would your younger self be proud about who you have become today?”
I realize I’m a day behind, but in this case, I’m so glad I got to wait to write this! First of all, my younger self always dreamed of being able to work with actors. Granted, at the time, the actors with whom I was enamored were old-time actors and actresses (most of whom had passed on even as I […] -
Blogging Challenge Day #28: “How do you find opportunities to continue to grow in the midst of struggles?”
This is one that frankly spoke to me because every struggle should be an opportunity to grow. In this world, we are faced with struggles, and if anyone claims to have no struggles, I would question whether they are living. Even for Christians, we know that God said we would have struggles in this world, but we are to take […] -
Blogging Challenge Day #27: “Describe the kind of person you want to be.”
I don’t think I would have been able to answer this question before this year. Oh, I would have given the typical answers. “I want to be a kind, thoughtful person who lives for God.” Sure, that’s nice and all, but it doesn’t honestly explain the kind of person I want to be. I desire to be of service to […] -
Blogging Challenge Day #26: “What is your favorite thing to do the day after Christmas?”
Back in the day, I would have said after-Christmas shopping! We used to hit the stores early and scour the shelves for all the deals. We would buy Christmas decor, gifts, clothes, and so much more! My mom did go to Walmart today, but in the end, it is just not what it used to be. My favorite thing to […] -
Blogging Challenge Day #25: “Christmas Acrostic”
Today I am featuring my very own Christmas acrostic! And it’s all based on gratitude. Here we go. C is for cats. I love our cats in this house. We only have six, but at one point, we had nineteen! Yes, we rescued feral cats and got them all “fixed” eventually. But it was not an easy process, but so […] -
Blogging Challenge Day #24: “What is your favorite Christmas Eve tradition?”
This one is not easy for me because our Christmas Eves change from year to year. I don’t think we really have traditions that remain from year-to-year. Except putting out milk and cookies for Santa! Yes, we do it every year! When my daughter was younger, it was something that she enjoyed doing. She still likes doing it for fun, […] -
Blogging Challenge Day #23: “What are your plans or hopes for Christmas next year?”
I have learned not to make plans for too far in the future, and when one speaks of hopes, I can only hope the person does not mean some kind of ethereal hope that is nothing but apple-pie-in-the-sky. I have visions, dreams, and more for the future, and I have declared various things that I am convinced will happen. But […] -
Blogging Challenge Day #21: “What is your preferred Christmas beverage?”
This is another challenging one for me because I am not the same person I have been for the past forty years or so of my life. In the past, I would have said hot chocolate, eggnog, Christmas punch, apple cider, and a whole host of other sugary Christmas drinks. But those don’t appeal to me the way they used […] -
Blogging Challenge Day #21: “Do you usually travel for the holidays?”
I am pleased to say that I no longer need to travel for the holidays and haven’t for many years. It is one of the perks of living with my parents. However, back in the day, I traveled almost every year for the holidays! Whether I was in school in Florida, teaching in Florida or Texas, it made no difference. […]