Anyone who spends even a small amount of time reading the posts on my site is aware of my admiration for young stars who appear on the Hallmark network. This family network has introduced me to an extensive variety of quality youth over the past few years, and this Christmas was no exception. If you happened to catch Christmas In Montana, starring Colin Ferguson and Kellie Martin, you might recognize the young lady who played Kellie’s daughter in the movie, Ava Preston. Upon further investigation, I realized that in spite of the fact that she only did her first Hallmark movie this Christmas, she has enjoyed an incredible career already within the industry. So sit back and relax while learning about one of the newest of the young actresses in the Hallmark universe by reading our entertaining chat.
RH: Ava, thank you so much making time to chat with me today.
AP: Ruth, thank you for reaching out for an interview. I’m happy to talk with you today.

Kellie Martin, Ava Preston, Colin Ferguson Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood
I actually noticed you because of your role in the recent Hallmark Christmas movie, Christmas In Montana. My mom and I enjoyed the movie, and we both noticed you and were pretty impressed. My mom commented how nice it was to see an older daughter featured in the film as opposed to the younger one we normally see in these movies, and I totally agreed with her. Sure, we love to see the little girls, but it’s nice for a change to see you.
Thank you, Ruth.
So, Ava, how old are you now?
I’m fifteen years old.
Oh my goodness, I thought you were older than that. How long have you been acting?
I’ve been acting since I was six years old.
Oh, it’s been a while then. What was the first role that you did?
My first role was in the mini-series The Kennedys. I played Caroline Kennedy.
I have not seen The Kennedys, but I saw The Kennedys After Camelot.
Yes, I came back for that one too. We made that one about six years after the first one.
That one was brought to my attention because of Kristin Booth, whose career I follow pretty closely. Then you were also a part of The Odd Squad.
Yes, I was. That was when I was about ten years old, and I think I finished up my time on that show when I was about twelve.
I’ve talked to several people–both kids and adults–who have been a part of that show.
A lot of child actors in the Toronto area have been a part of The Odd Squad.
I know that series has been very successful, and I always hear about how much fun it is to be on it.
Oh, it’s a ton of fun. It’s a very different kind of show. If it had been around when I was six or seven, I think I would have loved watching it.
What was your character on The Odd Squad?
I played Polly Graph. I always had a lemonade or hot chocolate stand, and these two agents would come and see me for advice. She was a pretty funky character. She always wore a bunch of crazy clothes, and her hair was always in pigtails. She had super funny lines, and she was a very fun character to play.
You were also in Reign. I know that was a big show. And I’m sure that show had to be a lot of fun. I mean, the costuming in that show…
Oh my gosh, it was just amazing! The quality and everything was just great.
You were on six episodes of that show.
That’s right. For a while there, my character would come on a couple times a month. I was a part of that show for a little over a year.
Do you go to regular school or homeschool?
I go to an arts school in Toronto. It’s a great arts school, and I am part of the drama program, which means I study drama every day. Mostly theater, which is very different because I never did theater before I went to this school. When I am on set and I’m working, I have a tutor.
I’ve talked to many young actors over the past few years, and most of them go to a traditional school or an arts school like what you’re mentioning. I’m sure that going to school like that gives you a sense of normalcy in your life. You can come back after working on set and just be a kid again.
Exactly. And I can hang out with my friends and all that stuff that goes along with school.
I notice you were a part of the movie Shazam! as well, though I admit I’ve never seen that movie.
Yes, I did have a role on that film. It was a smaller role for sure. It was very fun to be a part of that. It was a huge set, and it was a very fun experience for sure.

Kellie Martin, Ava Preston, Colin Ferguson Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood
I can imagine. I know that people tell me about being an actor who mainly does TV, and when they get the chance to be on one of these big movies–even if you only have a small role–it’s just amazing.
That’s very true. I am so glad I got that experience.
Moving along to your most recent movie, Christmas In Montana. This was your first Hallmark movie, wasn’t it?
Yes, this was my first Hallmark movie, and it was a very cool experience.
Did you know much about Hallmark before making this movie?
Yes, I did know of Hallmark, and I did watch a couple of their Christmas movies. And I do love them.

Kellie Martin, Ava Preston Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ben Mark Holzberg
I always ask because I know there is no official Hallmark Channel in Canada. I know the movies air on other networks eventually, but sometimes people in Canada are not aware of the channel. So you got to work with Kellie Martin, who I think is just incredible. I’m a huge fan of hers and of Colin Ferguson’s too.
Kellie is a ton of fun as well as being a great actor. And Colin is a great guy for sure.
Where was Christmas In Montana filmed?
It was filmed up in a place called Grimsby which is just past Hamilton in Ontario. We also filmed up in other areas up north close to Cottage Country, in Barrie. We did also shoot one day in a Toronto studio for the inside and the interior and upstairs and in the bedrooms. But most of our shoot was in Grimsby and other areas near there.
Do you have any favorite moments from filming this movie?
There’s a lot of great moments from when we were shooting. But there’s this one scene when we were decorating the Christmas tree. We all started laughing because Colin was telling a joke right before we were filming. So we were still laughing and trying to keep a straight face while we were doing the scene. And it was not working! {laughs} But that was a very funny moment. It makes me laugh just thinking about it!
I know that the movie was shown later up in Canada than it was here in the U.S.
You’re right. We didn’t see it until the 21st on the W Network, right before Christmas. It came out a week earlier in the U.S.

Art Hindle, Victoria Snow, Ava Preston, Kellie Martin, Colin Ferguson Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Shane Mahood
It’s got to be so exciting for your friends and your family to know that they get to see you in your first Hallmark movie.
Of course! And it’s my first Christmas movie as well.
Did you have some kind of viewing party when it premiered in Canada?
Yes, we had my neighbors over. They all just love Hallmark movies, so they were super excited to know that I was going to be a part of one. So we invited them over, and they were so excited to watch with us.
I so enjoyed the movie. You, Kellie, and Colin were really great together on screen.
Aw, I’m glad you think so.
I remember the scene where Colin’s character had a horse that enjoyed Christmas music.
Yes, Jingle Bells! I love that scene!
That’s right! It had to be neat to be with horses.
Oh, of course, and so many animals. A lot of the shooting with the barn and the animals were all at different places. The ranch itself was on one location. We were there for about a week. Then the inside of the barn all decorated and Christmassy was on a completely different location all the way on the other end of the city.
Wow! How interesting. And you guys filmed this movie in the fall.
Yes, we filmed it in October.
At least the weather wasn’t too hot.
I know a lot of times these Christmas movies are filmed in the middle of the summer. I hear all the time how the actors are hot and sweaty on set because it’s hot and they’re wearing wool jackets, scarves, and hats.
The great thing about shooting in the fall is that it’s the perfect temperature. I was always comfortable. It was around five degrees {Celsius}, especially up north, it’s a lot chillier. But it’s great because you’re not too hot or too cold. It was just perfect.
Do you have anything else coming up that you can mention?
So not as of right now, but I did do a Netflix series this past summer called Grand Army which is supposed to come out around February of 2020. It’s a great TV show that talks about empowering teenagers and young people.
It looks like you are in eight episodes of this show.
Yes, eight out of ten, I believe.
That’s great, Ava. We’ll definitely keep our eyes open for that show. And maybe we’ll see you in another Hallmark movie in 2020.
Oh, I hope so! That would be great.
I love seeing Hallmark introduce us to young people like you, Ava. You give us hope for the upcoming generation. So often, young people get a bad rap, but I’m glad to have connected with someone like you who is doing good things and not out causing problems.
Of course! And I’m glad I’m a part of Hallmark as well.
So what do you like to do in your free time when you’re not acting or in school?
When people ask me that, I usually say that I like to act. But you already know that I do that, so I’m thinking, “Oh, what else do I do?” {laughs} I absolutely love to write. I like to write my own screenplays in my free time. I don’t think I’ve told anyone that before. I also have two dogs, and I have an older sister as well.
Ava, that’s great what you just shared! We always need more screenwriters. And then the fact that you have two dogs…I’m sure you know that Hallmark community are all huge supporters of dogs and cats. But you mentioned you have an older sister.
Yes, I do have an older sister. She’s seventeen years old.
But she doesn’t do any acting?
She used to. We both started out in The Kennedys mini-series. My character had to grow up, and my sister and I do look extremely similar. She looks about two years older, but the same face and all. So it worked perfectly because she played Caroline Kennedy two years later. She had fun acting, but she decided it wasn’t something she really wanted to pursue. She’s always been interested in the ocean and marine biology, and she just got accepted into a program for that.
That’s awesome!
So even though she doesn’t do acting anymore, she does go to the same school as me, and she does do drama there.
Well, all that is really wonderful. At least she tried acting and then discovered what her true passion is.
That’s right.
Ava, thank you so much for taking the time to chat today. I really appreciate it.
Ruth, thank you for reaching out and taking an interest in me. I hope everyone gets to see Christmas In Montana and loves it.
I must admit that after researching Ava and subsequently chatting with her, it quickly made perfect sense why Hallmark snatched her up for a role in this Hallmark movie. Ava has a lengthier resume than some adult actors I know, and the caliber of talent with whom she has been privileged to work alongside absolutely astounds the imagination. One might expect that as a result of her experiences that she would become a bit arrogant or maybe even a bit complacent. But nothing could be further from the truth! Without a doubt, she appreciates unconditionally every experience she has had in the business, big or small, and she proceeds to approach each of her projects with a true professionalism and the correct amount of sobriety, along with a tasteful amount joviality thrown in at just the right moments. I am thoroughly impressed by her demeanor, her personality, and her work ethic, and I genuinely do believe that the best is yet to come for this dynamic starlet.
If you have not yet had the opportunity to watch Christmas In Montana, I would advise you to check out the final two showings of the season on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries–January 2nd and January 5th (be sure to check your schedule for local times). Additionally, be sure to visit Ava’s links below and consider following her on social media. While no one can predict the future of anyone’s career in this volatile industry, I can state beyond the shadow of a doubt that Ava’s natural effervescence, her distinct giftedness, and her undeniable humility are the very things that will work together to propel her career forward in the months and years to come. Moreover, the fact that she has such an impeccable support system established around her is something that will practically guarantee her continued success and joy. I invite all of my readers to join me in supporting one of the brightest new talents in the Hallmark cosmos, and fingers crossed that we see her back again on our network very soon!