I am ecstatic when talented youngsters come my way, and in the case of Christian Convery, this young man has it in spades. During the year of 2016, Christian has achieved more prestigious screen credits than many adults who have spent years in the business, and the boy is only six years old! Recently, I had the opportunity to chat with this young thespian (his supportive mother was there too), and we had the most entertaining and enlightening conversation about how he got started as an actor, his wide variety of roles, and even a hint at the excitement that is about to come his way in the near future.
RH: How long have you been acting, Christian?
CC: Three years.
Three years? And you’re six years old, right?
Six and a half. Turning seven in November.
How long have you been acting professionally?
Since January of this year {2016}.
Christian, what was your first audition? Do you remember?
I remember. It was a very long time ago. It was a toilet paper commercial in Toronto.
How old were you, Christian, at that point?
I was four.
What was your first big audition for a movie?
Hearts of Spring.
Yes, I remember that movie because it was on Hallmark earlier this year.
We were actually in Las Vegas when we got the call to audition. So we had to send a self-tape, and we had lots of fun doing it. My mom got us an acting coach, and we played at being these crazy animals for two hours. It was not your normal, professional self-tape. It was so out of this world. When the director saw it, she knew she had to have me.
Do you remember what it was like when you first got on set and started filming?
It was exciting. I got to play a naughty boy in the film. I had to squirt mustard all over Michael Shanks’ face. Every time I had to do something naughty, the director would keep adding lines for me. They kept giving me “off the cuff” lines for me to remember, which I kept doing. So it started out a small role and ended up becoming a bigger role. I would keep looking at my mom and saying, “Mom, can I really do this?” And she would say, “It’s okay, it’s a movie. That’s what so great about movies.” But the highlight was taking that mustard bottle and squeezing it all over Michael Shanks’ face. The whole crew and I were laughing. Michael wasn’t. I went from actor to supporting lead. I also got to drink water and totally spit it out. That was in the audition tape, but they made me do it in the movie too.
Christian, I remember watching you in that movie, and let me tell you, I could not stand your character. You played him so well. He drove me crazy!
Thank you!
Lisa {Christian’s mom}, Christian is such an intelligent boy who is willing to interact with people very easily and speak up. And he evidently reads very well. Has he always appeared to be a little more advanced?
Lisa: He started reading at two years old. He could recite songs and all the planets in the solar system. Then I got him into a private school, which was amazing. And that sure helped him, along with me doing math and reading with him. I taught him as much as I could when I wasn’t working. I think it gave him a good starting point. In the private school, they were doing yoga, French class, and math. I had him there from ages two to five years old, and I think that was the best base he could get.
Ironically, I only got him into acting for his self-confidence. When I was young, I was extremely shy. I didn’t come out of my shell until I was at least twenty years old, and I didn’t ever want Christian having those issues when he was growing up. I wanted him to have confidence in himself and to be able to interact with others. For me, originally, it was just to let him have fun and feel comfortable, and obviously things took an unexpected turn towards acting. But we couldn’t be happier.
I understand you have been on a show where you got to play a ghost and a show where you got to play a vampire.
Yes, it was so cool. I loved playing those roles.
What did you like about playing a ghost on Supernatural?
I had a really cool costume and make-up. You’ll have to watch it to see what happens to my character.
And what about being a vampire on Van Helsing? What was that like?
I got to be a vampire child, and all I can say is watch the episode so you can see what exciting thing happens to my character! It was so much fun!
Tell us about this special Hallmark Christmas film you have coming up that’s called My Christmas Dream.

Christian Convery w/Colleen Winton in My Christmas Dream courtesy of Hallmark Channel photo: Ryan Plummer
On that film, I worked twelve or thirteen days out of fifteen days, and I had forty to fifty lines to learn. I had a lot of fun on this one. I loved mornings on the set, but my favorite time was the late night shoots when it was two or three in the morning. I would come alive about that time during the last hour of shooting or so and yell, “Good morning breakfast! It’s 2 A.M.! Woo-hoo!” I would run up to everyone on the crew and yell that as loud as I could. “Who wants to come to my trailer for morning breakfast?”
The other neat thing is that I have another Christmas movie coming out too called Christmas List, and it was filmed at the same cafe as Hearts of Spring. In fact, a lot of the same crew members were there, too. The photographer remembered me and said, “Oh my gosh, that’s Christian!” It’s nice to see how many cast and crew remember me from the movies. They are always excited to see me again. My mom says I have a good “rep” for acting on set.
Any other upcoming movies or shows you can tell us about, Christian?
Yeah, I’m going to be in the show Legion, and I’m even in the trailer for the show. I also am going to be in a big movie I can’t talk about yet!. But when I can, I’ll be sure to let you know, Ruth!

Christian Convery w/Danica McKellar, w/David Haydn-Jones in My Christmas Dream courtesy of Hallmark Channel photo: Ryan Plummer
There is no question in my mind that as explosive as Christian’s career has been to date, there is nothing that is going to stop this bundle of enthusiasm and talent from accomplishing every one of his goals and dreams, no matter how outlandish they may appear to the outside world. Christian has the grounding of a mother who supports him as her son and as a professional, and I am convinced that is a massive part of his success. However, Christian is a boy who craves the limelight and is willing to put in the work necessary to attract the right kind of positive attention. He has an incredible following amongst crew and actors alike, and I am certain that will continue as he hones his skills and gains valuable experience. Furthermore, after meeting him and his mother at the Joey Awards, I can state that he is still a typical boy with a penchant for the world of entertainment, and as long as he remains sagacious and humble, there is no halting this young man’s star from continuing its rapid ascent. Be sure that you tune in to the Hallmark Channel on Saturday, November 19, for the premiere of his film My Christmas Dream. Additionally, check him out at the various links below so that you can follow his whirlwind career as it continues to make waves in the entertainment universe.
IMDB | Twitter @ChristanConvery | Instagram christianconvery | Vimeo Acting Reel
What a cute interview. thank you for talking to him.
Crafty Nunn recently posted…Finally Starting Again -
Thank you for sharing. He is a cutie too.
He is so cute. He apparently is a quick learner and has a great talent he was blessed with. Thank you so much for sharing this interview
So very true. He’s a doll!
Outstanding Ruth Hill!
Ah Ruth, you outdo yourself each time over the last. Thank you! I just love this piece 🙂
Thank you Holly. That’s what I call a job well done. My goal is to continue to improve! And you’re a big part of that