I am ecstatic to spotlight yet another member of the “Hallmark movie supporting cast club”–Chris Shields–who has been featured in at least fifteen Hallmark movies over the course of his career. In addition to that, his other performances have included guest star spots and recurring characters on various shows as well as roles on feature films from practically any genre imaginable. Chris has become a recognizable commodity thanks to some of our most beloved Hallmark movies, and with the premiere of Christmas Joy on the Hallmark Channel this weekend (November 3rd), it is the ideal time to highlight the career of this industry professional who has provided tremendous enjoyment for us over the years.
RH: Why did you decide to become an actor? What kind of training have you had?
CS: When I was about nine years old, we only had one movie theatre with one screen in the small Louisiana town, where I grew up. One Sunday, I went to the movies and the only show playing was this movie called The Champ, with Jon Voigt, Ricky Schroeder and Faye Dunaway. It was the first time a movie had ever affected me emotionally. I knew then, I wanted to try that one day; “that”, meaning acting.
But it wasn’t until a few years later, when I saw Carroll O’Connor, me and my mother’s favourite TV actor, from our favourite TV show, All in the Family, in a TV interview…that’s when I knew I was GOING to do that! I was absolutely amazed at how different he was in real life and even more amazed, at how believable he and Jean Stapleton were at playing their characters…I knew I wanted a piece of that action.
What was your first professional job in the industry and what are your memories of it?
My first job in the industry was playing a Bailiff in Ally McBeal. I had been in L.A. only two days. It was a non-speaking role, but, I was more than happy to do it.
Throughout your time as an actor, you have been in some top sci-fi shows (and other genres). What are some of your most memorable jobs, and why do those stand out?

The 100 — “A Lie Guarded” — Image HU404a_0296 — Pictured (Front L-R): Chris Larkin as Monty, Chelsey Reist as Harper, and Chris Shields as David Miller — Credit: Bettina Strauss/The CW — é 2017 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved
The 100 is the TV show that stands out to me for a number of reasons. Very eclectic group. Very passionate creators and producers. And I have never been so cold, so late in the summer, so often, as I was on those sets. I learned very quickly, how much the temperature drops in the mountains when the sun goes down, especially when it rains…..It was great though.
I also did the very first episode of Criminal Minds. I remember one of the leads telling me how nervous they were about whether or not the show would make it through the season because of the CSI franchise. 13 seasons later…….
It looks like Smart Cookies was your first Hallmark movies (one of the few I have not seen). What was your experience like on that film?
Smart Cookies was very cute. I had only a small role, but, it was fun shooting with the kids.
What are a couple of your favorite roles in Hallmark movies, and why do those stand out?

Taylor Cole, Chris Shields, Matt Visser, Madison Smith Credit: ©2018 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Bettina Strauss
For Hallmark films which have already been released, Ms. Matched and A Novel Romance bring back fond memories. I hit it off very well with some of the actors.
Love on the Slopes had that “Lou Grant” kind of feel to it, with respect to my character.
In The Bridge 2, filmed in 2015, I met Faith Ford, who as it turns out, grew up only fifty miles from where I grew up in Louisiana. Me and her husband, Campion, have actually kept in touch. That was great.
You have also been in some Hollywood blockbuster/big films. Which of those stand out to you, and why do those specifically stand out?
I worked with Steven Spielberg on The BFG, and I was surprised at how pleasant a person he is to be around. I was only there for two weeks, but I never got the impression that anybody’s job or career was in jeopardy if they messed up. And he is by far, the top of our food chain. There was always this feeling of inclusion on set that I cannot say I felt on many big movie sets before. One day, his assistant called me, just to offer Steven’s apology for not getting to my close up that day. I don’t know about anyone else, but I think that’s pretty cool.
This weekend, we are going to see you a Hallmark Christmas movie. Please tell us anything you would like about filming this movie.
Christmas Joy, directed by Monika Mitchell, is one to look for this Christmas. Had a blast filming that one. One of those very well told Christmas stories, with just the right amount of awwwww!
Any other upcoming roles you can mention?
You can find me as a recurring character in the new season of Lost in Space and an ABC show called A Million Little Things.
Do you have any holiday traditions you would like to share?
On New Years Day, me and my daughter, Sammy, have always done the activities we want to do and do well throughout the year. So we pray, read, run, act, basketball, softball, volleyball and eat, etc….She is fifteen now, so hopefully, she hasn’t outgrown it……We will see!

with his daughter
In spite of the brevity of this interview, the fact that Chris took the time to illuminate a few of his career accomplishments is a testament to him as both an actor and a professional. While I have no doubt he could share some entertaining stories about various projects on which he has had the pleasure of working, in veritable “working actor” fashion, he has remained grateful and grounded while continuing to hone his skills over the years. Whenever I have seen him on screen, his acting has always appeared genuine and effortless, and although his characters may fade into the background at various times, his presence and poise when acting are decidedly memorable. I have no reservations in maintaining that his sincere and positive attitude has made him a legendary favorite amongst his peers, and his stellar reputation and willingness to be a team player are attributes that have earned him the status of “preferred,” especially in Hallmark circles.
I hope that all U.S. households will tune in on Saturday evening (November 3rd ) for the premiere of Christmas Joy which is destined to become yet another holiday favorite. Additionally, please check out Chris’ other works at the link below if you are so inclined. I applaud Chris for his savvy approach to his career and the way in which he has chosen to live his life. While his unassuming nature and “B-actor” status may keep him out of the tabloids, there is no doubt that Chris is a consummate professional as well as a devoted father. I look forward to witnessing his prowess for many more years to come.
1 Comment
I have enjoyed watching his career over the years.