What is Children’s Book Week?
Established in 1919, Children’s Book Week is the longest-running literacy initiative in the country. Each year, books for young people and the joy of reading are feted for a full week with author and illustrator appearances, storytelling, parties, and other book-related events at schools, libraries, bookstores, museums, and homes from coast to coast!
For more information please visit: http://www.bookweekonline.com/
Well, I hope a lot of you are coming to my site since my old site is gone. This is the first official blog hop of this blog, and I feel generous. So two people will win a children’s book of his/her choice up to $15. This can be any book appropriate for kids–under 18 years old. You can enter the rafflecopter below, and this is open worldwide as long as the Book Depository and/or Fishpond ships to you.
And when you are done entering my giveaway, please hop on to the others. But don’t delay. This giveaway ends 9 P.M. Pacific time on May 19.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I like beranstain bear books
My favorite book would have to be corduroy! i loved that bear growing up
Happy reading! Have a wonderful week!
Where the Sidewalk Ends.
I looked around the blog. It is awesome and the giveaway is great too. Thanks
Thank you for the fine comment! I love my new site, too!
Mine is There’s a monster at the end of this book
I Liked mouse paint
Where The Sidewalk Ends
I loved Summer Of The Monkey’s, The Boxcar Children and Anne of Green Gables
When I was really young I loved But No Elephants
I loved the Boxcar children books
I loved all kinds of picture books especially Dr. Suess, The Velveteen Rabbit and fairy tale stories. Then I went to Goosebumps and Animorphs. Thanks for the chance!
I loved Junie B. Jones, Magic Treehouse, Animal Ark, etc 🙂
the gruffalo
my favorite book as a kid was “Walk two moons”
I loved Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret by Judy Blume 🙂
That was one of my personal favorites!
I love Tamora Pierce, she was my favourite author all throughout primary school, all of her books are fantastic.
My favorite kid’s book was “Pecos Bill”.
I’d love The Cat in The Hat and Little Riding Hood.Thanks!
I LOVE anything by Graeme Base! He is such an amazing author/illustrator and my kids just love his books!
horton hears a who!