Summary: As One Devil to Another is an astonishing debut work that C. S. Lewis’s biographer and foremost Lewis authority Walter Hooper calls “a stunning achievement, the finest example of the genre of diabolical correspondence to appear since this genre was popularized by C. S. Lewis.” Enter into this chilling and diabolical tale, one that reveals the very tricks and strategies of Hell. Through a series of letters between devils created by Platt, senior devil Slashreap trains his young protégé, Scardagger, to win an individual soul away from Heaven and into their clutches. As the devils plot their way to triumph, they reveal the spiritual dangers and risks we face in today’s society. Their frighteningly accurate perspective on issues such as contemporary technology and sexual mores is interwoven with timeless matters such as the power of prayer, the purpose of suffering, and the promises held out by Heaven . . . and Hell. Destined to become a modern classic, As One Devil to Another is a brilliantly written, deeply unsettling perspective on twenty-first-century society . . . a glimpse of ourselves through the eyes of those who have embraced their underworldly existence.
As One Devil to Another by Richard Platt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I cannot even put into words what an unbelievable read this was! I was completely engrossed in the story from start to finish and truly struggled to put it down.
First off, I have never read ‘The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis. I have heard portions of the book read aloud, and I certainly know the premise, but I have not read it as yet. Certainly on my vast TBR pile. And since finishing this book, my desire to read the inspiration behind this insightful book has grown with intensity.
This novel gives the reader a glimpse into something we would rather forget about–Satan’s demonic realm. The subtleties of the Enemy’s craft are detailed in a way I have never considered. There were a number of “Aha” moments too numerous to detail here. And the ending practically left me breathless.
Indeed God spoke to me during this tale. I saw myself in some of the human being struggles, and I was reminded that we as humans are hated by Satan and his hosts. He will use every tactic in his arsenal to attack us and humankind. Thank God for His protection of us. It was nice to see that the powers of darkness have very limited powers where the saints of the Lord are concerned. The ruthlessness amongst the demons was even shocking!
I think C.S. lewis would have been proud of this book. It paid homage to the original and even took the subject matter to new heights. I think this is a must-read for any Christian who truly desires a glimpse into hell. And you will be grateful. It is only a glimpse!
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not financially compensated, and all opinions are 100 percent mine.
About the Author: (in his own words)
An inventive editor once wrote that I was “born in a storm-tossed rowing boat…” The truth is more dull! I was actually born in a hospital in Northumberland; my mother was a pharmacist and my father a civil engineer. I spent most of my childhood in an ordinary house in a south London suburb.
Life began to get interesting when I left secondary school. I spent a year on a student exchange at the Gunnery school in Connecticut, then returned to the UK to study civil engineering. I was rubbish at this, so I switched to a design degree course. Photography was my passion, and after graduating I worked for a small London gallery called Camerawork, then began writing a column in a photography magazine.
My first book
The first book I wrote was on photography, too. It terrified me! I had never written more than about 1,000 words at a time, and now I had to come up with 80,000. And I had a full-time job. Somehow, I managed it, though I didn’t sleep much.
Books for children
My first really successful book was a collaboration with illustrator Stephen Biesty: Incredible Cross Sections. It sold more than a million copies for publishers Dorling Kindersley. The Guardian later chose it as one of the three greatest children’s books of the 1990s. I went on to write 32 books for DK.
I worked for other clients, too, on very varied projects. I wrote advertising copy for Ilford Photo and Parker Pens. I worked in interactive multimedia, including a CD-ROM version of Sophie’s World, and some comic animations for a museum in Waterford, Ireland. I even wrote restaurant reviews for the Automobile Association (I put on 4kg doing this, because writing about food made me hungry.)
Gradually, themes emerged in my writing. I have become an amateur expert on the sea, and especially on smuggling and piracy. (My website, smuggling.co.uk, is a top source for smuggling information.) I have also become fascinated by social history and by the history of science and technology.
However, I will – and do – write about almost anything, because it’s the variety of my work that I enjoy.
When I’m not writing…
…I’m likely to be out on my recumbent bike cycling along the coastal path … singing in a choir … making bread… fiddling with some computer code (I’m a closet geek, and built this website myself) … or gardening with my wife Mary. We live in Hastings, on the East Sussex coast.