
  • Teen Driver Safety: Alcohol and Drug Awareness

    By Ruth on December 15, 2015
    So your son or daughter got their license, a can-do attitude, and the ceremonial monologue most parents give after their child has been handed the car keys. But before you allow the kids to go off into the wild yonder there are a few more things about driving you need to know.   1.         Driving under the influence isn’t just […]
  • When Should You Shop to Get the Best Travel Deals?

    By Ruth on December 1, 2015
    It’s the age-old question, isn’t it? Is there a way to save on travel costs? For many years, people have hoped that there’s a magic formula to saving extra money on often-high travel expenses. The good news is that they were right. However, you’ll need to know what to do – and what to avoid. Here are a few tried […]
  • The Benefits of Funeral Homes

    By Ruth on September 23, 2015
    While most rarely want to discuss the inevitable that we all must face in this life, one of these days, we will pass from this earth. No one cheats death, and it’s always a comfort to know that there are funeral homes Parramatta that have caring, professional staff to help you and your loved ones during this emotional and difficult time. When […]
  • 5 Smart Strategies to Help You Succeed in Graduate School

    By Ruth on September 23, 2015
    Attending graduate school is an exciting experience, with only a small percentage of the population successfully earning a graduate school diploma. When finished, graduate school can have a positive influence on self-confidence and self-esteem. You’ll also learn work skills that are valuable for any future occupation or pursuit. Thriving and Surviving Tips Source: GraduationSource Graduate school is an intensely challenging […]
  • How to Prepare for a Trip to China

    By Ruth on September 5, 2015
    Whether you decide to visit China for a fun-filled vacation, or you visit the country for work, you still need to prepare yourself for that trip. China has a number of historic sites that are centuries older than those found in the United States, but you’ll also find street food, amazing restaurants, fun nightclubs and dozens of other attractions. The […]
  • Three Ways To Enhance Your Child’s Education

    By Ruth on July 21, 2015
    If you’re like most parents, one of your deepest desires is to help your child optimize her or his cognitive capabilities. Luckily, there are several tips and tricks that parents like you can deploy to help your child perform well in school. Here are three: 1. Hire A Tutor. Almost every child can benefit from private tutoring services. These services […]
  • Baskets For Bridesmaids

    By Ruth on May 6, 2015
    One of the important people in your wedding who will often do everything possible to keep you calm before the big day is your bridesmaid. This is a woman who is likely a best friend or special family member. You can thank your bridesmaid by giving her a special gift. Bridesmaid gift baskets can include a variety of items. You […]
  • Affordable Updates for Your Home

    By Ruth on May 6, 2015
    Sometimes upgrading or renovating your home can seem like it is going to cost an arm and a leg. If cash is tight, a major renovation project may not be in the cards, especially if you’re pretty happy with the way your house looks and feels on a daily basis. However, if your home just seems to be lacking something […]
  • Planning Your Trip to the Nation’s Capital

    By Ruth on March 25, 2015
    If you are a person who is fascinated by the history of the United States, you need to take a trip to the nation’s capital city, Washington, D.C. You will be able to tour the buildings where the policies of the country are made. You can also take a close look at the documents that the founding fathers of the […]
  • Neil Gaiman Quotes on Life and Writing

    By Ruth on January 19, 2015
    Since I am a writer and I am always wanting to improve myself, quotes that focus on writing and life are always welcomed. I have found that quotes by Neil Gaiman are especially insightful.  We are still early in 2015, and the way I look at it, it is never too late nor too soon to make improvements in one’s […]