For the past few years, I have been enraptured with the unparalleled Freeform original show called Siren. Long before Siren became the phenomenon it has become, I interviewed Curtis Lum–AKA Calvin Lee–about this groundbreaking show. In fact, he has the honor of being the one who introduced me to this brilliantly impressive series. In our recent interview–our third in a series of chats over these years–Curtis was very open about what is happening with him both personally and professionally in this “time of coronavirus.” Before the arrival of Thursday’s (May 7th) episode, I have the distinct honor of sharing our conversation with all of my readers today.
RH: Curtis, it is so good to chat with you again.
CL: Ruth, thank you, it’s always great to talk with you. How are you and your family doing?
We’re hanging in there, and we’re all safe and healthy. My daughter is in eleventh grade, and school is closed for the rest of the school year, so she is doing everything online. And my parents and I are just staying home like we’re supposed to. How about you?
You know, all things considered, we’re doing okay. My girlfriend and I are in Los Angeles right now. We have each other, and we’re both healthy and safe. And both of our families are healthy and safe. So we’re hanging in there. Out where we are, things aren’t as crazy as some other areas of the country. But everywhere you look, there’s fear-mongering on all sides. I’m just trying to remain responsible in terms of knowing what’s out there, but at the same time, I’m trying to avoid the daily pressure. My family’s been calling me, begging me to come home every day, so sometimes it’s difficult to move forward and figure out what we’re gonna do. But that being said, we’re enjoying the time we’re able to spend together and have a kind of nice reset before the next hundred-meter dash. I’m very grateful and very thankful that we’re all okay.
Well, I think Washington State and California are doing better than some places I’ve read about. I think we got on the ball and implemented these tough practices earlier than some states and other places in the world. I know it’s a difficult thing right now because nobody’s lived through anything like this, and you don’t know what’s gonna happen next and tomorrow can feel uncertain. But I think most of us realize we need to take this seriously. I also think we’re also looking for every bit of hope we can get during this time.
It doesn’t help that the information in the media is so inconsistent, and sometimes people don’t take it as seriously as they should. I know that the issues and the way they are presented can be really polarizing at times.
Yes, I wish we didn’t have to politicize everything. Sometimes, I don’t even want to look at my social media feed because half of what is written there is skewed towards the right or the left, and some still want to make a joke about the situation. You know, there’s a difference between comic relief and making fun of the pandemic situation.
Yes, some are still underestimating it. It’s interesting what you mentioned about your daughter’s school. I have two goddaughters who are grade seven and grade one right now, and my brother works for a school. He’s saying they’re finishing the year off doing virtual online classes.
Yeah, I think a lot of places are doing that. I think it’s not so much that the kids are at risk, but the concern is the older staff that works in the schools. While we know young people can be affected by the virus, those who are aged fifty and up or ones that have a preexisting health condition are the ones we need to be watching out for. I think we all feel bad for the kids, but at least there are options now. So, Curtis, I’m very glad that Siren came back for season three!
Oh, we’re very glad! And it’s come back at this oddly perfect time.
I have to tell you, the proposal scene in the season premiere…Oh my goodness, I didn’t see that coming! That was absolutely beautiful, and I thought it was one of the sweetest proposals I’ve ever seen in a TV show!
Thank you, that means a lot.
Oh, it was wonderful. I think I even got a little emotional towards the end. I was like, “Oh my goodness, this is just so sweet!”
{laughs} I don’t think any of us saw that coming. I remember that the idea had been tossed around the writer’s room, but we really didn’t think too much of it then. I think the idea originally came from Eline Powell, who plays Ryn. I think she said, “How great would it be for Ryn to be a witness to these things that humans do that are highly regarded and valued…something like a wedding?!” Then it was like, “Aw, that’s a great idea! Who should get married on our show?” Well, of course, we know–Calvin and Janine! So when we came back to film the season, we read the script, and it was like, “Oh, yeah, boom!” That’s one hell of a way to start the season!

Curtis and Hannah (Levien) on Noches Con Platanito
I couldn’t agree more! Actually, speaking of the third season…while I’ve always loved the show, sometimes in season two, there were times that I didn’t feel we knew exactly where the show was headed in terms of story arcs. That happens sometimes, and it’s really not the fault of anyone. I was expecting season three to be fantastic, but it was even better than I expected! It’s like we’ve gotten to know the characters so well, and there’s a focus and purpose for each storyline. I think everything is flowing so well. I think that’s a credit to the writer, the cast, and everybody involved.
Absolutely, I agree with you. One thing I can definitely speak on this season is that this third season was really refreshing for us. I think because we know the characters so well, like you said, and we know the relationships and everything has been established, it allows for us to get really nuanced with our storylines and even with our individual characters.
I’ve always wanted to do a proposal scene. If you remember, the first time you and I spoke and I was talking about the different roles I’d love to play…without even knowing it, playing a love interest or someone who goes to that extreme of doing a proposal was something I had always wanted to do. So having the opportunity to let that come through a character like Calvin made it so much more fun.
What I love about his character is that as dumb as he comes off sometimes, he’s actually really smart at the same time. So to get to play a character that has such a fun and wide spectrum of emotion and is so multifaceted is truly amazing. I can play through self-deprecation and humor and love, but then I can also play the genuine kind of admiration he has for his woman. It’s a lot of fun.
I know exactly what you mean. Watching Calvin and Janine over these seasons, you know that these characters are totally attracted to each other, but they also drive each other crazy. They are these two extreme characters together, but it’s so much fun to watch! I think that’s why the proposal took me by surprise. It’s also so much fun because I think we all know couples like that who tend to be extreme. They’re either fighting like cats and dogs or they’re all over each other.
Oh, yes, I think you’re right. And really, that was just the beginning of the season. So to start from there is very exciting because the stakes are high, and with a couple that has such a hot and cold dynamic, I’m really excited to see how the storyline progresses throughout the rest of the season. So let me ask you something. You said you were surprised by the proposal. At what point did you catch on?
Actually, when the money went missing. I thought that Calvin wouldn’t just take the money for no reason. It made sense he used it to buy a ring. And really, I don’t think you guys could have played that proposal scene any better than you did.
What a modern-day romantic, hey? Buying an engagement ring with shared money. {laughs}
{laughs} True. But what you were saying about Calvin being really smart, yeah, I agree. He knows he’s got to let Janine be the one who’s in charge. In that proposal, he made that clear, and I thought, “What a smart guy!” Even in the business you two have together, she’s the boss. She’s the one in charge, and that ensures their happiness.
Over the seasons, Calvin has had quite a character arc. He’s caused problems before. Just last season, he was basically going to tell a reporter everything about the mermaids, right?
Yeah, that’s right. And thankfully, that didn’t pan out too well for him. No one took him seriously. I think even he realized then that he would be better used as an ally rather than an enemy with the knowledge that he has. So now he’s one of the good guys.
I wanted him to be one of the good guys. I can remember thinking, “Don’t do this, Calvin! Don’t tell everything! Don’t be a bad guy.”
Yeah, it seems like all the bad guys end up dying off or they just disappear.
There are ten episodes in season three, right?
Yes, and we just passed the halfway point last week. This week, we will see episode seven.
Of course, I don’t want to give anything away, but what can you tease for the rest of the season?
I can definitely tell you–and this is not just me hyping it up at all–this season we definitely go “balls to the walls” when it comes to the action. You’ve already seen it this season so far, but we are ramping it up for a very epic battle the likes of which we have not seen in the first two seasons. I mean, we’ve seen great battles, but never have we seen the epic one that we’re about to endure.
That doesn’t surprise me, based on the new character, Tia. When the season began and her character came along, I was really baffled and then stunned.
Yeah, and that is the microcosm of the arc that we take on this season. The first two seasons have all this drama and build-up to this season, and what I’m really excited about is seeing how the writers were able to take the show to a whole other level this year in terms of bringing in the outside world. I think it’s really raising the stakes this season and pushing the boundaries to make it as big as possible. Every episode holds its own weight this season. I don’t think I have a favorite episode this year. They’re all wickedly powerful.
That makes me even more excited to watch the remaining episodes, Curtis. And as far as the positives go with this time, people are staying home and that hopefully means more people are tuning into Siren. Everyone can get caught up on the first two seasons through Freeform or Hulu here in the U.S. or ABC Spark in Canada. Then they can pick right up with season three and watch along with the fans.
I know there’s a lot of content out there, and we’re up against a lot of good shows. I think a good show will do well no matter what the circumstances are. And we are persevering through. We are tried, tested, and true, and the fans really seem to be loving the show, so I’m very grateful for that.
Well, Siren has a lot going for it, in my opinion. For me, I love the scenery. You guys film in such beautiful areas. Then you have an incredible cast and story. But what’s even better now is that the show is an escape. First of all, you are escaping into a sci-fi show with fantasy elements, but the show is also dealing with real issues. They deal with climate change and cleaning up the oceans, and all those things that are vital to our world and that people care about. But it’s done in such an entertaining way that you can watch it and not think about the current crisis. I find myself getting caught up in the Siren world. And there’s also very strong female characters, which I just love. My two favorites are Ryn and Helen.
To piggyback off what you said, I love a show that can make art imitate life effectively. Our show is entertaining and it can be an escape, but we also play those elements that are parallel to our world where we’re living. You’re certainly going to see more of that this season. In these times, we’re all pushing through and living through together, and there’s a lot of those elements that are implemented in the storyline this season. And you know that’s not just completely by sheer coincidence. I can’t wait to see people’s reactions when we get into the later episodes.
I love that. I think we all need to get into and stay in this mindset of all of us working together. We’re all in this crisis together, and when we put this all behind us, it would be nice if we could maintain that closeness and work on other things together.
Yes, when we realize how powerful we can be when we work together…I mean, just look over these last couple months or so and see how the environment and the oceans are so much cleaner in terms of pollution. Maybe this pandemic crisis, on the grand scale, isn’t a massive turnaround, but you can definitely see the improvement in air and water pollution. It’s factual. We know that we as humans have a great impact on our environment, and when we work together in a positive way, positive things can definitely happen. I think that’s kind of the heartbeat of the show. When we all work together for one common goal, that’s when the magic happens. And those are typically my favorite episodes. When we band together to fight for a particular cause.
I am in full agreement. I have many friends who don’t agree with me on some of the “big” issues, but we can have real conversations and find out that when it comes down to it, we all want the same things. We may go about it differently or view it differently, but we all want the same thing. And when we lay those differences aside, it is possible to work together to accomplish something great.
You hit the nail right on the head. And that’s the power of listening. At the end of the day, the details of what we want may be different, but we all want to be loved and we all want to be heard. I think the better that we can get at listening, the better we can work together for the common good. Hopefully, during this time, we can reconnect and be re-energized. Hopefully, that’s a skill set we can intentionally pick up and just be able to sit back and listen better rather than just trying our darnedest for our voice to be heard. I think if a lot of us can get better at listening, a lot more can be done.
I know I’m going to be watching the rest of season seven. I really think it’s going to be your best season yet.
I think season three is definitely our strongest season yet, which I think is rare in a lot of shows. All too often, shows tend to peter off after the first two seasons, but I think our show is getting stronger and stronger.
Now, I know that everything is shut down right now, but is there anything else that you can mention that is upcoming?
Yeah, I wrote and co-directed a short film with Fola Evans-Akingbola, who plays Maddie on Siren. That came out at the end of last year and is currently doing the festival circuit. It’s called Grandma’s 80th Surprise. I can’t wait for the last festival to play so that we can share it with the rest of the world. It’s the short film that keeping on going and keeps on giving. We’ve been doing very well with the film. It’s won several awards, and it’s played at over ten different festivals.
I also have another film that was supposed to be hitting the festival circuit called The World’s Greatest directed by Judy Lei. So I’m looking forward to sharing that film after everything is open again.
Besides that, I’ve been enjoying and looking forward to everyone’s social media that has become a channel of its own. That is our real-life TV right now. I’ve been using this time to connect with my people and the fans out there. And I’m sure I’ll continue to find ways to continue making content one way or another.
I have been amazed at the creativity coming from the industry. It’s incredible!
It’s great to see technology being used the right way. I am big on taking the positives from every situation that is bad, and I think the biggest one to take away from our current situation is besides the world being able to heal in its own way, it’s seeing the creativity that is coming out of this time.
Thank you, Curtis, for sharing everything that you did today. I love your attitude and positivity, and I look forward to seeing the rest of season three of Siren. And here’s to a season four for you guys as well.
Thank you, Ruth, I really appreciate you reaching out. So great to chat with you again. Enjoy season three of Siren. Stay healthy and safe, and fingers crossed for a season four!
In the time that I have been privileged to know Curtis, I have never found anything negative, offensive, nor cynical in his attitude, his outlook, or his discourse. Curtis has an uncanny knack for invariably discovering and drawing attention to the “up” side of life, and for that, I am genuinely grateful, especially during this particular season. While he doesn’t adopt a Pollyannaish view of life where he refuses to recognize the reality of the situation, he also doesn’t subscribe to a fatalist view that prophesies nothing but doom and gloom. Just like his character Calvin, Curtis is one who should never be underestimated nor cast aside as s simpleton. To genuinely know Curtis is to realize that his insights are profound, pragmatic, and uplifting. He never views obstacles as something to avoid; instead, he determines how to work around those items barring his way, and if anyone can figure out how to get around these potential pitfalls, rest assured that Curtis Lum can do it. It is with great joy that I continue to embrace him as an essential person in my life because, after all, can you really walk away from Curtis with a frown on your face?? (That’s a rhetorical question, by the way.) In short, his entire countenance and demeanor inspire joy and hope in all who come in contact with him, either virtually or in person, and I am honored to highlight him on my site today.
If you can, I suggest that you tune into Freeform on Thursday (May 7th) night and the three following Thursdays for the monumental conclusion of what is purported to be the most explosive season of Siren yet! (Canadians can tune into ABC Spark.) Additionally, while you are enjoying his performance as Calvin, be sure that you visit his links below and follow him on social media so that you never miss any of his updates, both personally and professionally. In this time of social distancing and bewilderment, we must surround ourselves with positive people who genuinely care about our well-being, and I can attest to the fact that Curtis is a young man who embodies all of those qualities and exceedingly more!