Instant Ways To Kill A Bad Mood

By Ruth on September 9, 2016 in advice

No matter how fulfilling or happy our lives are, we all find ourselves occasionally in a bad mood. Maybe we’re down about something specific or maybe we’ve just found ourselves in a funk for no clear reason. When these bad moods happen, it can feel like there’s no way back to the other side. However, no matter how blue you feel, there’s always a way to improve your mood instantly if you put your mind to it. Here are some instant ways to kill a bad mood.

Focus On Beautiful Imagery

Most of us are naturally very visual creatures. When we look at things that are dark or depressing, like the awful stories on the news, it’s easy to feel sad. But when we look at uplifting or beautiful imagery, such as natural scenery images, we feel instantly happier. The next time you feel sad, try searching for some pretty pictures on the internet of your favorite animals or natural scenery. You’ll feel a bit better almost immediately.

Relax and Breathe Deeply

Taking a pause from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives can help to improve our negative moods. If you’re feeling sad, depressed or overwhelmed, try taking a moment to relax–some call this meditation . You don’t have to be a professional meditation guru to be able to relax and you don’t need any special lessons or tapes. Instead, just close your eyes, breathe deeply and try to free your mind of any negative thoughts. If this doesn’t work for you or you don’t have time, try just taking a few long, deep breaths.

Call A Friend or Family Member

Sometimes, all we need when we’re feeling blue is just to talk to someone we love and trust. If you’re in a sad mood, call someone who you know will patiently listen to your problems and offer constructive advice. Taking to someone you’re close to can really help to make you feel better and to make your problem seem less severe. Remember, no matter what you’re going through, it never helps to go through it alone.

If you follow any of these tips, you’re sure to rid yourself of your bad mood faster. No one deserves to be sad. If you’re feeling blue, take care of yourself until you feel better.

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  1. Tammy Kennedy September 12, 2016 Reply

    Thank you
    Cooking gets me out of a bad mood so does Retail Therapy (shopping) sadly can’t afford to so the dollar tree is my best friend

  2. Kyra September 9, 2016 Reply

    Breathing deeply has always been a big one for me. Sometimes I feel like I just have to take a step back from a situation and take a moment.

  3. margaret porter September 9, 2016 Reply

    ;I sure needed to read this. I was in a bad mood the last two days!

  4. Deborah September 9, 2016 Reply

    Another thing that helps me is to do some sort of exercise. Even a very short bodyweight workout can release some endorphins for a better mood.

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