Green for Profit or Green for the Environment? Focus: Four Sigmatic

By Ruth on December 14, 2024 in Marketing

Corporate Social Responsibility

“Social responsibility is an ethical focus for individuals and companies that want to take action and be accountable for practices that benefit society” (Ganti, 2024, What Is Social Responsibility? section). While it is trendy to be seen as a socially responsible company in today’s global society, it is vital that companies truly take this concept to heart and act in the best interests of the environment and society as a whole.

Four Sigmatic

For the focus of my post, I have chosen Four Sigmatic. This company is the original “mushroom coffee,” and from its inception, social responsibility has been its foundation. The company was founded in Finland in 2012, and its founder comes from a sustainable farming background with a focus on foraging for mushrooms, as seen in traditional Nordic culture, to provide functional health benefits for people (Linds, 2024).

The fact that this company’s roots are grounded in farming and traditional culture already demonstrates its commitment to social responsibility. In fact, “the founder of Four Sigmatic is on a mission to make the world’s most nutrient-dense foods more accessible for everyone” (Bristol Farms, n.d., para 2). While this is something that a company could simply state, Four Sigmatic backs up its values with action. Not only do I find this practice impressive, but as one of their consumers, I also benefit from their practices.

How Four Sigmatic Conducts Business

  1. The company uses no harmful chemicals, synthetics, or fillers to manufacture its products.
  2. Instead of merely offsetting carbon emissions through its company practices, the company is also planting 40,000 trees as a way to counteract even more of the harmful effects of carbon dioxide.
  3. Its original mushroom coffee is ethically sourced from a small, family-owned co-op in Honduras. As the company has expanded, its products are still ethically sourced from 27 different countries.
  4. Its products support a wide variety of functional health benefits, including focus, energy, antioxidants, and mental wellness.

(Bristol Farms, n.d.; Isokauppila, 2024; Watson, 2021)

Ethical Issues

Throughout the company’s history, a couple of issues have arisen that have called into question its safety and health benefits claims. Still, each time, the company has addressed the concerns promptly and honestly.

One of the most well-known issues concerns Proposition 65 in California, a law in California that requires businesses to provide warning to consumers about potentially harmful chemicals that may lead to serious health issues (OEHHA, 2024). A lawsuit was brought against Four Sigmatic in 2018, claiming the company was selling unsafe products that contained lead (Four Sigma Foods Inc. et al., 2018). The company addressed this issue by amending its labeling to reflect that lead naturally occurs in its products in the same way lead appears in a wide variety of favorite foods (Four Sigmatic, 2021). The company has further taken steps to ensure that its products meet the highest safety standards, including conducting rigorous testing and working with reputable suppliers.

Another minor issue that has arisen concerns the popularity of mushroom products in the U.S. There is strong evidence to suggest that as much as 74% of products in the U.S. labeled as including functional mushrooms may not contain genuine mushroom products (Watson, 2021). This is an issue the founder of the company takes seriously, and he insists on strict third-party testing while abiding by the concept of “trust but verify.” Most Americans are “mushroom illiterate” and genuinely do not understand how to check for the inclusion of authentic mushroom products in brands that advertise these ingredients. Four Sigmatic has gone out of its way to keep the company and its products above board.

“Green” For Profit or “Green” For the Environment

There is no doubt in my mind that this company is “green” for the environment instead of being “green” for profit. There are a wide variety of articles out there–independent reviews, news articles, and information from the company and founder themselves–that speak to this issue in great detail. The company regularly challenges customers to check the packaging of products, claiming to include functional mushrooms or any ingredients that are purported to provide health benefits (Watson, 2021). This practice is vital to ensure that consumers are not getting “fairy dust” instead of products with genuine health benefits at a level that actually provides those benefits.

The fact that the company is concerned about producing items with genuine, ethically sourced ingredients and providing detailed information concerning the company and its ingredients is something that gives me incredible peace of mind about Four Sigmatic. When I go to order this company’s products, I will be able to trust that they have my best interest in mind. In fact, they are committed to helping their customers with daily challenges and mental wellness while updating their messaging and packaging to be less confusing and as transparent as possible (Bristol Farms, n.d.). The company’s commitment to transparency and consumer education is a testament to its integrity and ethical practices, further demonstrating its level of commitment to its consumers and doing what is right instead of choosing to be hyperfocused on the bottom line.


Bristol Farms. (n.d.). Meet the founder: Tero Isokauppila of four Sigmatic. Bristol Farms. Retrieved December 13, 2024, from


Four Sigmatic. (2021). What is Prop 65? Retrieved December 13, 2024, from

Ganti, A. (2024, June 12). Social Responsibility in Business: meaning, types, examples, and criticism. Investopedia. Retrieved December 13, 2024, from

Isokauppila, T. (2024, April 17). 10 Reasons why people love this coffee. Four Sigmatic. Retrieved December 13, 2024, from

Linds. (2024, October 19). Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee. The Road Linds Travels. Retrieved December 13, 2024, from

OEHHA. (2024). What is Proposition 65? Proposition 65. Retrieved December 14, 2024, from

Watson, E. (2021, December 17). Four Sigmatic CEO: ‘The majority of mushroom products sold in the US for health purposes don’t actually include mushrooms.’ Retrieved December 13, 2024, from

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


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