Because of Hallmark’s Signed, Sealed, Delivered franchise, I was quite pleased to be officially introduced to the talent of Aaron Craven. I have been following his Hallmark works, as well as many of his non-Hallmark works, for some time, and I was delighted to see his return to the network in Easter Under Wraps. Moreover, when I ascertained that he would also be featured in one of the new Hailey Dean Mysteries films, nothing could stop me from reaching out to him for what would is now our third interview. In anticipation of the new trio of films premiering May 5th on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, I am ecstatic to share this gifted professional with my readers today.
RH: Since our last interview, you have appeared on The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco (a series I am still getting caught up on). What did you particularly enjoy about being a part of this series?
AC: I always love doing period pieces and working with the ladies from the original British series, Rachael Stirling and Julie Graham, was a treat. The guest cast for the storyline I was part of were all fantastic and I’m proud to say one of our episodes received a Leo Award nomination (BC Professional Film/TV award) for our casting director Jackie Lind. I also love working with director Mike Rohl, who directed our episodes. He’s such a warm, funny and supportive director who gives actors the freedom to bring authentic performances to the screen.
On a somber note, I’ll always associate this job with the passing of my father. He died while I was on set filming. He was in his last days of a long struggle with dementia and I shuttled between his bedside and the set each day, knowing he could go at any time. I’ve never felt more connection to my craft than at this time, and the set was a safe haven for me at an extremely difficult time, even though I told nobody in the production what was happening. The evening he died, I was working on an exterior location with period cars from the 1950s everywhere. My dad and I would often go to classic car shows together and after I received the news, I walked up and down the street looking at these beautiful old cars as the sun set. It was a surreal, but strangely beautiful goodbye.
I just realized you were a part of all three seasons of Travelers. I know this series was just recently canceled in spite of the strong fan base it has. What do you believe made this show so popular with the viewers?
It had a great concept and a great cast. Eric McCormack is such a talented actor and generous man and he was a great lead for the show. Good sci-fi will always find a market of viewers. Most of my scenes were with my buddy Patrick Gilmore, who played David. I just love working with that guy; we have similar senses of humour and outlooks and a pretty nice chemistry onscreen.
After a bit of a hiatus, Hallmark viewers are seeing you back on the network. First, we saw you in the network’s first-ever Easter movie, Easter Under Wraps. What was most fun about that shoot? Also, since Easter happened just recently, did you and your family do anything special for Easter this year?
Fiona Gubleman is a lovely actor and a great person to be on set with. I’d never worked with director Gary Yates before and he’s my kind of director – dry, minimalistic and lets you do your thing.
Easter holiday? It was spent toilet training my son alongside my lovely lady Kate Isaac. We ate too much chocolate while cheerleading a naked three-year-old on a toilet. Spectacular.
We will also be seeing you in the one of the upcoming Hailey Dean Mysteries subtitled Killer Sentence. Without spoiling the story, please tell us a little about your character and how it fits into the overall framework of the story.
I play an ambitious assistant district attorney who may or may not have something to do with a murder. Other than that, lips are sealed.
As far as the main cast of Hailey Dean, with whom had you worked before? What was it like working with Kellie Martin on this one? Did you get to meet Nancy Grace?
I didn’t meet Nancy Grace, but Kellie is wonderful. I’d worked with several of the guest actors and director Michael Robison previously. They run a very laid back set on that show, which I like.
I understand that you are in the upcoming final season of iZombie (which I jokingly say that all of Vancouver is a part of this season). While I know you can’t share much about CW shows, can you tell us anything about your part in the show?
I play Dr.Saxon, a doctor who is researching a cure for Zombie syndrome. He’s kind of a stuffed shirt, ambiguous in his intentions. The payoff comes in later episodes this season.
Any other upcoming works you can mention?
I just finished shooting a guest spot in Los Angeles on a show called Strange Angel. It’s a beautiful period piece produced by Ridley Scott, based on a real guy, Jack Parsons, who was a rocket scientist in the 1940s and got involved in a strange cult. He was publicly exposed on immorality charges and was sort of written off in the history books, but he actually was one of the original rocket scientists. It’s a fascinating and complex premise for a show.
I notice you are currently raising funds for an Alzheimer’s event. Can you tell us more about that and why it’s so important to you?
Both of my parents have lived with dementia and my mother currently lives with Alzheimer’s. I’ve become a public advocate for those living with the disease. We’ve talked about this previously and I continue to try to raise awareness of this looming health crisis as the baby boomers come into their elder years. It’s really important that we tackle this challenge with new and informed health care practice on a global level.
Since you and your wife are both actors and involved in the entertainment industry, do you have plans/hopes to work together in a film or show? I believe you have both worked with your theater company in various capacities. Any plans to do more of that?
Well, as far as films and TV, that would be up to the industry decision makers to cast us together. She’s much prettier to look at onscreen than me so that’s a daunting proposition. As for theatre, Kate is on the board of Mitch and Murray Productions and is an invaluable part of running our company. We read plays together all of the time and I’m sure the stars will align at some point. That’s if she could actually stand working with me after watching me burn toast for the 100th time.
Do you and your family have vacation plans this summer?
Nothing international, but we always retreat to the beautiful Gulf Islands at least once a summer. We also visit family throughout Canada, so we might hit the prairies at some point. It’s beautiful out there, wide open, peaceful country. I’m good for about three days and then I start to get some weird sensation, like the opposite of claustrophobia. The openness and quiet start to freak me out and I need to get back into the city where I’m buffered by high-rises, traffic, noise and bodies. Such is the paradox of my brain.
Aaron is one of those exceptional artists who can easily “fly under the radar,” so to speak, while continuing to produce incredible content that manifests a massive range of emotions within the viewer. Over the course of time that I have known Aaron, I have witnessed his prowess in his on-screen depiction of diverse, efficacious characters who have evoked the entire gamut of feelings within my heart and soul. All too often, he is placed in those roles that are not the most genteel, amiable personalities for whom the audience anticipates an untimely, much-deserved demise. However, when cast in the “nicer” roles, he demonstrates that his authenticity knows no bounds, thus inviting the entire audience to root for his character as he continues to fully embrace every aspect of the character’s persona. Indeed, Aaron is much more talented than he may readily acknowledge to his fans, and in truth, that makes us long to support him even more. Add to this the fact that his immediate family–whom I have had the good fortune of meeting in person–consists of a beloved wife who is also in the business and a son that adores him…I’d say Aaron is a pretty solid individual. Additionally, he continues to tirelessly raise money and awareness for Alzheimer’s–a cause dear to my heart as well–and what an honor it has been to support him whenever possible in this endeavor.
I invite all of you who have access to Hallmark Movies & Mysteries to tune in beginning May 5th to enjoy three new Hailey Dean Mysteries films. Even though the episode in which Aaron appears, Killer Sentence, doesn’t premiere until May 19th, it is in the viewers’ best interest to watch all three films in order to maintain continuity and foster comprehension. Additionally, I hope that everyone considers visiting Aaron’s links below and following him where applicable. Aaron is focused on utilizing social media to effect true change within society while still mentioning the upcoming works in which he has had the honor to be cast. Having met Kate and his son, I can only say that my respect has multiplied exponentially for Aaron, and he has become one for whom I will go out of my way to watch and support him whenever possible. And hopefully, many of my readers will consider doing the same, for I can certainly attest to the fact that he is one marvelous actor and human being.

Hailey Dean Mysteries: Killer Sentence Premieres Sunday, May 19th 9 PM/8c Hallmark Movies & Mysteries
Read My Other Interviews With Aaron