Interview With Actress Genea Charpentier, “When Calls the Heart”

By Ruth on April 18, 2017 in Interview, movie, television

During season three of When Calls the Heart, I had the opportunity to interview almost every one of the Hope Valley kids. And Genea Charpentier was no exception. In fact, a year ago this month, I spoke with the lovely and talented Genea, and she was gracious enough to submit herself to a second interview this season. As she has continued to mature professionally and personally, it was a joy to have her answer a few questions about her current projects and even take a brief look to the future.

RH: What was your favorite part of When Calls the Heart season four to film? Why was it your favorite?

 GC: There were so many memories this year filming season four! I got to see all my When Calls the Heart family again. There were so many amazing scenes that we filmed this year and I couldn’t choose just one! One of my favourite scenes was the episode that Cyrus (Spencer Drever) and I had a fight because it really brought out who I am as an actress. My other favorite scene was when all the Hope Valley girls had a slumber party! We had so much fun that day and we all felt like we were actually at a slumber party!

with Gracyn

With this being your third season on the show, what kids do you hang out with the most when you’re not filming?

Over the past two seasons, I’ve gotten to know lots of the kids from When Calls The Heart! Outside of filming, we’ve all had a few meet-ups such as bowling and we’ve seen each other at auditions. I’ve made a huge connection with Gracyn {Shinyei} (who plays Emily) because we’ve known each other for quite a few years. Many years ago, my sister and her brother played on the same soccer team, so that’s how we originally met. I’ve also made a connection with Imogen {Tear} (who plays Hattie) because we are the same age and we enjoy doing the same things. In addition to those, I’ve also fallen in love with Ava {Grace Cooper} (who plays Opal) and Amélie {Eve} (who plays Maggie) as well. Quite honestly, everyone on set is really sweet and I’m so happy to be a part of such an amazing project!

with Gracyn, Ava, and Christian Michael Cooper

If the show is renewed for season five, what would you like to see for Laura? What kind of storyline?

Let’s hope for a season Five!!!

 I’d like to see Laura’s story developed more in the social point of view as she’s getting older, and I think that Laura wants to get to know her boundaries before anyone else stops her from making decisions she would want to make.

It would also be cool if Laura could follow in Ms. Thatchers footsteps as a teaching assistant.

 Also I was reading the interview that you did with Spencer (Cyrus) and maybe Laura could have a love interest in the future…

with Erin Krakow

If you could play any of the adult characters in the show, who would you be and why?

Wow, that’s a hard one! I would probably have to go with either Faith or Elizabeth because I think that Laura would excel in either of those paths. It would be cool to be the Hope Valley nurse because you get to learn new things and cure people. Obviously, Elizabeth is an amazing teacher and every student of hers would want to be just like her and look up to her in so many ways.

Would you and your sister ever like to act in something together? What kind of movie/show would you like it to be?

My sister (Megan Charpentier) and I have been in a few short films together when we were younger. The first project we did was called Kid’s Court. It was so much fun to have a few days together with a whole bunch of other kids. The second show we did together was another short film called The Old Woman In the Woods, and it was about an old woman who would apparently help us when our mother went away. Both of them were so fun to film because I was with my older sister who I look up to as an actress.

from The Man in the High Castle

Any other upcoming works you can mention? 

The Man in the High Castle starts filming again soon in which Gracyn and I are on as sisters. I’m waiting to hear back on a few other things also. Fingers crossed!

 What other activities do you do besides acting?

I’m a very active girl! I enjoy dancing (I do two different types, jazz and lyrical).  I like to play soccer, bike ride, play volleyball etc…

I enjoy watching movies with my family for some family time also!

If you could work with any other young people in the business that you haven’t yet, whom would you choose and why?

Some of the young actors that would be a pleasure to work with in the future are Freddie Highmore and Amandla Stenburg because they are very talented actors.

If you were going to have a special weekend of watching movies, what five movies would you include for sure in that weekend?

 I love watching movies! There are so many to choose from. If I had to choose five, they would be:


Bridge to Terabithia

We Bought a Zoo


Big Hero 6

 I would choose them because they are all amazing movies that never get old!

Genea is another gem in our Hope Valley cast, and her kindness and talent are unquestioned no matter what the scene requires. Moreover, when Genea smiles, her effervescence and warmth irradiate from within her resplendent and generous heart. Her passion lies in bringing stories to life in an authentic and pragmatic way, and her natural optimism and enthusiasm permeate everything she does. She has a strong affinity for the entire When Calls the Heart cast and crew, and being one of the elder members of the Hope Valley kids has given her a perspective that is quite refreshing and forthright. For her sake (and the sake of all the young people in this phenomenal cast), I sincerely hope that Hallmark chooses to renew the show for yet another season so that she has the opportunity to yet again display her prowess within this close knit group with whom she has connected and grown into the lovely young woman we viewers are privileged to see. Be sure that you tune in to the finale episode of When Calls the Heart this Sunday, April 23rd, on the Hallmark Channel to bid a fond “till-me-meet-again” to all the cast, including Genea. Additionally, please check out all of Genea’s links below and consider following this winsome angel via social media so that you can keep up with all of her current and future works!



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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.


  1. Net April 18, 2017 Reply

    Wonderful interview with Genea Charpentier, Ruth! She is a remarkable, accomplished young lady and actress! I certainly hope (with all my heart!) Hallmark extends the “When Calls the Heart” series to Season 5 and we will see even more in depth stories for her and all of the cast!!!

    I’ll certainly be on the look out for Genea and her sister, Megan, in more projects, hopefully more Hallmark, too! I still recall how wonderful Genea was in the “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” TV series and “A Cookie Cutter Christmas!” And, I loved Megan Charpentier in two of the “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” movies and “Operation Christmas!”

    Blessings!!! Net 🙂
    Net recently posted…DVD ALERT: Hallmark Movies New to Amazon!My Profile

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      Ruth April 18, 2017 Reply

      Net you are always just so sweet to leave such fantastic comments on my interviews. Means so much coming from fellow blogger/interviewer. So thanks for your support.

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