Being the devoted Hallmark supporter that I am, I have been honored to introduce a multitude of first-time Hallmark actors to the fans this year, and Christian Vincent is no exception. In this case, he is a brand new actor to me as well, and discovering that he is a multi-talented, multi-faceted performer was a real treat for me. Recently, he and I chatted about his upcoming Hallmark movie entitled A Majestic Christmas, and I am happy to share our conversation before the premiere today (12/2) on the Hallmark Channel.

Christian Vincent Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Brendan Meadows
RH: What got you interested in pursuing dance as a child?
CV: As a child, I was introduced to music at a very young age and always liked to move to it. My mom took me to an Earth Wind & Fire concert at the age of three, and she said I danced the whole time. So, music was my first impetus to dance. Later at the age of five, my mom put me in tap class because she loved to watch tap dancers, but I didn’t like it and quit.

Jerrika Hinton, Christian Vincent Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Daniel Haber
Years later at the age of twelve, I wanted to go back to dance class because of my love of artists like Michael Jackson and Prince. That same year, I was introduced to a dance convention called Tremaine, where I was taught by working professionals. It was after attending that convention that I told my parents that I wanted to dance for a living. So, in a nutshell, it was my need to move to music, the inspiration of music icons, dance conventions and I think the show Fame that moved me to pursue my passion.
How/Why did you move more into acting after being a successful dancer?

Jerrika Hinton, Christian Vincent Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Daniel Haber
Dance is and will always be my first love, but I always looked at being a performer as doing everything. I thought dancing would lead to–acting, singing, choreographing, or just being a creative person. Many of the performers I have admired are and were triple threats.
It was my desire to use as much of this “instrument/me” as I could, so I wanted to do everything when I moved to LA. I didn’t realize that you could be pigeonholed as just being one thing when I first started out. While dancing, I was studying acting and later started to pursue it. It was actually my dance agent that sent me on the first acting audition that I booked.
Were you a fan of Hallmark movies before booking your first Hallmark movie, A Majestic Christmas?

Jerrika Hinton, Christian Vincent Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Daniel Haber
Christmas is my favorite holiday. Anybody who knows me knows that. I love everything about it. Now I am an actor, but rarely get to watch a lot of TV, and prior to doing this film had seen only two Hallmark films. Yup… I’m not gonna lie. I wasn’t fully up on my Hallmark.
When I got the part in A Majestic Christmas, my best friend, who watches Hallmark religiously said, “It just dawned on me that you are the perfect person to be in these films because you are Hallmark.” lol! Anyway, since doing the movie, I realize that most people I know have it tuned in to Hallmark Channel from Thanksgiving to Christmas. So….of course Hallmark is on 24 /7 in the Vincent household now.
Please tell us about your role in A Majestic Christmas and how it relates to the overall story. Any special moments from filming?

Jerrika Hinton, Christian Vincent Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Daniel Haber
In A Majestic Christmas, I play a real estate developer named Connor Martin that resides in New York City. Connor’s aunt Emily, who lived in Briar Falls, has recently passed away and left him her home and The Majestic Playhouse. The playhouse is the location for the annual Christmas pageant that always includes the small town’s famous Christmas tableaux.

Jerrika Hinton, Christian Vincent Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Daniel Haber
Against the town folks’ wishes, Connor intends to renovate the Majestic into a modern multiplex which ultimately means no more annual Christmas pageant or tableaux. Connor hires an architect firm to help him in the renovation and is teamed up with Nell Harper (Jerrika Hinton). Nell is from Briar Falls and knows the importance of the Majestic and it’s traditions to herself and the town. Connor is not very experienced with Christmas traditions and just doesn’t “get it”. Ultimately Nell takes it upon herself to try and persuade Connor to maintain the historical elements of the Majestic, keep the Pageant tradition and teach Connor about the importance and beauty of Christmas.

Jerrika Hinton, Christian Vincent Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Daniel Haber
There were a lot of great times and moments shooting this film. We had a great director, Pat Kiely, who encouraged us to try various ways to bring these characters to life. My co-star Jerrika Hinton (Nell) was so giving and kind in each scene. But ultimately, my favorite moment is going to sound cliche. The waltzing scene at night, with the snow falling, Christmas lights, joking, laughing and final kiss seemed like being in an old Hollywood movie. Yes, the dancer picked the dance scene as his favorite lol.
What message do you hope viewers will take away from A Majestic Christmas?

Jerrika Hinton, Christian Vincent Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Daniel Haber
I think this film has many great messages. Like most Hallmark films, the viewers will get the feeling of the holiday spirit, which includes love, family, kindness and tradition. People that know I am in this film, have come up to me and have said, ” I love Hallmark films.. they just make you feel so good because everything always ends well.” I think people like to have things in life that feel safe, secure and assure them that there is good out there in the world and everything will be okay. Hallmark films make you feel that… which is why my mom has them on all day currently.

Jerrika Hinton, Christian Vincent Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Daniel Haber
This film, in particular, will also send a broader message of inclusion. Our world is full of diversity and A Majestic Christmas shows highly functioning, happy, complex, loving people of color celebrating tradition. This kind of visibility empowers people of color, that don’t usually see themselves on screen in this manner, as well as normalizes us. The ultimate message of A Majestic Christmas is about Christmas tradition, but in the grander scope, it is also about progress in film 🙂
Any other upcoming works you can mention?
After the holidays I will resume being Professor Vincent at the University of Southern California, Glorya Kaufman School of Dance, traveling around teaching on LADM dance convention, and prepping my Program for aspiring dancers called Kairos Pro Dance Prep. I like to keep things moving 🙂

Christian Vincent Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Daniel Haber
I have never viewed it as a problem that actors are somewhat unfamiliar with the scope and reach of the Hallmark network as the network has experienced unprecedented growth in the past few years. In Christian’s case, however, it sounds like landing the lead in A Majestic Christmas has converted him to “committed fan” status, which I find most endearing. Furthermore, the fact that he recognizes the impact his film can have through its diverse cast and range is something that genuinely resonates with me. While I recognize the fact that Hallmark might be viewed in some circles as being slow to jump on the “diversity bandwagon,” I am appreciative of the organic way in which the network has developed and expanded their diversity philosophy, so to speak. And I believe that Christian is living proof of that. It is encouraging to me to see that Hallmark continues its dedication to quality, heartfelt stories and exceptional talent. Moreover, as their reputation increases, they are making the correct strides to keep up with the changing times without sacrificing their intrinsic core values.
I hope that everyone in the U.S. will make an effort to watch A Majestic Christmas tonight (December 2nd) on the Hallmark Channel. (The Canadian premiere will happen on December 15th on the W Network.) Additionally, I hope you take a few moments and visit Christian’s links below and consider following him on social media. As one of the latest additions to the Hallmark family, I could not be more delighted to welcome him and to also desire plenty more excellent productions in the future featuring his distinct and incredible gifts. He is one who has his priorities straight and can definitely do it all in the world of performing arts, and I can think of no one better to lead a Hallmark movie that someone with his skillset, humility, and authenticity.

Jerrika Hinton, Christian Vincent Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Brendan Meadows