Anyone who follows me on social media or who has read some of my most popular interviews here on my site will undoubtedly be aware of my fervently loyal affinity for an abundance of actors. But there are those whom I regularly support and interview on my site, and Brennan Elliott happens to be one of those remarkably exceptional people. He is the first actor I ever interviewed, and at least once a year, we make it a point to arrange for an updated interview. He is one I have supported in every aspect and on every network imaginable, but Hallmark invariably seems to be where he excels like no one else. Recently, Brennan and I set aside the requisite time (and he went far beyond the call of duty in that respect) to enjoy a stunningly distinct and overwhelmingly engaging chat that I am deeply privileged to present to my readers today.

Photo: Brennan Elliott Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman
RH: Brennan, thank you so much for making the time to speak with me today. I have no idea how you have been keeping up with your schedule.
BE: Ruth, I love talking with you, but yes, I don’t know how I’ve been keeping up with my schedule lately either. But I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Fire away. Let’s do this.
Before I forget, I want to make sure to tell you that my mom said that she’s looking forward to the movie tomorrow, but she’s looking forward to your mystery series next year even more.
That’s great. We are looking forward to both projects.
And now you’re not just an actor, but you’re also an executive producer on both of these projects. While I know that increases your workload, what exactly are your responsibilities with this new position?
While I am only working in that capacity on specific projects, for me, I felt like I was already doing a lot of the executive producer responsibilities. Of course, I was already the male lead actor in these movies, but I found myself increasingly involved with the script, the locations, the budgetary decisions and more. I found myself understanding a lot of these other issues connected with filmmaking. Since I was enjoying those aspects so much and found them very interesting and because I had also pitched some shows to the network that I thought were interesting ideas that we’re still discussing, I thought it was a good idea to consider becoming an executive producer. Then with All Of My Heart, we had already done the second one, so it seemed a natural progression to come on in that capacity. I wasn’t doing the executive producer stuff for any element of power or control. For me, it’s just a way to be a collaborative part of the process. In the end, your face is on there, and it sinks and swims a lot of the time based on how your performance is or not. I’ve just felt that over the years I have been involved in more than just being an actor, and I thought it might be interesting to ask to be a part of these projects from their inception. And the network has been so wonderful and kind to allow me to be a part of this process. I’m not talking about this like I’m doing the director’s job or the financier’s job or the accountant’s job. I’m just part of the overall creative process.

Photo: Brennan Elliott Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman
There’s obviously a million things that go into these projects. I just wanted to be a part of everything down to the music, the color, the tone of the piece. Because I understand what the fans are expecting to a degree at least, and I want to try to give them what they want, but also be a part of the whole project. So when it airs, I can feel like I was a part of that movie on a grander scale than just being an actor. Which acting, of course, it still my bread and butter and what I love. And on some projects, I will continue to still be just an actor and leave the executive producing to someone else. I feel like I can deliver the acting quite well, but when I feel I have other ideas that might be an asset to the film, I have found the network to be receptive of that as has the director and the other people involved with the project. It was a great experience on All Of My Heart as well as The Crossword Mystery.
That’s kind of what I was thinking because I remember when we talked last year that it seemed you had begun to take more of a leadership position in your projects even without having that actual title of executive producer. Now, I know it’s not all about titles, but seeing you listed as executive producer is something I was happy to see for you, Brennan.

Photo: Lacey Chabert, Brennan Elliott Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman
For me, I’ve been doing quite a bit of content with Hallmark, and I think that I somewhat understand what they want at least on some level. Whether it’s a scene of romance or a certain tone here, I kind of understand what they are looking for because I have done a little bit more with the network than some of the other actors have. So I find myself at times within the process of just being an actor hired for the show to be getting involved in all the elements of filmmaking from behind the camera to the dolly grip to the music and just being a part of everything and making sure that it’s all going as it should. You feel like as a leader that since it’s your face out there, you want to be the best you can. I felt like I wanted to be able to share my voice a little bit, and if the network feels like I’ve added anything positive, then so be it. And if not, then so be it as well.
Because again for me, it is all about giving the network the best content possible. I always pride myself, as does Lacey {Chabert}, on doing just that. And specifically with All Of My Heart and Crossword, we strive to give them the content they’re proud of. Inevitably, they’re our bosses, and you don’t want to stray away from the brand. You want to give the brand what they want at this stage. But we really want to even go above what they expect. I feel quite strongly that it is our duty and responsibility to go a step above what they expect and make them happy. You know, you pick your battles, and some you win and some you lose. But you want to make sure that Bill Abbott, Michelle Vicary, Crown Media, Randy Pope and all the people that are over there–the real powers that be–are pleased with the content and that it’s actually better than what they might have expected because you had some sort of input, whether it was a lot or a little.
It just so happens I talked recently with another actor involved in All Of My Heart: The Wedding. Pauline Egan spoke very highly of both you and Lacey.
Oh yeah, she’s a very sweet lady. She is a wonderful addition to this film.

Photo: Lacey Chabert, Brennan Elliott Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman
Ruth, one of the things that I want to make sure I explain…and I’m not going to speak for Lacey, of course, but I think she would agree. We take it very serious when the network comes to us and says, “Okay, we want to do these movies with both of you,” or the twenty movies they want us to do with Crossword, and we are the two leads. What we try very, very hard to do is make that experience the best experience that crew can have. From buying a last meal on the last day of shooting. Whether it’s coffee, cake, sushi, or whatever they want we want to make sure we keep the crews happy. You know, they say, “Happy wife, happy life.” In this case, it’s “Happy crew, happy set.” Lacey and I both try to make sure that our movies, when we’re together, are the most relaxed, enjoyable, collaborative, cohesive experiences so that the network doesn’t have to feel that there’s any fear of getting any bad notes or that they have to watch over their shoulders to make sure that this one is gonna work out because we really are doing everything in our power to make sure that this is a really great experience for everybody. And a lot of the crews we’ve worked with…even this last Crossword we heard them say, “This might be the most fun I’ve had on set.” And when that’s like the dolly grip saying that, that’s pretty high praise. So those are the things you take away that not everybody always hears about, but really makes our jobs as actors and producers rewarding, and it makes us feel like we’re getting the content we want. We’re getting the best takes we want. We’re getting a film that we’re proud of. And it’s one that the network is happy with and more importantly that the fans love. And we’re doing it under budget and we’re doing it with a happy crew. It makes us feel so proud.
That’s fantastic. I know that Pauline said that she had a hard time calling working with both of you”work.” So you both must be doing something right.

Photo: Lacey Chabert, Brennan Elliott Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman
Oh, that’s so good to hear and nice of her to say. Actually, I recently had an interview with someone from Australia and he said that it must be hard for somebody coming into an established franchise with such fervent fans and to be the bad person. I mean, Pauline’s character is in danger of being hated, and that’s what her character is supposed to be like. But Pauline handled it with grace and professionalism. She did her job and outside of the character she was playing, it was clear that this was obviously a character. I mean I’ve played a wide variety of characters that were not always well-liked. I’ve played Graham in UnREAL and Warren in Cedar Cove. I know we don’t always get to play the characters that everybody likes at first. But Pauline is a very professional and sweet lady that made the experience wonderful. She really cared about the content and how the fans would perceive her character. She didn’t want the fans to hate her. She wanted to make it clear she was just playing a role, and she really showed her heart.
What can we expect from All Of My Heart: The Wedding?
Well, obviously, it’s not All Of My Heart: The Divorce.
{laughs} Well, that’s a relief to know.
Yeah, I don’t want to ruin the secret.
Well, I think the title already does that to a degree.

Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Sven Boecker
One of the things I wanted to make sure tonally is that Brian and Jenny are much more comfortable with each other, much more able to laugh with each other. People may not realize that the reason Jenny fell in love with Brian is not because of his vanity or the money he made on Wall Street or that he was smart or that maybe she found him handsome. But she fell in love with him because he makes her heart smile. And that’s one of the reasons it is called All Of My Heart. In its essence, it’s Brian getting to her heart and making her heart smile. And as far as I am concerned, I think that comes across really well in this third film.

Photo: Brennan Elliott, Lacey Chabert Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman
You know, in any relationship, whether it’s friendships or dating, there’s various feelings. It’s uncomfortable and you’re at odds. You’re trying to find your connection to the person. You fall for them, and it’s uncomfortable. That’s the first movie. The second movie, you’re living together. It’s kind of okay, but weird as you have to deal with your insecurities and fears and there’s a definite struggle. It’s a process. Then the third movie is where we’ve established that these people are in love with each other and now they’re home. This is their home and there’s so many more stories after that. But we’re comfortable here. Nothing is really pulling us anywhere but here. So we needed an outside influence to pull us in a direction so we can fight as a team. It shouldn’t be Brian fighting for what Brian wants or Jenny fighting for what Jenny wants. This is the first movie we’re going to see them fighting together as a team and as a unit grounded in love, fighting for what they believe in. And I think that’s something the fans are really gonna root for. I think it’s a wonderful example of what a couple could do to protect their love.
This one certainly sounds like a wonderful film, and I have no doubt it will be a huge hit with the fans. After all, we’ve been waiting for a wedding for quite some time now. And while we don’t have an absolute answer to this, you know that we fans are definitely wanting more after this film. So hopefully that will happen.

©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman
Well, here’s my feeling. If this movie does as well as I believe it will and the fans keep clamoring, there’s no way that this is not going to extend. How that will manifest itself, I don’t know. I’ve always said this is kind of like Love Boat on a ranch mentality where you have these people come to the inn. The inn is the main lead character in it. It changes people, and we can find a myriad of stories there. But how that happens is beyond my pay grade. But we’ll see. I think it could be a series without question with a fan base that is this fervent. I mean, I have never had a movie I’ve ever done–and Lacey can attest to this–who had fans this passionate about the movie. We’ll see what the future holds. Obviously, we did the first one, assuming that was it. And now we’re at number three. If the fans keep wanting more from this series, the network will keep listening, I’m sure, and we’ll try to find some way to make that happen. I have faith that the series will continue.
I think you guys also help out quite a bit because whenever I tell the fans that I’m going to be interviewing you, I always hear, “Be sure to tell him that he’s so great and thank him for responding to us and interacting with us.” And that kind of interaction with the fans always helps your cause. And you’re both so involved with promoting it and responding to the fans.

Photo: Lacey Chabert, Brennan Elliott Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman
Well, you know I’m not the most social media savvy person. Lacey’s got me beat there by spades. I mean she basically started my Instagram. She was the one who started it, and ten minutes later, I had seven thousand followers. I really don’t know how to work it. I look at it like it’s some computer and I’m living in the ’40s. But I’m gonna try to figure it out when I have some time.
While I don’t want to put words in Lacey’s mouth, I think she would agree that All Of My Heart is her baby. She loves this franchise. It’s very important to her. And I’ll admit that it’s important to me too. It’s a beautiful, beautiful story about what real love is and what the heart feels and what you’re willing to fight for to make love happen. When you’re doing the “heart of TV,” there’s no better exemplification of that than these kinds of movies. And they have a lot of wonderful, wonderful movies. We’re very proud to be a part of the Hallmark Fall Harvest, and we’ll see what 2019 holds.
By the way, the Fall Harvest Preview Show that you and Lacey did was really superb.
I had never done anything like that before. When we got done with that and I left, I thought it might not be any good. Lacey asked me why I was worried. And I said, “Because I had too much fun.” {laughs}
That’s the whole point of the preview shows! That preview show was by far my mom’s favorite of the preview shows Hallmark has done.
Well, that’s good. You know, your mom is my toughest critic.
{laughs} Oh yeah, right, Brennan, I’m sure. I don’t think she would agree. She loves everything that you’re in as do I. But I understand you went straight from shooting All Of My Heart to shooting The Crossword Mystery. You didn’t really have much of a break, I don’t think.
Well, we had one week between the two. And I’ve had a couple weeks off before I start shooting a Christmas movie with Danica McKellar. That will be the first film we’ve made together.
That’s really something! I just interviewed her, and she said she was getting ready to start filming a Christmas movie, and now I find out you’re doing it with her.
Right now, it’s called Christmas At Grand Valley. It’s a very sweet story, and I’m not going to disclose anymore right now. But we start on it very soon. I don’t know Danica. Lacey is very good friends with her and says she’s a doll. So I’ve heard lots of great things about her, and I look forward to working with her.
She is an amazing actress and a wonderful person. I have been thoroughly impressed with her.
Well, she’s also a genius. I’m about as smart as a brick wall. We’re going to get along great.
{laughs} Well, she’ll probably give you some of her math books.
And I will look for the Cole’s Notes. {As a side note–I had to look up what that means. In the U.S. we have Cliff’s Notes, but in Canada, they have Cole’s Notes. So you see, I learned something!}
Well, she has some kid’s math books she’s written. I wouldn’t be surprised if she gives you one or two to give to your kids. She often does that with her co-stars who have little ones. Then you can read them to your kids.
I think that sounds like a great idea.
So what can you tell us about The Crossword Mystery.
This is mystery series and they are hoping to do twenty movies over the next four or five years. They are hoping it will be similar in scope to Garage Sale Mysteries. And I think it’s got that potential. It’s very well done. I haven’t seen a rough cut of the film yet. It’s got this “Hart to Hart moonlightingesque” sort of feel to it. The first movie is always the hardest because you have to establish everything. Then after that, I think Lacey and I will start solving a lot of crimes together. The fans of Lacey and I together are gonna obviously see two characters in a different light. I play a very hard-nosed detective who’s extremely serious and very by-the-book. And she plays this cerebral genius kind of crossword editor who is involved in the case, and we kind of work together to solve the case. She has ideas that I’m not accustomed to and we work together in the end to solve it. There’s an attraction there, and there’s a romance that will ensue over the next five years or so. We had a lot of fun. I mean, when Lacey and I work together, it’s not really work. We’re really excited about it and had a lot of fun. We’ll see what the fans think of it.
You know, I talked with Dylan Neal recently, and he already told me this series is gonna be a hit.
Well, from Dylan’s mouth to God’s ears. I love me some Dylan, and he’s a very good friend. And I’m glad his film last weekend, Truly, Madly, Sweetly was such a big hit for him. He’s a very good man.
You also had a special guest in The Crossword Mystery. I noticed Barbara Niven was a part of this film.
Right. She’s gonna be in all of them, as a matter of fact. Lacey plays Tess Harper, and Barbara plays Tess Harper’s aunt. She is almost a spiritual if not familial guardian and guide. We’ll see how her character plays out, but she’s obviously a very integral part of the story. Barbara and I worked on Cedar Cove and I love her to death. She’s talented and amazing and her addition to the series is fantastic. We’re blessed to have her as a part of the show.
So I understand this film is supposed to premiere in January.
Yes, I think in January it’s going to come out guns blazing the first week or two of January. Middle of January at the latest, I think. Whenever everyone gets back from the holidays. We really hope people are excited about it. And I really hope all of the All Of My Heart fans come over and check it out too. It’s a real fun mystery show. I think the fans are gonna have a really good time.
Well, seeing how it’s you, Lacey, and a mystery film, those are all of my favorite things combined.
Well, you can be very honest with me and message me and say, “This is amazing and brilliant. It’s a huge hit!” Or you can say, “What are you doing? You need to put your head in a pillow and never come out again.” {laughs}
{laughs} Like I could ever imagine saying that to you! I might say that the first one is always the hardest, which is true.
The first one to me is like the prologue. It sets it up, but it’s not the show. The show is actually the second one and following when we say, “Oh, now we know what to do.” I think the first one is going to be more of a trial and error. But it’s still gonna be a great show. It’s going to be all of us determining what works and what the audience wants and then you go from there. But when you look at Lacey’s fan base, mine, the network, and the mystery element, it is lots of fun. And we had a lot of great guests that came in from Toronto that were just fantastic. A lot of character on this show. Very different from Flower Shop in almost every facet. And I’m not saying that in a good or bad way. Very different experience. It’s a new channel and a new kind of voice and you learn by continuing to do more and more content. That’s when you see what works and what doesn’t. I’m just praying and hoping and if the Lord blesses us with the opportunity to nail the elements that the brand wants that we can do four or five a year and have a really wonderful, successful series, much like Garage Sale.
That would be great. Garage Sale Mysteries has been so successful and such a phenomenal series. And a fan favorite.
Yeah, they just got it. The understood the simplicity of it and yet the complexity of it. They got it in spades. We’ve got great writers and producers involved with our series and Lacey and I are giving it all we’ve got to try to find these scenes and make them come to life. And we’ll see how the first one turns out.

Photo: Brennan Elliott Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman
I’m sure I’ve told you this before, but one great thing about Hallmark, which is why I love working with them and put them as a high priority, is that they give people a chance. They give it a voice. They give you a chance to define the voice and find out what’s gonna work. And if it doesn’t, we make changes. You often fly on the fly. And if we find that it doesn’t work, they’re not the kind of network that’s gonna pull the plug in two minutes and go, “This doesn’t work!” They’re gonna go, “We like this. We like this. We don’t like this. Let’s make this happen. Let’s make that happen.” And oftentimes, if we change things here and there, we end up with something successful. The Hallmark audience is very forgiving, very accepting, and very patient. So I think with Lacey and I together and the network and all the fans that are there, I think we have a recipe that could be successful and be very entertaining for years to come.
I like to refer to you and Lacey as Hallmark’s on-screen “power couple.” It reminds me of how they used to pair certain actors together for movies back in old Hollywood.
Interesting that you bring that up. This gentleman from Australia who recently interviewed me compared me to Spencer Tracy but said I was much better-looking than him. So he referred to Lacey and me as the Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn of the Hallmark Channel. My response was, “I don’t care if I’m better-looking or not. I’ll tell you right now. Spencer Tracy is my jam.” I mean, he’s one of the greatest actors of all time. We are talking pre-method acting and all that. He was just a very good actor, and to be in that ilk or category, is amazing. I mean, this interviewers was thinking of comparing me to Cary Grant or Clark Gable as well, but hey, the point is made. When you work together, there’s something special that happens and we don’t know what it is, but we’re very thankful that it has happened. We thank God for it, and we thank the network for it that we have the opportunity to work together. If the fans like it, then we’re going to continue to do it. If her and I work together and do seven/eight/nine movies a year for the next thirty years and the fans love it, what do we care? We’re very good friends. Our families know each other. We enjoy working together. We have very similar ideas on how to come to the work and what we care about. We both love the network. It’s very easy and effortless for us. And the crews have a good time with us, and we’re very proud to be a part of it.
And honestly, that translates so well on screen. I realize I’m very biased when I say that because I like you both anyway.
Yeah, but, Ruth, you’ve seen probably seventy-five billion Hallmark movies. {laughs}
Yes, but seriously, there’s something special about you two on screen. I know you’ve worked together all this time, and I know that figures into it.
You know, I was just telling my wife this. There is also a level of trust between us. I know Lacey’s husband. I know the mom she is, and I know her as the person she is. She knows me and my children and the situations I go through in my life with my family and vice versa. We go to work, and we try to do the best scenes that we can for the network and for the fans. We don’t do it for ego or selfishly. It’s not about whether she has more lines or I have more lines. And it has nothing to do with who is better in the scene. We just do the work to make it the best that it can be because we care about Hallmark, the fans, and doing what the brand wants. But there’s a real level of trust between us. We’re not guarded or protected. We just go into the scene open, and it really makes those scenes come alive when you’re working with people like that. Three or four years ago is when I met Lacey for the first time. This kind of on-screen chemistry doesn’t happen often. I’ve worked with many leading ladies who are friends that I know and we’re still good friends, but I don’t know exactly what it is that has made this unique connection between Lacey and me. But we’re very blessed to have it.
Well, I’m still very glad the network is pairing you both up so much. And I look forward to seeing you guys doing this for years to come. So we’ve talked about many things here, and the only other thing I can think of is the fourth season of UnREAL. I know that’s streaming on Hulu. I have not had the opportunity to see it as of yet. I’ve just been swamped.
I would expect nothing less from you. If you have time and you want to watch it, it is a hoot. I’m not gonna lie.

That’s what I’ve heard, and I do plan on taking the time to watch it.
I will tell you that Graham will be in his full glory in this season.
Well, it’s on my list to watch for sure. So do you have anything else upcoming that you want to mention?
I pitched a show to the network that I’m very passionate about that I would love to explore. It’s called Towne & Country. It’s a series idea, and I won’t get into the semantics of it right now. But I will say that it’s something that I think is absolutely fantastic. I obviously think it’s a great idea to make All Of My Heart a series as well.
There other things with other networks, including Netflix that I’m being pulled towards. I will admit that much like yourself, I’m so busy right now that I think there was a time recently where I forgot my wife’s name for a moment! It’s insane how busy I am now and how I can actually function with the work and with the amount of projects and offers that are coming forward. And it’s all great. I just have to prioritize and find out the best thing to do for my career and the next step. Sometimes I have to be selective and prioritize because I really do love Hallmark and I have kids and I’m a family man. But I definitely want to keep Hallmark as a priority in terms of projects. But busy is not a word I use lightly. Right now I am. I feel like one of those dolls that is pinned to the wall, and every new pin is a new series, a new movie, a new idea. You’re pinned, but sometimes you want to get off and go, “Okay, what pin do I pull out?” But no matter what, Hallmark is a priority.
We fans are very blessed that you have made Hallmark a priority because everything that you have done with them automatically goes on my favorites list. And I’m not just making that up.
Aw, you’re very kind. This is a family, and I know it sounds cliche when you hear it from all these actors. But being a man with a wife and kids and you get a chance to do a project with this network, it is an amazing experience. I’ve had fan mail from people going through cancer in hospitals, and they tell me that their family brings in my movies to watch while they’re going through chemo treatment. It just makes you realize that what you’re doing can really touch someone’s life on a deep level. It’s important for me to keep fighting to do the best work I can, no matter how tired I am. It’s for the fans and for those types of people who are relying on my films to get them through the difficult times. I don’t mean to get long-winded, but it’s a special place and the Lord has really blessed me to be in this position to do work that I’m having fun doing and work with great ladies like Lacey and Danica and all these people and work with a great network that I admire. But also to be able to touch people’s lives and make people feel like there’s something in that entertaining two hours that can make them feel better as they’re going through whatever they’re going through. That’s what we’re doing it for. That’s the blessing that the Lord gives me to give to other people. And that really has been touching me lately.
What an incredible tribute to the network, Brennan. Thanks for sharing that. And thankfully you have an incredible wife that can keep everything running while you’re doing all this.

with his kids
That’s right. I couldn’t do what I do without her. She’s the bedrock of our family. She is the one who takes care of our children whenever I’m filming, and without her, I don’t know where I’d be. I certainly wouldn’t be bringing this great content to the fans. No matter what may go on professionally or at home or whatever, she is easily the strongest woman I know. And I am so blessed that she is willing to be my support no matter what. She is the ideal partner for me, and God has blessed me in so many ways. You know, we’re a successful family, and we both work very hard in our respective worlds. We are a Christian family who tries to inspire others in whatever way we can, and that is an incredible honor and responsibility. And no matter what, we always support each other.

Photo: Brennan Elliott, Lacey Chabert Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman
And one more thing I would like to say. All these fans who have shared so much with me about their struggles and difficulties they face continually, that is something that personally inspires me to keep going sometimes. Every day, I come in contact with people who are going through things I cannot even imagine, and in the past few years, I have begun to realize that no matter what you’re dealing with in your life, it does not have to stop you from doing what you’re meant to do. You can keep working and keep fighting. You have to remain positive, and you keep praying and somehow by the grace of God, you can make it through anything. I see examples of this in so many letters and messages I regularly receive from fans and friends. In fact, there are some days when I wake up in the morning and don’t feel like going to work. But then God reminds me of all the people out there who are not as fortunate as me and they are fighting their personal battles that I may never know anything about. And I remember the fan mail I received and the stories of people fighting through such incredible difficulties, and I realize that what I have to face that day is nothing compared to those things. And that is enough to get me up out of bed on those mornings.
Wow, Brennan, I would say you shared some profound things right there. Thank you for opening up as you have and just being so inspiring. I am quite humbled that you shared that message with us. It is an excellent reminder of God’s grace and the way He has blessed us in so many ways.

Photo: Brennan Elliott, Lacey Chabert Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman
Ruth, it is so true. My wife and I and our family are in a wonderful place. God has blessed me so much. But as we know, all of us have trials and tribulations along the way. And it is true that we often never know what other people we meet every day are going through. It’s a good thing for us to remember that truth, and it is something I believe God has been reminding me of lately. The main thing is that when we face these battles, we can’t stop living our lives. And maybe when we get through those difficulties in our lives, we can inspire others not to give up too. Hopefully, that is something I can do by just continuing to pursue my dream and passions and keep a strong home life no matter what obstacles I may have to overcome. And I think that being aware of this fact has enriched the work I am doing. If I can inspire someone by just being willing to get up at four in the morning, report to set, put in an eighteen-hour day and keep giving it everything I’ve got regardless of how I may feel on any given day, that is an incredible honor. I cannot give it less than my best no matter what. And I only hope that is a message that all of the fans can appreciate as well. Lacey, the network, and the crew and the rest of the cast are depending on me being at my best every single day, so that is what I am committed to doing no matter what.
I told Michelle at the TCA’s, “Listen, I just want you to know how I feel about what you guys are doing. No matter what, you guys are touching people’s lives.” I’ve had men, women, and children come to me at airports, restaurants, all over the world come to me and say, “Thank you for helping me get through a couple of hours of this or that.” And I’m like, “What?” They’re watching one of my movies to get them through their time in the hospital or whatever difficulties they face. It’s a very special, gratifying thing.

Photo: Lacey Chabert, Brennan Elliott Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman
Concerning All Of My Heart, I’d like to share one more interesting tidbit as an actor playing Brian. On this third movie specifically, the message is all about saving your home from evil. That’s really what the movie’s about. This is honestly one of the strongest messages we’ve ever had in one of these films. In fact, I was concerned it might be too strong, but Lacey assured me it wasn’t. Of course, we have our lighter moments on screen, but I do believe you’re going to see some of my heart come out through this film. The most important relationship in the world is that of your family, and I hope that message comes through in this film. For me, my wife and my family are the most important people to me, and I am sure the viewers will be able to relate. No matter what difficulties come into your family, never forget to fight and don’t give up. When the evil threatens to tear you apart, I hope that the fans will remember just how hard Brian fought to save his family and his home. And for me, that was the most powerful part of this film. And the fact that Lacey is such an amazingly supportive human being both on and off the camera made filming this movie even more special. I really hope the fans will appreciate the story we’re telling and that it will make a positive impact on all who watch it.
Brennan, I cannot thank you enough for sharing so much with me today. My respect for you has increased a hundredfold easily, and I can hardly wait to see All Of My Heart: The Wedding tomorrow night!
Thank you, Ruth, for your support and for really listening to me and sharing this message with the fans. I really am excited to share this movie with all of the fans!

Photo: Brennan Elliott Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Sven Boecker
From the first time I ever interacted with Brennan back during his Cedar Cove days, I recognized that there was something particularly extraordinary about this man. When I first interviewed him nearly three years ago, I was intensely impressed with him on every level, and over the years, my respect and admiration for him as an actor and as a human being has increased immensely. As a fellow artist in this mesmerizing, rewarding, sometimes confounding world of entertainment, I have found that the most compelling part of my role is to discover the essence of the people I interview and share that with the fans. In the case of Brennan, his transparency, kindness, and devotion to both the fans and the network is something that has always made my task quite simple. I only see myself as a conduit through whom God has chosen to reveal the true heart of these distinctive people like Brennan, and the profound message which has been entrusted to me this time is something I do not take casually. While Brennan has one of the most delightful senses of humor, a charming personality, and is one who consistently puts any interviewer at ease, I recognized his acumen and his spiritual nature during our first conversation, and it particularly gladdens my soul to witness the growth he has experienced in all levels of his life. In fact, as I mentioned to my mother, I believe that Brennan shared a “mini-sermon” that will hopefully resonate with an extensive variety of the fans all over the world. He comprehends the position and the platform which God has entrusted to him, and as he has continued to prove that he faithfully and soberly contributes his best effort in all endeavors, he has been rewarded with even more amazing opportunities and perpetual favor with the network, his co-workers, and his fans.
I hope that every person reading this makes a concerted effort to watch the premiere of All Of My Heart: The Wedding on the Hallmark Channel tomorrow (September 29th) night if at all possible. Additionally, if you would like to personally interact with this phenomenal actor, executive producer, and competent human being, I would invite you to check out all his links below and consider following him where applicable (check out his Instagram as it’s still very new!). When I consider the topmost people in this business with whom I am acquainted and even tend to consider as friends, I have to say that in spite of the fact I have never had the supreme honor of meeting the marvelous and beloved Brennan, he is one for whom I would practically do anything that I could to help him or his family, even at my own expense, because as far as I’m concerned, he is one of those rare human beings who radiates such sincerity, joy, love, and immeasurable excitement. And in case you’re wondering, sure, he’s a good-looking guy, but his heart of gold certainly overshadows that in this case. I hope that everyone will come out in droves and support all his projects from All Of My Heart to Christmas At Grand Valley to The Crossword Mystery and anything else that may come his way. As he pursues his career with integrity, devotion, and prudent stewardship, I have no doubt that his opportunities will decidedly intensify, and the fans whom he has treated with such remarkable generosity will be right by his side all the way!

©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman
He is just an amazing person. I have even more respect for him after reading this interview. What a stand-up guy!
Ruth, Oh my! What a fantastic, wonderful, terrific, delightful interview with Brennan Elliott! I thoroughly enjoyed reading every word of it!
It was such a joy to hear how passionate he is on all of his projects… That absolutely translates to how expressive he is on screen and the energy he brings to each film, preview special, etc…
I’ve always felt there was something special about him, an inner light! Whether it’s his family or career, it’s wonderful to know how blessed he feels by his faith in God. We, as viewers, sense it too!
I can’t wait to see what the future holds for “All of My Heart” and “The Crossword Mystery!” And of course, Brennan’s Christmas movie and hopefully, other Hallmark projects!
God’s blessings to you both! Net
Net, this one was a very special interview, and I am so glad that Brennan shared so much about his faith and his passion for the work he does. What an incredible tribute to God’s blessings!