A couple of years ago, a handsome, talented actor appeared in a movie with Hallmark favorite Taylor Cole, and I jumped at the chance to interview this suave leading man, Jack Turner. Since that time, I have done my best to follow and support his career, and today (January 12th), his newest Hallmark movie, One Winter Proposal, will premiere on the Hallmark Channel. In anticipation of that glorious event, I had the opportunity to interview Jack for the third time!

© Helga Esteb
RH: Since last year, I finally had the opportunity to watch you in Fatherly Obsession AKA The Landlord. I know we mentioned the film in passing last year, but please share what you enjoyed most about making this film and playing your role. Any special behind-the-scenes memories? (By the way, you did an amazing job on this film!)

Fatherly Obsession
JT: Thanks for watching! And thanks for having me back. That was such a great film to make. The highlight was the people I got to work with, from the producers through the whole crew. It was directed by Dan Ringy, who I met on My Summer Prince. I love working with him – he’s a terrific director. Also an excellent AD. That’s a good combo! Watch out for him in the future. I was also so lucky to work with Molly McCook, who’s a wonderful actress and human being, I’m so pleased she’s been doing so well recently. Finally, Ted McGinley is superb to work with – he’s so prepared, and great to be around and learn from.
Last year, One Winter Weekend premiered on Hallmark for Winterfest, and the fans seemed to love it. Why do you believe this film resonated with the fans so much?

Rukiya Bernard, Taylor Cole, Dewshane Williams, Jack Turner Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Steven Ackerman
It’s a cute film, and I think it started in that case with the script. There’s pretty juicy conflict from the get-go. When Ben and Cara meet, they are not fans of each other! It’s fun to watch that change and see them grow closer together. Rukiya {Bernard} and Dewshane {Williams} were totally charming, and their relationship developed nicely throughout. I think another thing that was so nice about the movie was how well it was shot – it looks really great! They did a great job finding beautiful locations and making the most of them too.
While you may not have been part of the process that decided a sequel would happen when did you first get the sense that a sequel was in the works? Why do you believe a sequel was warranted?
I heard about it in September, I think. Then it finalized in October. I think the relationships in the first movie were so strong that everyone felt like it would be fun to see how they develop. Also, all of us had some unfinished professional business (Cara as a writer, Ben starting a new company) that has made for some fun storylines and character development.

Taylor Cole, Jack Turner Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Steven Ackerman
What can you tease about One Winter Proposal and your character’s story arc?
Well, it begins with a trip back up to Clara Lake, where we met the previous year. Cara has a new book about to be published, but she writes a new ending that makes Ben question his rather important plans for the weekend. With a little sound advice from our friends Shaun and Megan, we try to work it out… Watch it to see if we succeed or not!

Jack Turner, Taylor Cole Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Steven Ackerman
Any special behind-the-scenes moments you would like to share from One Winter Proposal?
In general, every day on set was just a really wonderful reunion. Maybe half the crew was on the first movie, so it was great to see everybody and catch up. Crews are always full of the most interesting people, and they have done such a terrific job on these two movies. I hope to work with them again!

Jack Turner, Taylor Cole Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Steven Ackerman
Also, a new cast member, Cardi Wong, was hysterical. We found out that Taylor was going to do a mystery movie with Hallmark, and he had us dying with laughter when he was giving her some acting tips and mannerisms for crime solving.
Hallmark is often compared to “old Hollywood” when certain actors were paired up on screen for a variety of films. This seems to be the case with you and Taylor Cole. Why do you believe that your chemistry works so well on screen with Taylor?

Taylor Cole, Jack Turner Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Steven Ackerman
It seems so, in terms of what Hallmark is doing! Every Hallmark movie of mine so far has been with Taylor. I think we just really enjoy working with each other. She’s super fun, she listens really well (in acting terms, chemistry is really just when two actors listen to each other and enjoy the process), and she’s also really wonderful on set. She treats people very well, and that kind of attitude filters through the set and makes everybody comfortable and happy. There are a lot of intangibles that go into making a movie, and I think she does them very well. I love working with her, and I think that helps the chemistry on screen. Hopefully, she enjoys working with me too!
Any other upcoming works you can mention?

Jack Turner, Taylor Cole Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Steven Ackerman
Acting wise, I’m expecting a couple films to release. An interesting movie I shot in England (it was great to work for the first time back home!), called Red Devil, where I got to play a psychopath who may or may not communicate with God, so that was fun.
Also, a movie I did a couple years ago is expected to come out – a remake of Nosferatu. I’m excited to see that!

Steam Room Stories, The Movie
Aside from acting, I just did a soundtrack for a friend’s movie – Steam Room Stories, The Movie by JC Calciano. I was an actor in a movie of his a few years ago, The 10 Year Plan, and now he’s one of my best friends. He came to me and said he was struggling for music in his movie. I’m a half-decent musician, and I said I could help him with a couple songs. It turned into about fifteen cues, which was maybe half the soundtrack! It was a really fun process, and I got to work with a couple of my closest musical friends, Daniel Capellaro, and Sur Chevvie, as part of the process. I’d like to do more soundtracks, and I thinkI’ll approach Hallmark with some music in the first half of the year! Hopefully, they like it!

With Bill Abbott & all
Your interviews continue to be some of the most popular posts on my site year ’round. What can the fans do to let Hallmark know that we would love to see you in more movies on the network?
I’m so pleased to hear that, and thanks for doing the interviews. As for getting me in more movies, I don’t really know! Tweet or tag the channel or Bill Abbott the CEO! Ha, in fact, I remember you did that recently, so thanks for that! I’m really not sure, to be honest. Following me on Instagram (link below) certainly wouldn’t hurt, and I’d be grateful for it. I’m thankful if anyone wants to see more of me on the network; that’s very flattering.

Taylor Cole, Jack Turner Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Steven Ackerman
Any plans to do any directing/writing/producing in the near future?
Yes definitely. I’m about 65% finished on two scripts. They take time. It’s one step forward, two steps back, but I’m getting there bit by bit. I enjoy learning about story, structure, and character development, and it is beneficial to my acting process too.
What are your favorite winter activities?
Eating cake in the warm is probably number one. But, I do like to get outside and love it when it’s fresh and cold. My girlfriend is Swedish, and we were just up in the North of Sweden, where it averaged -17C! We did some ice fishing (I didn’t catch much as you can tell from the picture), and some cross-country skiing – both were super fun! Rolling in the snow after a sauna was a little shocking, but that meant we could eat more cake in the warm, so it worked out!
It never ceases to amaze me how Jack’s interviews on my site continue to be the predominant posts no matter the season. Not that he isn’t gifted nor attractive (no doubt he is a principal contender in both areas), but Hallmark viewers absolutely adore this man with his debonair demeanor, his striking features, and his undeniable capabilities. However, for me, my admiration for this rising leading man goes far beyond the obvious elements. Jack is one who is consistently kind to and appreciative of his fans and supporters. While it is true that Jack is British, which adds to the fascination we Americans have with him, I still maintain it is more than culture and deportment with this dynamically skilled man. He is a pleasant fusion of “Olde Worlde” charm and “New World” sensibilities blended with a refreshing and approachable persona that consistently draws others to his corner. The fact that his indisputable chemistry and prolonged association with Taylor Cole continues to delight audiences all these years after My Summer Prince first premiered is a testament to who Jack is both professionally and personally. Indeed, Hallmark has discovered a genuine treasure in Jack Turner, and I can hardly wait to see him in his latest Winterfest offering.
Please make an effort to tune into the Hallmark Channel tonight (January 12th) if you are in the U.S. so that you can watch the premiere of the long-awaited, much-anticipated sequel to the smash hit of 2017 (One Winter Weekend) entitled One Winter Proposal. And thanks to Hallmark’s partnership with the W Network, Canadian viewers will see this premiere later this month on January 26th. In addition to this, be sure that you check out all of Jack’s links below and consider following him on social media (rumor is that he is live tweeting tonight!) so that you never miss a moment of what will definitely be an auspicious year for this progressive industry professional. I do anticipate the day when Hallmark is able to feature Jack in a Christmas movie, a spring movie, a Valentine’s Day movie, a fall movie, and maybe even a mystery movie (I’m open to whatever Hallmark chooses to highlight his talent!), and I have a firm intuition that there are a multitude of fans around the world who will join me in that concerto of support!

Jack Turner, Taylor Cole Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Steven Ackerman