Just as it seems Cassie and Middleton’s handsome new doctor Sam seem ready to turn their friendship into something more, Sam’s ex-wife Linda threatens to come between them. Grace embarks on that teenage rite of passage – learning to drive – while Cassie continues to work her special brand of magic with a seemingly perfect couple staying at Grey House as well as with a new hire in Bell, Book & Candle.
Potential Spoiler Alert: I seriously doubt I will give away anything in this review, but in the event I mention something you did not know (or didn’t want to know), read no further. Otherwise, let’s jump on in!
Let’s start with one of my all-time favorite characters–Mayor Martha. Yes, Catherine has returned to play this “Type A” mayor who insists on having things done her way, and she refuses to listen to anyone else’s opinions concerning her dilemma for the duration of the episode. No spoilers from me, but just know that our beloved mayor has a problem that truly hits her where it hurts. The solution is staring her in the face, but she declines to listen to reason. As always, Catherin gives an incomparable performance as the presumptuous mayor whose heart is always in the right place (when her mouth and brain are not).
I admit that I almost didn’t recognize Vanessa! It was such a delight to see her (albeit, it was brief but Vanessa always makes the most of each of her roles), and I hope to catch more glimpses of her throughout the series. Indeed, Vanessa’s acting has become a true force with which to be reckoned. She is also always comfortable in any scene, even when only observed fleetingly, as in this episode.
In the doctor’s office, we see the fascinating but effusive and frothy Eve, played winsomely by Kate. Again, she is another who injects humor at the correct moments, and she is just the sort who can drive Sam crazy, as she plays the gal who is either one extreme or the other (she and Mayor Martha should get together–imagine the fireworks!). And Kate does it with brilliant effervescence, almost to the point that she becomes a stereotypical receptionist/secretary. The difference is that Kate is able to make this character more realistic and infuse her with true heart.
George is another character who only makes a brief appearance. At least he is able to perceive what Cassie sees when a certain young couple shows up at the Bed and Breakfast. Or I should say, he notices that Cassie is aware of some flaw in said couple who appear to have it all together. As George, Peter deserves an honorable mention, and here’s hoping that he will show his face in many more episodes this season.

Catherine Bell (Cassie), Siobhan Murphy (Beth), Jamie Spilchuck (Larry) Credit: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Brooke Palmer
Speaking of that engaged couple, here they are as they arrive at the Bed and Breakfast. Both Beth and Larry appear to believe that if they disagree on something, they are not compatible. Unfortunately, it makes them appear rather unreasonably anxious and exorbitantly zealous to prove that they belong together. Thankfully, Cassie is there to intervene. In their respective roles, Siobhan and Jamie are matchless. Jamie insists that his character, Larry, will never say what he means if it is in conflict with Beth’s opinion, and he is always uncomfortable, especially when making decisions. It seems that Siobhan’s depiction of Beth almost emasculates him. She has taken away his identity (without meaning to, of course), and in the end, Larry and Beth reach an impasse that must be crossed one way or another. It would be nice to see these two work things out, as I feel that once the air is cleared, they may realize they are compatible. But if they cannot be open and honest with at least each other, what is the point of joining together?
Of course, the conspirator, Abigail, is back again. The way in which Sarah portrays this quite dastardly character who will do anything to get her way makes us relish her style so much. This is actually an intriguing change because, in most of Hallmark’s shows, it has been a male villain, but not here. Abigail is the one who looks like she is on your side, and she even earns your trust to a degree. Then just when you have let your guard down and your back is turned, she pounces like a cool cat. And that is exactly what Abigail does during this episode with all the cunning of a tigress. And all with a mischievous grin on her face. I won’t give away what she is up to or who her victim is, but just know that it is typical felinity and feminine wiles at work. Sarah is an ideal fit for this role–not that she is anything like Abigail, but she infuses every bit of malicious charm into every ounce of her being to create the vixen that is Abigail–the woman you love to hate.
As the lovely Tara, who has a secret she must share with Brandon, Rebecca couldn’t be any better nor more convincing. I believe that many women will sympathize with her plight, and her character reminds us that life often happens when we least expect it. (Just so you know, it is not something heartbreaking, but it’s fairly realistic.) Rebecca is sweet, lovely, and brings out exactly the right kind of emotion just when it is necessary.
Dale is a small but important character in this episode, and indeed, Landry portrays him exactly as he should. He is suave, debonair, and definitely impressed by bewitching beauty almost as much as (if not more than) monumental money. Both Abigail and Stephanie attempt to catch his attention and secure his partnership, and only one woman succeeds. Of course, he is not above mixing business with pleasure–probably the deciding element in all actuality.
As Brandon, Dan has returned, and this episode sees him embroiled in issues with his wife, Tara, but he also has some teaching moments with his sister, Grace. I think many men will sympathize with Brandon’s situation in relation to his wife, and I’m sure my big brother would be able to empathize with him in the role of “teacher” in relation to his sister. In both instances, Dan does an exceptional job being in the moment with his character.
As Cassie is looking for help in her shop, Meghan is one of the first to come to her. Her heart is someplace else, but she is afraid to go out on her own. Thankfully, after her chat with Cassie, I would say that she has been steered in the appropriate direction. Cassie is an inspiration, and I look forward to seeing what Meghan will do in the future this season. Again, although the role is brief, Arden is a great fit. Additionally, it is nice to see her featured here as I loved her in A Christmas Heart, and it is refreshing that Hallmark has chosen to bring her back.
Moreover, Sarah, as played by Dani, is Jefferson’s sister (more about him in a moment), and it may be that she is going to be the recipient of some of that signature kindness that Cassie freely bestows on all who know her. It is a true delight to see Dani on this show as she always gives inspired and solid performances in all of her Hallmark works (yes, she is no stranger to the network). I look forward to seeing her role truly become an integral part of this show and make a solid connection with Cassie.
Well, folks, she is not gone yet! Unfortunately, Linda is still attempting to be the control freak, even though she and Sam are no longer married. Gabrielle characterizes this role in such a way that you literally get annoyed with her character. And when the viewers see Cassie treating her well, oh my, it can almost send one over the top! How can Cassie be so composed when in this woman’s company? Cassie simply must be a saint! Linda is still wreaking havoc, and in her mind, it would appear that she has the right to call the shots where both Sam and Nick are concerned. Gabrielle depicts this role with sincerity and even a bit of wicked charm–yet another quasi-villain you can love to hate (but I struggle to “love” this one).
Thankfully, Nick seems to be adjusting to life quite well in Middleton. Of course, it helps that he has Cassie as a confidante and Grace as a friend. Now if his mom would quit meddling–even though he loves her–life would be better. Rhys portrays Nick yet again, and I look forward to seeing his story unfold as the season goes on. Rhys conforms so well into the framework of the story that it would be difficult to imagine his not being a part of it.
No spoilers, but at the end of this episode, John comes into the picture and throws Cassie for a loop. Dan is such a consummate actor that the few words he utters are infused with such perfect timing and emotion that we are convinced that John is going to possibly upset what has become Cassie’s perfect world in Middleton. Just as she has found her footing, her past is going to come knocking, and she has to determine whether or in what manner she will answer. Those last thirty seconds are some of the most compelling of the entire episode.

Kylee Evans (Stephanie), Jefferson Brown (Ben) Credit: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Brooke Palmer
If you are curious about Stephanie and Ben, you are sure to see some tender moments between them as Stephanie decides just what she thinks about this dear man. Viewers who are searching for romance will definitely get that and quite a bit of chemistry from these two in this episode.

Kylee Evans, Jefferson Brown Credit: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Brooke Palmer
I appreciate the way Kylee portrays the strong, independent businesswoman attempting to accomplish her dreams, but she permits the gentle, pragmatic, and somewhat laid-back guy (portrayed stunningly by Jefferson) to sweep her off her feet.

Kylee Evans, Jefferson Brown Credit: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Brooke Palmer
And if that’s not chemistry, I don’t know what is. I anticipate the journey these two are going to take this season, in spite of anything Abigail may do to upset Stephanie’s plans.

James Denton (Sam), Catherine Bell (Cassie) Credit: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Brooke Palmer
For me, these two are the heart of the entire series. Now, I was not even aware of the television movies until this series came along, and I know last season was a bit of a difficult road at times as James sought to enter a new series based on a beloved movie series. I believe it was even a bit of a journey for Catherine to find herself in a series with a character whose path was now very different from what she had known. I always enjoyed the sparks between these two last season, but as any first season of any show can attest, sometimes there are a few bumps to iron out. And by in large, the biggest hurdle was getting the viewers to accept James as Catherine’s love interest. But by the end of last season, the rhythm and romance were unquestionably there.

Catherine Bell, James Denton Credit: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Brooke Palmer
This season, these two work together like a well-oiled machine. All the hurdles are gone, and they truly seem to understand how to relate to each other’s characters. The chemistry is there, and these two are moving forward. While there is going to be contention along the way (both internal and external), these two have developed such trust and respect that they will overcome all obstacles in their way. The chemistry between them is more “the second time around” kind of chemistry, but no matter what anyone may think, that is so common in today’s society that a vast majority of us can relate.

James Denton, Bailee Madison (Grace) Credit: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Brooke Palmer
Not to be forgotten is Bailee who is the incomparable and sometimes incorrigible Grace. Bailee is not in this particular episode much, but there is no doubt that she will be an important part of the season as she is such an amazing actress and person who depicts Grace with such ease. It is as though the part of Grace is tailor-made for Bailee, and even in her minimal portions in this episode, her brilliance and joie de vivre are readily apparent.

James Denton, Bailee Madison Credit: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Brooke Palmer
I cannot tell you just how much I adore James as Sam. While I admit to being a hard sell on him in the beginning of last season, he is not only handsome, but he is an incredible actor. His difficulties with Cassie always made him endearing, and now that they are becoming a possible item, I find him even more appealing. His demeanor is always placid and rather indefatigable in spite of the drama he faces from so many women surrounding him on a daily basis (not to mention his son, Nick). He has made his way in Middleton, and although it took awhile, he and Cassie seem to be on the right road (unless another pitfall comes their way–which it will, undoubtedly).
Of course, Catherine is such an accomplished professional that everything in which she is featured is always solid gold, or so it would appear. As Catherine has taken the role of Cassie a different direction from the well-loved films, she has created a more mature and relaxed Cassie, who is ready to move on with her life and help everyone she can along the way. She may have been resistant to romance at first. After all, she is a widow, and her kids are practically grown. She is a stalwart, independent woman who has proven she can make it on her own, but the time may just be right for her to make a new start with another man. Just who that man is going to be may not be an easy decision, however.
Catherine is one of those actresses who just makes an instant connection, no matter the role she plays. She is beautiful, yes, but she has a gentleness and pristine quality about her that just causes everyone to cherish her, no matter the role she plays. As Cassie, she is always helping everyone around her. In fact, she prefers to plan everyone else’s lives out as she grapples with planning out her own life at times (and sometimes, she is resistant to advice). The viewers are always rooting for her character, and her acting is nothing short of flawless, meticulous, and infused with an effortless quality that not all actors can achieve. I do believe I would watch her in just about anything, as she is just a joy and delight on the screen, not to mention the fact that she treats her fans with warmth and respect as well. She has never allowed success to go to her head, which endears her all the more to her fans. I greatly anticipate witnessing the antics of Cassie this season as she goes on a quest to decide just which path (or paths) she decides to wander down. In the end, there is no doubt she will pick the right ones for her.
For more information:
Do you know why they switched the actress for Tara, it was originally played by Ashley Leggat. I haven’t been able to find out why they switched her after she was just on screen the last episode.
I have no information on this Elizabeth. Ashley Leggat played Tara for 3 episodes. I know she was pregnant when I contacted her for an interview, and since the birth of her daughter in 2017, she has been less active. Her husband is a hockey player, and because he played in Sweden at least one year that I know of, she joined him there in her “off-time.” It would appear she is less active in acting as a mohter of a little girl, and that only makes sense. It is possible this is why she was replaced.
(Good Witch: Second Time Around” Hallmark Episode Review) I have never seen this show before, but it does sound pretty good. I’m sure that we do not get the channel that it comes on either.
I haven’t been watching this show but what I have read it sounds good.