
  • 5 Smart Strategies to Help You Succeed in Graduate School

    By Ruth on September 23, 2015
    Attending graduate school is an exciting experience, with only a small percentage of the population successfully earning a graduate school diploma. When finished, graduate school can have a positive influence on self-confidence and self-esteem. You’ll also learn work skills that are valuable for any future occupation or pursuit. Thriving and Surviving Tips Source: GraduationSource Graduate school is an intensely challenging […]
  • Affordable Updates for Your Home

    By Ruth on May 6, 2015
    Sometimes upgrading or renovating your home can seem like it is going to cost an arm and a leg. If cash is tight, a major renovation project may not be in the cards, especially if you’re pretty happy with the way your house looks and feels on a daily basis. However, if your home just seems to be lacking something […]
  • Coupon Codes for the New Year and Beyond

    By Ruth on December 27, 2014
    As we enter the new year, it is very possible that saving money is one of your resolutions. That is sometimes easier said than done. However, coupon sites like Frugaa can be just what you need to actually help you keep that resolution now and all throughout 2015 and beyond. The amount of stores you will find on their page […]
  • Don Allred Insurance

    By Ruth on November 22, 2014
    If you live in North Carolina (or anywhere in the country), auto insurance is a necessity in order to comply with state laws. If you are looking for quality auto insurance, I invite you to check out this website.  You can check out exactly what the minimum requirements are, and you can definitely find the best price.  Check them out […]
  • Welcome to the Binary Options Industry

    By Ruth on September 3, 2014
    I will be honest–I am not one who has a lot of experience in the world of trading and investment, and there are times that I honestly wish I knew more about it.  However, I have a basic understanding, and I would like to share with some important information concerning something about which it would behoove everyone to know–the binary […]
  • Middle Eastern Elite Look Beyond Oil Industry to Create Wealth

    By Ruth on July 24, 2014
    The Middle East economy has grown rapidly over the last few years. However, a new report from the World Bank Group’s latest Quarterly Economic Brief shows that real GDP growth in the region’s largest countries has started to decline. The World Bank has said that the country leaders should start making reforms to boost growth. However, free market analysts believe that […]
  • Why Warren Buffet Investing Strategy Focuses on Fundamental Analysis

    By Ruth on July 21, 2014
    Investors have very different strategies to grow their portfolios. Some are staunch believers in the efficient market hypothesis, which means they can’t outperform the market. Others believe that the efficient market hypothesis is a false premise, because market movements are determined by human behavior. They feel that human behavior is difficult to predict from news reports or earning statements, but […]
  • Receive a Roofing Inspection to Identify Problems Early On

    By Ruth on July 16, 2014
    As a homeowner, you probably don’t pay as much attention to your roof as other parts of your house. You don’t see it every day, so you may not be aware of any problems that are developing. However, it is imperative that you spot them early and fix them before they get worse. Many contractors offer free roofing inspections to […]
  • What Options do Homeowners Have After a Divorce?

    By Ruth on July 15, 2014
    Going through a divorce can be a very painful process for all parties involved. In addition to the heated emotions, the divorcing couple also has to deal with a lot of practical problems. One issue that homeowners need to deal with is deciding who keeps the house and the mortgage associated with it. What Happens to the House During a […]
  • Study: Online Advertising Offers Higher ROI than Previously Expected

    By Ruth on July 15, 2014
    Most businesses are recognizing that they will receive a higher return on their investment from advertising on the Internet over print media. However, new research shows that the value of online advertising is even higher than previously believed. More businesses will probably be investing in online media in 2014 and beyond. How Much is Online Advertising Really Worth? A recent […]