Posts tagged with ‘blog’

  • Blogging Challenge January 29: My Vegetarian Journey

    By Ruth on January 30, 2021
    This has totally shocked me over the past few months, and I wanted to explain how this came about. For most of my life, I was consumed with protein. I was constantly worried that my blood sugar would drop (though I had no medical conditions), and I made it a point to eat lots of protein. I wasn’t into vegetables […]
  • Blogging Challenge January 12: Healthy Green Reading

    By Ruth on January 12, 2021
    Since part of my “declarations” (goals) this year include reading more books, I believe I can give you some incredible recommendations. I’ll stick with just a few. The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason I’ve read this one. It’s a bit challenging due to the terminology used sometimes (it’s a bit old school), but I found it to […]
  • Blogging Challenge Day #29: “What would your younger self be proud about who you have become today?”

    By Ruth on December 30, 2020
    I realize I’m a day behind, but in this case, I’m so glad I got to wait to write this! First of all, my younger self always dreamed of being able to work with actors. Granted, at the time, the actors with whom I was enamored were old-time actors and actresses (most of whom had passed on even as I […]
  • Boost Your Blog in 100 Days

    By Ruth on February 15, 2014
    I am so glad that  you are reading about Boost Your Blog in 100 Days.  I was invited to this event, and I am looking  forward to boosting my blog and hoping to help boost others.  I know there are certain things I should do, but  if I am not challenged to do it, I probably won’t. I invite everyone […]
  • Winners Will Soon Be Annouced! Watch Your E-Mails

    By Ruth on September 2, 2013
    Please be patient with me.  I realize there are several giveaways that ended about a week ago or less, and I am behind on choosing winners.  Back to school has taken a lot out of me this year.  So please watch your e-mails.  There will be a lot winner announcements today!  I believe I will also do a blog announcement […]
  • My Website Struggles

    By Ruth on August 11, 2013
    Yes, this was me yesterday, definitely!  If you noticed (and you probably did), my website was offline most of yesterday.  Here’s the real story of what happened.  Are you ready? I woke up, and things were fine.  I was busy posting my “history” post, and things were normal.  It said I needed to update one of my trusted plugins, so […]